Well-Known Member
lol i was fucked up da other night...
I've been in my garden fool lol. Had to make some upgrades.
Dr green I bet that water was cold as fuck lol but I bet it's better then where I'm at haha
dude, you just don't look right with the avatar switch. I know you as the smoking baby. you're throwing me off, loluhhh.... quitting smoking squares is gonna be in my near fucking future... i been coughing bad... nasty nasty ass fucking habit. i dont know why da fuck i smoke,. it dont get ya high.. just makes ya sick and kills ya... yall need to watch that movie lawless.. bad ass flict.. ima go watch gangster squad this week too... needs to
im still da pothead baby in my heart....... but right now im flossin my man from da land whipeing his ass with our constitutiondude, you just don't look right with the avatar switch. I know you as the smoking baby. you're throwing me off, lol
what?and apparently scribbles is now a morman.... he jumped ship... just to date hot ass morman girls... and its working for him...
nawwwww.... scribbles is gonna come with his now morman ass... he has an amature mma fight on feb 8th... lol i think he is gonna get smashed despite being a tae kwon do black belt.. but he wants to fight... its 200 bux even if he loses he says... im like scribbles dont get ur head swolle for 200 bux son..what?
so you gonna hire another dude?
coco other nigga coco wants to come with....
coco is str8 up one of the funniest mother fuckers who ever lived... he is up there with me.. thats my puerto rican nigga... {d. c. is now opening mmj dispenseries} there is gonna be a huge cannabiss boom in this nation.... there isnt going to be has much money in it in the next few years... we need to act fast to get this money...coco huh.lmao
well its fucking cold has hell...... i love it here.. i really do love my city... till death.. i just hate those who are in charge and what there trying to do to this great city.. im ready for a change of everything...whats happenin in the chi? Im just chillin out here in a fla swamp. whats good?