Club 600


Well-Known Member
Very easy, just screw and plug it in :-) I used on to flower a few times, 1k in a 4x8, then a 6 in 4x8. Able to get the light closer to the canopy, doubles your footprint.


Well-Known Member
Compost pile pr0n.... Added some composted chicken manure, bloodmeal, and a gang of more manure and old hay... Watered it all down with a light solution of kelp extract... I shouldnt have to add anything for phosphorus, this donkey manure already has enough and we donts wants nos phosphorus toxicity does we bongsmilie

Then a good mixing with the tiller :-) "extra heavy duty" what did you expect? ;-) They were out of extra extra extra heavy duty lol


Lets end the war on drugs so I can use my compost pile as a growing container... pretty please! :-(

Just started this, I can already tell its gonna be good,,, I mean c'mon its narrated by morgan freeman, what more could you want? lol



Well-Known Member
Compost pile pr0n.... Added some composted chicken manure, bloodmeal, and a gang of more manure and old hay... Watered it all down with a light solution of kelp extract... I shouldnt have to add anything for phosphorus, this donkey manure already has enough and we donts wants nos phosphorus toxicity does we bongsmilie

Then a good mixing with the tiller :-) "extra heavy duty" what did you expect? ;-) They were out of extra extra extra heavy duty lol

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Lets end the war on drugs so I can use my compost pile as a growing container... pretty please! :-(

Just started this, I can already tell its gonna be good,,, I mean c'mon its narrated by morgan freeman, what more could you want? lol

Great documentary for sure. Seems like things are being talked about more and more. And with Co. and Wa. full legal, I am hoping it will take some heat off Calif for a while. Never underestimate the stupidity of the merikan Gubment and dea though. But I feel like a big change is coming soon. I can Smell it in the air.


Well-Known Member
Hello fellas!!! Many moons (no pun intended schwag ^^^^) :) since ive been around to see how yall are doing. Good to see some old faces around here. Ive been doing ok i guess. Life being 100% legit is not easy or fun et all. Haha i was sitting today wondering why did i ever give up being a hoodlum to be a part of the rat race and it made my heart jump with the excitment of the old days pulling heists, bootlegging and st8 mobbin haha. I guess when you get older all that seems so juvenile lol and out of my league. Somehow my ass got older in the last few years. I feel like my parents haha. Well boys and gals hope your all well over here. I havent had time to get the cave so much as a cfl light beaming for lack of time. Ive decided to slow down a bit in my career aspirations to enjoy my family and hobbies alot more. Hopefully soon you see me outchea with some new gear for the club to work with. Ive gathered beans like a squirrel gathers nuts now for a couple years now haha. Ive got some beans in particular from some of the finest OG kush ive ever seen. Cant wait to get back to what i love. Peace brothers & sisters 1BMM


Well-Known Member
Cant wait to get you back BMM! I sure do miss the cave ;-( but its good to hear your doing alright. Taking time to enjoy your life sounds like a good idea to me, you know it only happens once (as far as I know ;-)) and itl fly by before you know it.



Well-Known Member
Hey Doobs I was wondering where you were bongsmilie Hope the hands are feeling better, I would suggest smoking more chronic but I know you already got that covered.
That extrema is looking real nice, big bud looks like it went crashing through the screen lol.

Day 3 for this little guy...
Hes always giving me the eye, other than that he seems pretty chill. :lol:

Edit: Cant wait to get some bud pr0n with this new camera! nothing fancy, good enough for me.



Well-Known Member
Hey Doobs I was wondering where you were bongsmilie Hope the hands are feeling better, I would suggest smoking more chronic but I know you already got that covered.
That extrema is looking real nice, big bud looks like it went crashing through the screen lol.

Day 3 for this little guy...
Hes always giving me the eye, other than that he seems pretty chill. :lol:

Edit: Cant wait to get some bud pr0n with this new camera! nothing fancy, good enough for me.

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View attachment 2479495
He's got an eye on joo!!! hahaha :D


Well-Known Member
The lizard is just a figment of his imagination, a projection, if you will, that embodies all the hopes and dreams of mankind for, like a lizard, we must all shed our skins, slough off the old "Us" so that the new "We" can enjoy continued growth without inhibition from our pasts, yet allowing ourselves to have the imprint of our past selves mirrored in the soft and shiny scales of our new skin as we face towards the sun in the morning to nourish our souls, warm our hearts, and absorb UV rays which hardens our supple new skin so that we can better survive the slings and arrows of outrageous fortunes that await us all in the Happily Everafter that is the promise of the Ever Elusive Tomorrow...

And now for something completely different:



Well-Known Member
:shock: Im busting out the uv light from the pet shop! Gotta harden my scales and what not!

Thats poetry doob... Pleasant to read.

And Im 1:20 into that vid,,, its awesome so far.
Notice my signature? maybe thats what you were getting at? your too sneaky I never know!


Well-Known Member
The lizard is just a figment of his imagination, a projection, if you will, that embodies all the hopes and dreams of mankind for, like a lizard, we must all shed our skins, slough off the old "Us" so that the new "We" can enjoy continued growth without inhibition from our pasts, yet allowing ourselves to have the imprint of our past selves mirrored in the soft and shiny scales of our new skin as we face towards the sun in the morning to nourish our souls, warm our hearts, and absorb UV rays which hardens our supple new skin so that we can better survive the slings and arrows of outrageous fortunes that await us all in the Happily Everafter that is the promise of the Ever Elusive Tomorrow...
I was thinking about it the other day and realized something that blew my head off. Today 'is' Tomorrow. Like yesterday's tomorrow, or whatever day was before it's tomorrow. It's a mathematical fact. So every time one of us thinks, I'll do something tomorrow... it's actually today.

... or something like that.

And i gotta say, shedding sure does fucking suck sometimes.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking about it the other day and realized something that blew my head off. Today 'is' Tomorrow. Like yesterday's tomorrow, or whatever day was before it's tomorrow. It's a mathematical fact. So every time one of us thinks, I'll do something tomorrow... it's actually today.

... or something like that.

And i gotta say, shedding sure does fucking suck sometimes.
Stop confusing my stoned ass lol