the chitown sourkush thread


Well-Known Member
its albanian euro tec trash.. this shit funny has hell!!!! cuzz its true has fuck!!! [youtube]0tQN9otfE5Q[/youtube] lil culture for yall

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
more like number 8!!!! nuff said.. were a very warring people.,. u dont like my cultures music... its better then that ukkalaylay shit yall bumpinlol

I enjoy ALL cultures, lol.... that shit alright. not my type of music though. sounds like techno that's why there's only a few techno songs I can stand listening too

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
I wanna get outta the grass hut today, but it's pouring like crazy outside. I think I'm just gonna stay home all day and play on the coconut wireless instead


New Member
The damn weather sucks ass here. I haven't gone outside in 2 days for the most part. I think I took some trash out to the trash cans but that's it. I can't even walk up my driveway to the street to get my newspaper.


Well-Known Member
Fuck the techno! I go out to electro!! :)

OOOHHHHHH SHIIIIIIITTT HEEE KILLED IT. yes all caps were needed for this one...
