2nd LED Party Cup Competition Official Update Thread

Good job on the growth, how many days is this?, and what light is it under?
Color looks a bit off, but nice job..

Looks like you haven't been posting pictures in about 3 weeks, kinda hard to see the weekly growth if there isn't nothing to compare it too.
Not saying anything bad, but you just don't have post showing from where you started to this point. Just wondering..
Thanks brotha. I have been swamped at work so I didn't update like I should. I will start trying to update every week so folks can see whats happening faster. She is about a month old. I think it germed on the 16th? The light is a diy consisting of ww cw and 635nm reds. I don't remember the ratio but I posted it when made my first update. I think some folks asked about the roots growing all over the place and the ph and what nutes I'm using. I trim the roots EVERY day as they come out of the cup and I adjust the PH now twice a day!!!LOL I am using Gen Hydro Flora Series nutes and I am going more or less by the book. I think this week I did 10mL bloom 7.5ml micro 5mL grow 1ml rapid start(roots) 1mL Floralicious. Every day is different as this thing gets bigger and I can't wait till it gets to be a monster in full bloom plowing though nutrients terrible PH changes. I think I am going to try to grow only with the 40 watt light just to see what happens cuz it goes with the rest of the cockamamie setup.

Campo Cultivator

Well-Known Member
lol be careful trimming your roots every day brother its going to give a lots of opportunity for pythium to creep in there
whats your rez temps like
maybe you should be looking at aqua shield as a preventative

sgt john

Well-Known Member
update, day #34..
Coming along ok, starting to see the growth speed up some, still under the h350 Kessil, @ 12/12..
Not seen any signs of sex, I know its a fem seed, but not any signes of bud yet, but they're coming..

I'm still using General Organics, I haven't had any problems using this yet..
My CO2 regulator broke down, so I'm using it by hand a little at a time, when I can..

Some of the other contestants have some good grows going, I believe I will have to step up my game some, and switch my Kessil out for some thing else.. I'll give the Kessil another week..

Thanks again for allowing me to be in this contest, and good luck to everyone..

Campo Cultivator

Well-Known Member
sweet sarge looking real goodI think I might just give up now no sex by day 32 dude she is going to be a monster if you can keep a handle on the medium


Well-Known Member
Maybe in the CFL section of RIU?

Oh sorry, now i get you...you can paint your party cup floro if you like.... :-P
There was one awhile ago but it seemed to not get the same attention as the LED ones. I'll still be looking around here though, nice competition.


Well-Known Member
Update #5

Well here comes the competition and people seem to be getting off to great starts, well the ones who walk on two legs at least :). All I can say so far is "I am in trouble".

My plant has been drinking nothing but water this week and that was my mistake cause now she's in full flower. I should have introduced the hormones I've been feeding her recently earlier, but I didn't want to stress the plant before it was sexed. Fems next time for sure. The one thing I learned about CM is it doesn't stretch much at all. I thought it would stretch like a bitch with the auxins I was feeding it but it hasn't. And CM has a lot more indica in it than I knew, so since she's not srtetching, I'll just let her grow natural instead of LSTing and see if I can grow something beautiful. What's that famous saying? "Size doesn't matter. It's how you use it multiplied by your credit rating", right?

Looks OK, huh?Closeup. How big are these things supposed to get?

Notice my cup is sporting Ghetto Gro's latest and greatest reflector?

Company spokesperson Sally "Squints" McGirt put it quite plainly, stating, "Don't believe my dumb ass, just go buy the muthafucka! Daaaaaamn!"

And since the technology factor has gone off the charts in this competition, what with the squid-boys and their scuba gear and people using C02, I had no choice but to upgrade to the latest Ghetto Gro reflector and I've decided it's time to call in the A team. First things first I've got to get my plant's head in the right place, so I've hire famed Hollywood plant psychiatrist, former LA county assistant DA and part time Occultist, the Reverend Lester "Squiggles" Hardapple, (straight of his triumph with Erik Estrada's neurotic Spider plant), to come in to get my plant to fully accept it's role in life and analyze it's genetic predisposition to form Class 1 inferiority complexes. Or some shit like that.

Lester's in town and you're goin' down! Game On Bitches!

See ya soon, LOSERS! LOL


Active Member
Well, update in that all of my seeds have popped. All six haha. So I've got one extra I'll be throwing in a larger pot and growing alongside them for a while.

Five labelled and happily growing. Let's hope for at least one female Buddha


Active Member
Fran, I'm no expert but I am a little scared that your leaves look to be showing some signs of powdery mildew.

Maybe it's just foliar feeding if you're doing that, but if it isn't catch it early!


Well-Known Member
Update #5

Well here comes the competition and people seem to be getting off to great starts, well the one's who walk on two legs at least :). All I can say so far is "I am in trouble".

My plant has been drinking nothing but water this week and that was my mistake cause now she's in full flower. I should have introduced the hormones I've been feeding her recently earlier, but I didn't want to stress the plant before it was sexed. Fems next time for sure. The one thing I learned about CM is it doesn't stretch much at all. I thought it would stretch like a bitch with the auxins I was feeding it but it hasn't. And CM has a lot more indica in it than I knew, so since she's not srtetching, I'll just let her grow natural instead of LSTing and see if I can grow something beautiful. What's that famous saying? "Size doesn't matter. It's how you use it multiplied by your credit rating", right?

Looks OK, huh?Closeup. How big are these things supposed to get?

Notice my cup is sporting Ghetto Gro's latest and greatest reflector?

Company spokesperson Sally "Squints" McGirt put it quite plainly, stating, "Don't believe my dumb ass, just go buy the muthafucka! Daaaaaamn!"

And since the technology factor has gone off the charts in this competition, what with the squid-boys and their scuba gear and people using C02, I had no choice but to upgrade to the latest Ghetto Gro reflector and I've decided it's time to call in the A team. First things first I've got to get my plant's head in the right place, so I've hire famed Hollywood plant psychiatrist, former LA county assistant DA and part time Occultist, the Reverend Lester "Squiggles" Hardapple, (straight of his triumph with Erik Estrada's neurotic Spider plant), to come in to get my plant to fully accept it's role in life and analyze it's genetic predisposition to form Class 1 inferiority complexes. Or some shit like that.

Lester's in town and you're goin' down! Game On Bitches!

See ya soon, LOSERS! LOL
Is that Ruxin from "The League"?


Well-Known Member
Fran, I'm no expert but I am a little scared that your leaves look to be showing some signs of powdery mildew.

Maybe it's just foliar feeding if you're doing that, but if it isn't catch it early!
Thank you Psy but what you're seeing is my newest addiction to keeping my plants slathered in Calcium Carbonate. I foliar feed them that stuff up until the first few weeks of flower, but I did go a little overboard this time :). I'll be rinsing it off slowly for the next few weeks. The ironic thing about your observation is, and it's a great thing about CC, it raises your PH in your leaves and that supposedly makes it next to impossible to get PM, though if you see your leaf tips curl you've been using too much. Just like mine :). Another reason I'm a big fan Of CC is the CO2 boost and it's extra calcium for our LED babies. Thanks again though Psy :)!

Campo Cultivator

Well-Known Member
bloody hell I was hoping everyone's plants were dead by now and I would win by default :wall: btw nice looking plant fran I might even let you come in second place I think you are right not lsting or nipping that girl she firming up already !