Troubles with my Flo-n-Gro system, brown roots and slow growth


New Member
Oh so your flooding newly planted rockwool clones 4 times a day like warlock recomended to the newbie whose rockwool clones are dying. And this was before he said that I dont know how to grow.


Rebel From The North
Not about who's right or rong! What works for one
might not for others, just the nature of things!
i flood x3 for 15min during lights on. From start
to finish with r/w no root rot. I use tea also, fflooding
alot only replaces the old water with new! As long
as your plant don't show signs of over watering then
flood away :)


Well-Known Member
Oh so your flooding newly planted rockwool clones 4 times a day like warlock recomended to the newbie whose rockwool clones are dying. And this was before he said that I dont know how to grow.
He was over watering. I said that. And told him how to fix it. And 4 times a day is fine for RW.


New Member
If he (newbie)is taking rockwool clones with roots barely poking out and flooding so often that would cause
constant and complete saturation of the rockwool and possibly cause the brown roots and dying clone question that started this thread.
I had it happen to me in my old flow n grow watering 3 times a day and many people have overwatered rockwool especially newbies as it should dry out some in between waterings.


Well-Known Member
your not very "cool" man, just chill. starting shit with 2 of the coolest dude on this site (warlock hellraizer) only means your gonna run into some serious problems later with some real assholes.

from what ive seen everybody(except one person a page back..) gave good advice, but warlock is absolutely right, what may work in one situation for one person may not work for another in the same spot. and if anybody know their shit, about hydro its warlock, hes my go to guy when i got hydro ?s.


Well-Known Member
And nobody said anything about that. It was a good point we overlooked. We just pointed out what we do and what works. And I simply do exactly what you said not to. So showed how that is done.


New Member
your not very "cool" man, just chill. starting shit with 2 of the coolest dude on this site (warlock hellraizer) only means your gonna run into some serious problems later with some real assholes.

from what ive seen everybody(except one person a page back..) gave good advice, but warlock is absolutely right, what may work in one situation for one person may not work for another in the same spot. and if anybody know their shit, about hydro its warlock, hes my go to guy when i got hydro ?s.
Actually since you want to get involved I think it started by him saying.. I dont know how to grow. I guess you felt the need to jump in though.
Maybe just diferances in opinion. There are many ways to rock a grow!


New Member
If he (newbie)is taking rockwool clones with roots barely poking out and flooding so often that would cause
constant and complete saturation of the rockwool and possibly cause the brown roots and dying clone question that started this thread.
I had it happen to me in my old flow n grow watering 3 times a day and many people have overwatered rockwool especially newbies as it should dry out some in between waterings.
its prety hard to over water with rock wool gravity pulls out the water .just my thoughts


Well-Known Member
Good example of a person passing on bad info. I run exactly what your saying not to. Maybe if you know how to grow you would know the difference.
That is what I said. I like how you deleted your post to make it sound like I'm talking shit. when all it is is different growing styles


New Member
My post is still there and you telling me "if you new how to grow you would know the difference" is kind of talking shit.
No worries though different styles for sure.


New Member
its prety hard to over water with rock wool gravity pulls out the water .just my thoughts

I couldn,t disagree more and the forums are full of people overwatering rockwool which can hold like 90 percent water.
It has some wicking action and with a larger cube alot of the water settles in the bottom half but with a 1 inch cube it stays complety saturated as the wicking action counters the gravity.
Just my thoughts.


Active Member
Im running into some over watering issues using 4x2 inch blocks. the roots are hitting the bottom of the flo n gro bucket. i changed the rez yesterday and up'ed the ppm to around 700 and started getting signs of nute burn i thought. So i drained about 20 gals and added more r/o to drop ppm. well long story short it wasnt the nutes cause i was still getting the problem of leaves curling down and droopy looking. so i changed there water cycle to about 4 times a day for 15 mins every 4 hours and hopefully they perk back up.

any ways Good luck with your grow hope all works out.


Well-Known Member
I have found all of these systems have there flaws and I have found easy ways around them, for one if having issues when roots get into lower sites just get a big pump with shallow stones in every site, control bucket and res. this is what I did and things haven't been going smoother with this system :)

tree king

Well-Known Member
I couldn,t disagree more and the forums are full of people overwatering rockwool which can hold like 90 percent water.
It has some wicking action and with a larger cube alot of the water settles in the bottom half but with a 1 inch cube it stays complety saturated as the wicking action counters the gravity.
Just my thoughts.
ive been saying this for years and people think im crazy. those things hold so much fuckin water i had rot so many times. now ive figured out that when it comes to 4" squared cubes you dont wanna flood those more that every 4 hours ever in flower. and during lights off id only flood it once. and this is with a heavy yielding strain you might only wanna flood every 6 hours with some strains. ive learned my lesson wit those but then again im talkin about ebb n flow

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
I feel overwatering is a very common problem in hydro. ppl think just because it is hydroponics you have to flood all the time. so not true often 1x a day is more than enuf. The fact is watering less helps eliminate many rez and root problems. you can spend all the time and money on h202, teas', bleach, bennies, zymes and sacrificed goats blood and still have tons of problems. Odds are by decreasing rez temps, increasing dissolved oxygen and decreasing waterings most rez problems will go away. Now people think oh its hydro the more you give em nutes the more they will grow/yield. well lets think about this. If more flood time is better then why are there root/rez problems? The fact with dope is you want the roots to be semi dry before the next flood. If they are not your are flooding too much, period. Pull a pot out right before your next watering if ANY water runs out of it wait a couple more hours to flood. I run sog and ebb and gro and I flood 1x a day in hydroton easily in both systems. Now if my room starts heating up past 80F I may go 2x every other day but rarely do I find it necessary to flood 2x everyday.