NEW UnderCurrent 1800 watt 14 plant dwc system


Well-Known Member
This is my first undercurrent system. 2nd dwc.
Any good advice gets reputation

Grape Ape
Pineapple Express
White Widow
Blue Cheese
Maple Leaf Indica x2
ICE x2
Burmese Kush x2
Barney x2
Honey Bee x2

70 gal system with 20 gal backup res
600 watt x3
700gph Danner magdrive water pump
112 watt air pump
1 1/2 pvc with uniseals
400cfm fan

Started Jan. 10

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Well-Known Member
you keeping her sterile or using beneficial bacteria?:leaf:
I have some Great white but havent put any in yet as i plan on holding out on a res change for like 3 weeks and myco in dwc kind of mucks everything up if left too long. i will be adding some like a week before res change tho


Well-Known Member
i noticed the zho kind of 'mucked' up the buckets and airstones a bit too, but great white is really clean. you may see a little residue, but only when using too much. ive safely run half a scoop per ten gallons every 10 days, seems to go further than they'd like to say. The tea is great if fighting the slime, or big applications like yours. I made the tea, its just less of a hassel to use the great white alone for my small grows. When they are this young, id recommend hitting them now with some. prevention is key with the slime. IMO:leaf:


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
This is my first undercurrent system. 2nd dwc.
Any good advice gets reputation

Grape Ape
Pineapple Express
White Widow
Blue Cheese
Maple Leaf Indica x2
ICE x2
Burmese Kush x2
Barney x2
Honey Bee x2

70 gal system with 20 gal backup res
600 watt x3
700gph Danner magdrive water pump
112 watt air pump
1 1/2 pvc with uniseals
400cfm fan

Started Jan. 10
Wow very nice, great, clean setup. The only small piece of advice I can offer you is to cover that rockwool to keep down algae growth! Do you have a grow journal? This would be fun to follow. I really want to hear how the Maple Indica turns out.

sky rocket

Well-Known Member
What's the 411 on your grow, nutes, co2, a/c, r/o water, veg or flower, seeds or clones, etc. Have you grown multiple strains under one resovoir? I think that's one downfall each strain will not ready all at the same time. Some strains may be pushed or some may be sensitive to ppm. I never grow those strains so I don't know. Personally I would have grown one strain in this system. But good luck. I'm all aboard.


Well-Known Member
What's the 411 on your grow, nutes, co2, a/c, r/o water, veg or flower, seeds or clones, etc. Have you grown multiple strains under one resovoir? I think that's one downfall each strain will not ready all at the same time. Some strains may be pushed or some may be sensitive to ppm. I never grow those strains so I don't know. Personally I would have grown one strain in this system. But good luck. I'm all aboard.
Right now just using Botanicare CNS17 grow, some aquashield and some superthrive
no co2, straight hose water, no a/c, first days of veg... all clones
last grow was 5 diff strains in dwc with top feed and there was a difference with each strain and how it reacted to the nutes but no problems really

Do you have a grow journal?
i thought this was a journal. how do i make one


Well-Known Member
as far as i can remember without reading further in the heisenberg thread, Rdwc seems to be more susceptiple to slime, maybe. If you have not ever had it.(which i havent) you should do what you can to avoid it. as far as I know, superthrive can be a catalyst to produce slime, especially in highly oxygenated resi. ie. Rdwc. the slime can nail you in one night, without further adieu, party is over. just a heads up if you dont have a team of bacteria fighting the good fight. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
quick update roots are just starting to poke out of the pots and head into the water.
anybody know what that shit is at the bottom? i had rinsed my hydroton but that stuff on the uniseals is like slimey almost.
either way ill find out when i swap water... in like two weeks


guerrilla medic

Well-Known Member
looks like algae....i'm sure there is no going back now, but one thing that i learned a long time ago is to try and run the same or very similar genetics in terms of flower length and nutritional needs. i ended up splitting a ten unit system that i built into a few smaller systems so as to dial each strain in. impossible when running several together. i swear by frequent changeouts (10days) and h202 but you'll get varying opinions on this. good luck partner i'll be watching the show.


Well-Known Member
Hoping most of the screen will fill out during stretch but im not sure when i should stop training branches
and let buds start stacking up. If i train all through stretch will i have short stubby buds?
.cleaned all the slime and hydroton dust out of the buckets and res
.found some hydroton at my pumps intake that was majorly slowing return water pressure down
.blue cheese didnt make it so im planning to make widow take up two spots
.Haven't added SHIT except that great white myco a few weeks ago which seemed to help/clean the roots ALOT
other than that no nutes since what was added on day one and that was at like 20% strength bc i ran out

Ive determined the dirt at the bottom of the buckets and gunk/slime on the uniseals was due to:
-Hydroton that broke apart in the baskets and was dirty even tho i rinsed it all twice prior
-too much superthrive in the beginning
-not using myco


So I'm letting them adjust to flower before I add new nutes
but I'm not sure what combination of these I should use...
Any advice is much appreciated!!!!
more coming soon


Well-Known Member
Added flower nutrients finally
About 70 gallons in the system then there's the 20 gal reserve which is just hose water
-CNS17 350 ml
-Hydroplex 140 ml

Maple Leaf.........Burmese.......ICE.........Barney............Barney


Well-Known Member
i ended up going into each bucket one by one with a shitty old pump that i rigged a hose to and sucking it all up and to a filter which took forever and i don't intend on letting it happen again but its all clean now.