FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

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Active Member
heres around seed run ran through a stress , root bounded em, for about 3 weeks to force early males and hermies or weak genetics to show before i put em in flower
, stress tested . .

in flower, just ready to clip

Hey finmildew all those shiny things are trichs. Quite unlike the fluffy white stuff on yours.


New Member
Your threads are worthless, you don't help people, your conceited, and you lack growing experience. Seeing you banned would make my day. Spamming your worthless crap all over this forum is not needed.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
"you think your drunk"

havent you been deflowering girls since 14 drunk . . . wouldn't you know by now, or are you only drunk when there's guilt and shame in the room


Well-Known Member
i was in favor of a ban since spammy first showed up. since day numero uno.

but now, i say let him stay. it would be unfair to all the other spammers that get banned, but let him finish out the thread at least. especially if he agrees to cool it with the relentless respamming of vids.

also, this shit amuses me and my wife greatly. i would almost be sad to see him go. almost.
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