NiRvAnA SeeD ReViEwS!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
i'm not doggin on anything. if someone tells you they are the best in the world and you dont get the absolute best results, you'll whine about who recommended them.... IT IS A RISK NO MATTER WHAT... if a seedbank has a 100% success rate, you have to go into it understanding you might be the VERY FIRST PERSON to have bad results... its just that way... there is no point asking people... every experience is individual...

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
i'm not doggin on anything. if someone tells you they are the best in the world and you dont get the absolute best results, you'll whine about who recommended them.... IT IS A RISK NO MATTER WHAT... if a seedbank has a 100% success rate, you have to go into it understanding you might be the VERY FIRST PERSON to have bad results... its just that way... there is no point asking people... every experience is individual...
Can't argue with that. Well said.


Well-Known Member
yeah its a great point if we were sitting here debating wether or not there is a risk in buying seeds and results of success on seedbanks, then we could delve into this thread NATZi's point of view. BUT since the original ? was pertaining to good stories, meaning positive outcomes of a peoples business with nirvana and grows. We should have a fucking right to share, wether or not the guy in russia got his shit sent somewhere else or the guy in georgia just got scammed... it went wonderful for me "Happyseeds" the company did what they sad they would for MY PURCHASES ANYWAY. and you have a right to ask your question on this site:peace:


Well-Known Member
you will get them and love them, but plan on a good 10 business days with nirvana. Atleast thats what it took for me and i live in the states. I switched to BC seedking and was very impressed, i ordered kush seeds and they sell theres by 15 not 10 seeds in a standard order. not to mention i got 10 free BC mango seeds and opt to pay a lil extra for priority mail(got my order in 4 b days)


Well-Known Member
i ordered PPP from nirvana. all 5 feminized seeds germinated, there in flower now doing great
Damn, I ordered 5x PPP Feminised and only 1 was good, 1x was sickly and stunted and 3 didn't sprout.
I sent an email to Nirvana and they sent me another 5x PPP for free.

But unfortunately I had the exact same result, 1 good, 1 sickly and 3 no shows. No idea what is wrong as I usually have 100% success.


Well-Known Member
see... back to back... 1 completely positive (although it wasnt for nirvana) and 1 negative...


Well-Known Member
DaMn i want some feminized ak-47 or big bud....but i cant find anywhere.any recomendations would be AWESOME!


Well-Known Member
I germed 9 Nirvana seeds. All nine popped. California Orange Bud and Early Special. 5 females and 4 males. Third week of flower and the females are growing insanely fast.Took about 10 days to get my seeds. Emails every step of the way.


Well-Known Member
alrite lets here some success stories about nirvana seeds. i wanna get some from there but all i hear is there BAD quality DO NOT germinate and no good. so can someone sell me on odering from them??????????
got my seeds in 10 days in the states. just started germing them. would order from them again

The Stig

Well-Known Member
well I bough my seed at nirvana and until now I'm very happy with it!

the stealth pack they use works for me (customs in my country do peek a lot on packages, but not inside gloves haha :twisted:)

9 out 10 seeds sprout in less than 48 hours
and I'm very happy with the best females that I got

only problem was that it took like 1 month to get here lol, but its ok if you are not in a hurry to get new seeds


Well-Known Member
I got some jock horror and papaya from them.Out of 20 seeds,18 germinated and had 12 females in total.Not bad if you ask me.And i got the seeds in about 12 days and very stealth like.


Well-Known Member
posted a few times allready but....

germ 5 white widow, 4 healthy plants, 3 females and a male, the tallest of which is turning purple (night temps are around 68)

did 5 AK48 seeds, got 4 healthy plants. ende dup with 3 females and a male.

shipping was good, price was good, good stealth, great genetics i dont care what people say.

just enough variation to make it more fun to pick a mom, but stable plants