
Well-Known Member
Should have known that was an adolescent bald eagle...tii small to be adult golden...awesome pics tho...I am a bird Guy...was just watching a hawk in a tree with bionics. From my window, have bird food out there to feed small birds n squirrels. Hopefully see some hawks.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
It really does look close to a Golden Eagle, I haven't really seen any of those around here though. Lots of Bald Eagles and their young.
You would think that someone who has a bird watching fetish would be able to identify birds correctly. I always screw up with juveniles and transitioning plumage. A lot of birds have different plumage during winter. I have Sibley's and Stoke's field guides and I still can't get the hang of it.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Should have known that was an adolescent bald eagle...tii small to be adult golden...awesome pics tho...I am a bird Guy...was just watching a hawk in a tree with bionics. From my window, have bird food out there to feed small birds n squirrels. Hopefully see some hawks.
I have a resident Sharp-shinned hawk that keeps picking off the birds at my bird feeder. Just recently a Red-tailed Hawk decided to join the fray.

Here is an example of winter plumage:

An American Goldfinch. Here is how they look in Summer:



New Member
dude..I heard of eagles having 6 foot wingspans but dammmnnnn that eagle could probably lift my german shepherd off the ground....


Well-Known Member
Catfish, very fascinating program and movie...
it's bethanybrawndo's "proof" picture. it was caught as a convincing photoshop of some tumblr picture from years before. happens all the time.

i just wonder who pretends to be woman online? and why? it's just fascinating.