500 Watt Closet. STOKED!

3 gallon pots
Coco and soil mixture
All 3 are dutch treat bongsmilie
300 Watt Dual Spectrum Feliz CFL
200 Watt Vegatative Spectrum Feliz CFL
Stoked! IMG_20130105_153424.jpgIMG_20130112_155035.jpgIMG_20130112_155102.jpgIMG_20130112_155118.jpgIMG_20130112_155130.jpgIMG_20130112_155140.jpg

Stick around and watch these guys grow!


Well-Known Member
Sorry dude but they look like they are reaching for light. You've got too much vertical grow going on. Can you get the light closer? it is hard to tell how far away you have it. But I would get as close as possible.


Well-Known Member
They look really stretched, perhaps bringing the light closer to the plants as some have said already.
the plants in 3, 4, and 6 are the same plants. should I have the lights closer? i'm always worried about burning them or getting them to hot. my little space I have is extremely temperate, I have to play with fans/opening the room/and etc. a few times a day to keep the temp right. I should also say that i've been running them on 24 hours of light for the whole time. They are about 4 weeks old lets call them.

A few things that I'm curious about currently.

-They are getting nute burned real bad, I'm aware that my soil after transplanted to the larger pots mixed with the coco all have nutrients embedded in them, but I ran water through the medium for about 2 weeks, and i'm still not getting any run off, but the nute burn went away...so i started adding in some calcium, nitrogen, and simple vegatative nutrients at about 1/2 of what the feeding chart said. i've only fed them twice with that mixture....and so again I have no run-off and im getting nutrient burn, I also have lower leaves turning a mild yellow, they are also drooping? but I wait until soil is dry for about an inch into my medium. And only give them about 2 1/2 cups or 15 OZ per feeding. IMG_20130112_211301.jpgIMG_20130112_211312.jpgIMG_20130112_211442.jpgIMG_20130112_211455.jpgIMG_20130112_211505.jpgIMG_20130112_211510.jpgIMG_20130112_211516.jpgIMG_20130112_211542.jpg


Well-Known Member
the plants in 3, 4, and 6 are the same plants. should I have the lights closer? i'm always worried about burning them or getting them to hot. my little space I have is extremely temperate, I have to play with fans/opening the room/and etc. a few times a day to keep the temp right. I should also say that i've been running them on 24 hours of light for the whole time. They are about 4 weeks old lets call them.
CFL's especially 6500k CFL's run very cool in comparison to HPS and MH. Also, the CFL doesn't have the penetration of the HPS and MH, so they do NEED to be in close proximity to the plant during lights on.

Have them approximately 2 inches from the plants at all times.


Well-Known Member
I am using Fox Farms trio of nutes. I have an auto water system (Tropf) so I am pouring in a gallon at a time. I follow their feeding chart closely, lowering a tiny bit. i add 1T molasses to each feeding as well. I feed every other gallon I pour in. I don't see nute burn in your plants. I just see what happened to my test grow where I was way low on light.

Hope that helps.
ya my plants are looking really droopy for some reason and I can't figure out why? I'm waiting til the pots are bone dry...maybe i'm not giving them enough water? and i still have not gotten through the soil for run off.


Active Member
I gotta give yah props man, you went all out on CFL bulbs.

But there's alot of questions that you probably needed to consider first.

My advice would be to get a reflector hood for those 200 and 300 w cfls or don't use them. So much of the light goes off to the sides and is unusable because of the low intensity. To use cfls you really need to get close to have any luck, reflectors help a little bit.

Maybe you need to consider getting rid of the dual bulb set up, moving the respective bulb overhead (veg for veg, and switch to the full flower for flower) and add like 3-4 40w bulbs on the sides with some sort of clip lamp setup. You can achieve some pretty successful rails to clip clip lamps to with a shower curtain rod and some non slip padding (sold at home stores like bed bath and beyond)

You'll notice not only is it stretching, but you aren't getting secondary and tertiary growth, meaning your leaves and nodes you have are less mature. This can easily be noticed by the amount of leaflets on your leave clusters. 3 are juvenile, and 5 are young adults, 7 and 9 usually show sexual maturity.

They also don't look green enough to me, but it could be the auto contrast in your camera compensating for the light, that has to be alot of light in a very small area.

How are you nutrienting?


Active Member
Your digital thermometer shows two numbers, 28 and 73.

Is the 28 the temp in Celsius or is that the humidity with 73 the temp in Fahrenheit?


Active Member
I don't see burns, and i don't think they should be getting burned, they look deficient, show a close up of a section of new growth you think is a new "burn".


Well-Known Member
Your temps are looking good, from your digital thermometer I see you have 28% humidity with 73 degrees Fahrenheit, which is great, you can have temps up to 85 and have a really healthy plant. Get a fan in there to keep air flow as I didnt see on in your closet. Also move those lights closer at least around 6 inches from the plant as some said, it will help avoid the stretching you see going on (reason your plants look so skinny and tall rather than short and bushy). Rule of thumb in measuring how close you can get your lights to your plant, If it's not too hot for the back of your hand it's not too hot for your plant. I'm really impressed with how much cfl wattage you got going on - but it's still so little light if you have it that far from your plants.

Lastly, If you got like a 30 buck inline fan and hooked it up with some ducting it would make a more than suffice exhaust and could help in keeping your temps low as you said you have a problem with that.

for the first couple weeks after transplanting them I was giving them straight pH'd water because my soil had so much nutrient base, so I wanted to make sure I didn't shock my plants using nutrients it already had, since i did notice a little burning on the tips of leaves. I watered them twice so far with 1/4 amount of nutrients suggested, with technaflora bloom, boost, sugar daddy, cal-mag, and b-29 superfortress, also with b-1 thrive. They started to burn once again, so as of today I cut the nutrients out and watered only with PH'd water, and I watered a little more than usual since i'm dealing with these droopy ass leaves, and I'm waiting for the soil to get super dry all the way through....and they are still drooping...so maybe i'm not getting enough water all the way to the roots...They are even looking worse today...yellowing at the bottom leaves, really droopy...i moved the light closer to about 3 inches away from the plants. I also am still not getting any water out of the bottom of the pots....no run off...i feel like there is a build up of un-needed nutrients salting in the soil...


New Member
ya my plants are looking really droopy for some reason and I can't figure out why? I'm waiting til the pots are bone dry...maybe i'm not giving them enough water? and i still have not gotten through the soil for run off.
Don't wait until bone dry bro. That's a BAD thing for your plants. You want the soil to dry out between waterings, but not literally.
You gotta read your plants to find that perfect medium. If you notice your plants getting droppy in between waterings then you waited to long. You wanna catch them right before then. It's called the "sweet spot".
And when you do water the plants, water them good. You want to avoid having dry pockets in your soil, which is why you wanna water them thoroughly when you do.

More leaves and stems on the plants mean a better root system.
A better root system drinks water faster :joint:

Just my 2cents


New Member
for the first couple weeks after transplanting them I was giving them straight pH'd water because my soil had so much nutrient base, so I wanted to make sure I didn't shock my plants using nutrients it already had, since i did notice a little burning on the tips of leaves. I watered them twice so far with 1/4 amount of nutrients suggested, with technaflora bloom, boost, sugar daddy, cal-mag, and b-29 superfortress, also with b-1 thrive. They started to burn once again, so as of today I cut the nutrients out and watered only with PH'd water, and I watered a little more than usual since i'm dealing with these droopy ass leaves, and I'm waiting for the soil to get super dry all the way through....and they are still drooping...so maybe i'm not getting enough water all the way to the roots...They are even looking worse today...yellowing at the bottom leaves, really droopy...i moved the light closer to about 3 inches away from the plants. I also am still not getting any water out of the bottom of the pots....no run off...i feel like there is a build up of un-needed nutrients salting in the soil...
Don't water a little every couple days...Water good every 4-5 days. That should help with droppy leaves and watering issues.
Roots want to breathe too!

And as far as they lights you have...I thought about getting them at one point bcuz they looked the part!
You need to have those lights horizontal and no further than 3inches away bro. Or if you're going to hang the vertical like that, you should drop them inbetween your plants...Like at plant level...They're doing less than they could be hanging above like that :joint:


Active Member
i'm not sure where you are at in your light cycle, but it looks like it should be in veg, i don't even see preflowers. And you said you gave it bloom nutes?

Sounds like you're really trying to overdo it man.


Well-Known Member
I'm so fucking confused by your plants stem structure... Like, have you been chopping it down when it gets to big or something?
ha no i havn't given it bloom nutes...just boost and grow, cal-mag, superfortress. they are on 24 hours of light right now. and yes i have topped my plants once. topping is a great way to get clones and also to split the top of your plant into two structures instead of one. yea i guess maybe i have overwatered, since the leaves full sorta firm in the curl...which is funny because i'm waiting til everything is dry. i'll just have to wait and see this time. i did move my lights way lower so that they are pretty much acting as vertical lighting to try and get more growth outward instead of up.