Think Ive got a male :(, advice needed please

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
i usually get my first indication of sex a couple of nodes down from the top. i use my 30x jewelers loupe and check around. i really dont worry about it much because i still wont pull it until after its been in 12/12.

then if male i will inspect it for possible breeding stock and chop it. if i want to try and get some seeds, i will save the clone i have of it. if not i will pull the clones of it.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
mj takes longer than 4 weeks to reach sexual maturity, ...more like 8 to 12.


i grow mostly indica dom strains and showing pre-flower around week 4-6 of veg. shows its coming into maturity and by week 8 should be there. 12 weeks seems like a long time to reach sexual maturity.

have you grown any that have taken that long and what strain was it? also what was the flowering time on it?



Well-Known Member
i grow mostly indica dom strains and showing pre-flower around week 4-6 of veg. shows its coming into maturity and by week 8 should be there. 12 weeks seems like a long time to reach sexual maturity.

have you grown any that have taken that long and what strain was it? also what was the flowering time on it?

i recently culled a couple of freebies i popped that came to me without a clear indication of what they were, ...anyway, they turned out to be as close to a pure sativa as i've ever grown, not that i have decades of experience mind you as i've only been growing for a bit more than 6 years. i flipped them with a bunch of other seed starts at about 8 weeks from seed, i'd have to go back and check my 'notes', lol, ...anyway, they took more than a month after the flip before i had definitive proof that they were female, about 8 weeks of 24/7 and then 4 weeks of 12/12.

...i chopped them early at 20 weeks, ...way too phucking long a turnaround time for this old stoner!

peace, bozo

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
now that i think about it. i only start seeds once a year and then its clones the rest of the year. but i have had some slow veggers that i never end up getting clones from and only get grown once. they did take along time to show pre-flowers and get alt. nodes.


Well-Known Member
think il use my microscope to have a proper look tonight, if i can find my magnifying glass, will help for pics too. il find out soon enough im hoping lol


Well-Known Member
From what I have seen male flowers do not have trichomes on them - ball on a stick.
Female calyxes have trichomes.


Well-Known Member
Checked under a microscope tonight, and the balls look even both sides, like a wigwam shape rather than a crabs claw. There are trichomes on the balls too. I'm confused now lol. I've started flowering tonight anyway, so hopefully be able to tell for sure soon enough


Well-Known Member
From what I have seen male flowers do not have trichomes on them - ball on a stick.
Female calyxes have trichomes.
Under a 60x scope i can usually see little crystals on the leaves and preflowers on both male and female.

I don't know whether these are terpene's, or a tyoe of trichome (they're so much smaller than normal)
as i have never seen pictures of terpenes.


Active Member
I think I may have a second male I guess better luck next time it may be to early but the growth is similar to the one I chopped it's jut slower.


I turned my plants about a week ago, and this one turned out to be a male :View attachment 2480018

Im a firsttime grower myself, and everbody said that this one is a male.
Just thought u´d wanna see a pic, cuz most of the pics ive seen in the forum looks like screendumps from an old Nintendo...


Well-Known Member
ive had spam, but thats just strange lol. in that pic can clearly see balls, after 6pm tonight, il be checking, as i will have been flowering for a night, prob wont do much difference, but you never know


Well-Known Member
hope its not another male for u jeff, how many plants are you growing in total? if its a few, one or 2 males isnt too bad, as mine is just one, its annoying if it is male that i have to start again lol. if it isnt, and its female, i then need to start worrying about smell, as havent got a carbon filter or anything, and due a house inspection soon lol