FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

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Well-Known Member
:)once upon a time there was a troll army, heading towards a forum, which was infested by hundreds of faggots who are between 8-12. the army realized the situation was grave, they were outnumbered by those online on the forum by exactly three folds. the leader of the army, a level 20 troll, entered a thread alone holding a golden club and trolled all in the thread to death then plotted to invade the forum by charging through the most crowded sub forum, the general discussion forum. However, they failed to penetrate through it and the leader of the trolls perished after getting banned. the remaining army, now with less than 30 trolls left, returned to their headquarters and cried. a high level troll, at level 21491281932, which was the highest level a troll could have, suddenly entered the forum, an overpowering aura could be felt as the legendary troll crunched the forum with its 4 teeth and charged into the main forum alone. the faggots in the forum then got mad and started hacking, but the high level troll was invincible. he went /run gameguard.exe and all the hackers got banned.desperate, they took out a ton of troll extinguishers and sprayed it at the troll. normally any troll would have died multiple times but this troll stood there but the rest of the forum got so mad they died of high blood pressure. THE END :)


New Member
:)once upon a time there was a troll army, heading towards a forum, which was infested by hundreds of faggots who are between 8-12. the army realized the situation was grave, they were outnumbered by those online on the forum by exactly three folds. the leader of the army, a level 20 troll, entered a thread alone holding a golden club and trolled all in the thread to death then plotted to invade the forum by charging through the most crowded sub forum, the general discussion forum. However, they failed to penetrate through it and the leader of the trolls perished after getting banned. the remaining army, now with less than 30 trolls left, returned to their headquarters and cried. a high level troll, at level 21491281932, which was the highest level a troll could have, suddenly entered the forum, an overpowering aura could be felt as the legendary troll crunched the forum with its 4 teeth and charged into the main forum alone. the faggots in the forum then got mad and started hacking, but the high level troll was invincible. he went /run gameguard.exe and all the hackers got banned.desperate, they took out a ton of troll extinguishers and sprayed it at the troll. normally any troll would have died multiple times but this troll stood there but the rest of the forum got so mad they died of high blood pressure. THE END :)
Can I add on to the story?


Well-Known Member
just for laughs............................................ ......[video=youtube;TqNQdLlZsxc][/video]


Well-Known Member
This thread was never "great".
It can fall wayy deeper into hell than this, just wait until cum shammy wakes up and starts ranting cause he drank too much last night and a pig pooped in his head. Its not done yet scabie, or is it? Are they dead yet? Did you hook up the shoplight and fry them like the eggs in the strange toaster thing buck posted?? BTW, that toaster would be on my list if it cooked bacon at the same time, what if it had a shop light attached to the side? That would fry anything! Cum Shammy, bring the spotlight and milk to my house and ill get the toaster, breakfast and a joint always cures a hangover lol p.s. ill bring the dank dank, you can make hash outta yours.


Well-Known Member
this is how much you suck. You can post a picture of a girl that is ^^ this hot ( who would never sleep with you ( its a fact ) )
:lol: I have slept with her :lol: Did you not read where I said I hung out with girls and we got drunk a lot and I would do things with my friends? That girl was one of my best friends :dunce:


Well-Known Member
i'm hypothesizing that spammy's drunken meltdown is due to the plants having died already, somehow.

maybe they didn't die due to spammy, but maybe his room mates sabotaging him? ya never know. he was taking their beer, could be payback.
They aren't dead. You snitched and I got talked to by the admin :dunce: Notice about 200 posts got deleted as well :dunce:


Well-Known Member
I like this thread, please dont end it. Its shit baggies own choice to attract negative attention to himself and after 282 pages hes gotten very good at it.
If you guys like it so much STOP BEING PUSSIES. YA'LL talk shit, the you go run off and snitch on me for posting on my own thread, fuck ya'll :lol:


Well-Known Member
:)once upon a time there was a troll army, heading towards a forum, which was infested by hundreds of faggots who are between 8-12. the army realized the situation was grave, they were outnumbered by those online on the forum by exactly three folds. the leader of the army, a level 20 troll, entered a thread alone holding a golden club and trolled all in the thread to death then plotted to invade the forum by charging through the most crowded sub forum, the general discussion forum. However, they failed to penetrate through it and the leader of the trolls perished after getting banned. the remaining army, now with less than 30 trolls left, returned to their headquarters and cried. a high level troll, at level 21491281932, which was the highest level a troll could have, suddenly entered the forum, an overpowering aura could be felt as the legendary troll crunched the forum with its 4 teeth and charged into the main forum alone. the faggots in the forum then got mad and started hacking, but the high level troll was invincible. he went /run gameguard.exe and all the hackers got banned.desperate, they took out a ton of troll extinguishers and sprayed it at the troll. normally any troll would have died multiple times but this troll stood there but the rest of the forum got so mad they died of high blood pressure. THE END :)
:lol: What the fuck does this have to do with anything :lol: Nice troll fic. :lol: How does this stay, but me saying "I don't fuck 14 year olds" gets deleted as spam. What the fuck is wrong with Troll It Up. This place is turning to shit.
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