The Police came to my house


Well-Known Member
"must be nice" Is right.

Meanwhile if i get caught with a few plants i'll get a criminal record.What a fucked up disgusting world.

On to my point on the issue.It seems obvious ,but why didn't you ask hem when they were there? Or why not ring them now and ask them now? That would be your best bet.We stoners are only here for entertainment purposes.


Well-Known Member
And that was a lie.

Not this time, maybe. But it was definitely a lie.
I'm amazed that growers would not take the time to research their own rights as homeowners, then allow the authorities to lie/intimidate growers into a confession.


Well-Known Member
I'm amazed that growers would not take the time to research their own rights as homeowners, then allow the authorities to lie/intimidate growers into a confession.
It is an example like this that makes it so tough on the rest of us.
If you can LEGALLY grow, dont screw it up. Do some research, find out exactly what you can and cannot do and be informed when the police knock on your door.


Well-Known Member
Under the guidelines, qualified patients and/or their primary caregivers may possess no more than eight ounces of dried marijuana and/or six mature (or 12 immature) marijuana plants.


Active Member
Under the guidelines, qualified patients and/or their primary caregivers may possess no more than eight ounces of dried marijuana and/or six mature (or 12 immature) marijuana plants.
As a California card holder this is interesting to me for sure. My script allows the above quoted plant numbers however my wife was issued a rec for up to 99 mature plants. I would never dream of flowering 99 plants but at times i have that many clones/teens/moms on site but only for other patients of our state licensed collective and the collectives we trade goods and services with to help offset the costs of electricity and nutrients ect. I have 10 valid scripts posted at my grow and most are the 6/12 variety but a few are random plant counts. I guess what im getting at is that while our state voted mmj in 1996 we still have a shit ton of rules and regulations to deal with. It all varies from city to city as for now the state has left it up to individual municipalities to create their own regs. So while I can legally grow in my back yard my buddy in the city that borders mine cant. But hell he cant smoke a cigarette in a park in his city lol


Well-Known Member
I was leaving so I opened the garage door so they surprised me and said if I dont let them in, they would be back with a warrant in 7 hours. They told me they will not arrest me if I show them my operation so I let them in.
ahhhhhhh hahahahahahahahaahahahhaa NEVER DO THIS!!!!! basically someone complained, they weaseled their way in and saw that you had too could have said im sorry but im in compliance with the law you have no right to enter my house and you cant arrest me...then find out how many your over and make a choice..chop em, move em, something..and they may have come back with a warrant but most likely they cant obtain one without more information and you would never have seen them again. since you did let them in they will likely be back in a few days with a warrant lol because now they have proof your not within the law.


Well-Known Member
As I posted above if it was that obvious to his neighbors he was growing it probably is to the police as well which would give them probable cause.
being obvious that he is growing is NOT probable cause when he has a med card..they need sure knowledge that he is over limit


Well-Known Member
i had a cop knock on my door once...didnt answer, never saw em again....btw dont mean to laugh at you i just can never get over how many people dont understand what the police can and cannot do

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
Personally I'd rather address them like a man and find out what the fuck they want, rather than hide like a little bitch and wonder for days if they're coming back or not.


Well-Known Member
I am a small grower in Southern California Orange County area. I have four 600 watt lights with 36 plants total. Yesterday the local police dropped in and told me I need to downsize to the legal limit. They said they would give me a few days to do this. I have nosy neighbors and am not growing in the right location. The police informed me that the neighbors were the cause of the complaint. My Question is at the same time how many plants total can I have in Vegetative stage and how many I can have in flowering total??
The police did not arrest me. But will be back to see the downsize.
Post copies of your license and Dr. recommendation stating the need for 50 plants on the door/s of your grow room. Take pics of your operation and store them in a safe place.
in my naborhood it's important that the cops know I'm not the enemy. :blsmoke:

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
You got lucky, I did too once. Do the right thing because you are under their radar now. Get rid of everything but what you are allowed to have that means plants and dried MJ. Whater the state's limits are. IDK what that is I thought it was 12 but you should know for sure. Out here in colorado peopleoften get larger limits recommended to them by doctors and it even says that on their redcard, but the state could and probably would still charge you because it is more than the state law. Make sure you dispose of all the plant material because they could call that dried product and I would downscale that growroom if I was you. 4 600s is a lot for a personal garden.


Well-Known Member
Personally I'd rather address them like a man and find out what the fuck they want, rather than hide like a little bitch and wonder for days if they're coming back or not.
lmao ok big man we will see where that gets i a little bitch for not answering the door if the mail man or someone selling something knocks?? no because i dont want to talk to them, so am i a little bitch if i dont answer when the cops knock uhh no because i dont want to talk to them...sounds like your the one letting them call the shots while im taking the bitch??


to answer your question, 6 is the mature limit in cali. the cops will misconstrue this a bit, so they can decide what they think is mature. but as long as that they dont have any apparent pre-flowers or you have 15 6 foot tall trees you should be fine. 6 with flowers. hope this helps!:leaf:


Active Member
First thing is first
im from CA and know the law pretty well, so here.

They CANNOT get a warrant based on heat signature
They CANNOT get a warrant based on electricity
They CAN use smell and neighbor complaints to investigate.
If upon investigation they either
A: Find traces of marijuana on 2 separate occasions in your trash.
B: you let them in and they see you are running an operation.
they can now get a warrant
NEVER let a police officer into your home.
DONT answer the door the first time.
They will leave, when they do get all your plant numbers and legal documents in order if they come back.
IF they come back step outside and shut the door right behind you.
Do not leave it open.

Talk to them and assert your rights and ask them what the next step is going to be.
if they say "well be back in 7 hours with a warrant"
Its time to take everything down and stash it somewhere else.
Once they search once and find nothing odds are they arent going to jeopardize their job by pestering you and the judge for another warrant.

6 mature plants or 12 immature plants is CA law.
NOT 6 plants AND 12 immature.

99 whether or not a doctor or dispensary authorized is WAY WAY WAY over the legal limit.

Good luck justifying to the police your PERSONAL need for 99 plants.
Not the people in your collective or the collective you work for.
Be safe people and know your rights!


Active Member
oh and btw when transporting dried MMJ keep in a briefcase with a number lock not a key!
a key is tangible evidence a number is in your mind.
it is unconstitutional and against the law for an officer to make say the number