Crystal Meth

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Well-Known Member
So i've been hearing SO MUCH about this shake n bake method shit and always find reports on "how easy it is" but i can never find a step by step thing to try it? I always hear its a dangerous drug because you can make it out of household items... ...but which god damn house hold items?? haha
Anyway, i'm not a huge tweaker or anything but i like to twist .3 or .4 everynow and then and would like to know how to make it. Anyway, hope I dont get banned for asking lol, just anyone who knows please let me know! I dont even know how to go about learning how to do it. you know?

anyway thanks guys RIU is the
You dont want to go down this route. Crystal Meth is very dangerous, and even though you say you start out with small amounts, its only a matter of time before it takes over your life. Just my thought, its truly your decision, but I will not enforce it.
You dont want to go down this route. Crystal Meth is very dangerous, and even though you say you start out with small amounts, its only a matter of time before it takes over your life. Just my thought, its truly your decision, but I will not enforce it.

Lol, i've heard the shit of course, seen the faces of meth and all that jazz. Ive kept control of addiction with every substance i've used since i was 15. I do drugs, and meth is fun as shit why do you think ice based tabs are the bee's knees?

Anyway, thanks but im not gonna quit lol
Well I hope you find your answers, and be careful when you do, addiction is nothing to play with. Good luck take care.
That shit is called shaking bottles
its so nasty , I've seen people doing that shit few years back
i also saw a kids face get burnt off !!
meth is a zero tollerance drug .
Plus it's got everthing to kill rats , pests , people
and you will never find directions
gov isnt fuckin around with tweekers .
Imop life sucking drug
Lol, i've heard the shit of course, seen the faces of meth and all that jazz. Ive kept control of addiction with every substance i've used since i was 15. I do drugs, and meth is fun as shit why do you think ice based tabs are the bee's knees?

Anyway, thanks but im not gonna quit lol

How many addicts do you think planned to become addicts? What do people wake up one morning and say' Fuck it, I'm gonna smoke meth till I die'? You are tempting fate my friend. And besides, even if you can handle it, 99% of everyone else cannot. So you'll have a bunch of tweakers hanging around and if even one of them finds out, rest assured they will rob you in 2 seconds flat. Not criticizing your quest for knowledge, I myself learned how to make it but took a step back when I saw what the scene was like. Just sharing my experiences here in Canada, If you live in the US, the sketchy fucks will kill you for that shit. Be careful and good luck :peace:
Battery Acid, Drain-O, PSuedo, aluminum foil? WHY would you put that into your body? I'm talking shit right now because I don't even know you and I care for your life. Don't be stupid. If you have to go to those extremes you must be running from real world problems. Bad shit bro
The information is out there if you really want it. I agree with everyone else, you shouldn't fuck around with it, i had a taste a few years back but i stopped immediately because i knew it would take over my life, i know myself too much. Anyways, here you go, be careful man, this is 5 years in prison or more.

A list of materials that you will need can be found on... google.
First, thats CRANK not METH (clean meth is still the alien devil but crank is far more contaminated). If you find "easy" recipes for complicated chemistry you're just gonna end up some kind of fucked. Pick one.
Why would you even give him a link? I mean yeah if he's gonna do it, evolution will get him eventually but don't enable. And if he can't even google this he is really fucked in life.
i have done meth before and i will tell you this. theres not one person who will rip a line or take a hit of meth that wont want another one in 15 minutes. it will keep you awake for days and you will go fucking crazy trying to get your hands on more. its worse than crack cocaine by ten fold.

i was up for 9 days with no sleep broke my hand on the 3rd day and it didnt stop me or slow me down one bit.

the shit is horribly addictive and if you think for one sec you can controll yourself after that first hit i will tell you from experience you are wrong. my plant when i did it was to try it and thats it. i was extremely hessitant on even trying it in the first place but my ability to just say no when i was 19 years old was not verry developed yet. i took one hit and within 2 hours i had smoked 50 bucks (of my own money) the end of the 9 day binge i had dumped well over 500 bucks in meth. was stuck 1/2 way across the country with no money and no way to get home and with a broken hand.

go on a quest for some mushrooms or something and leave that shit alone. i say this because i dont want to see anyone get mixed up into that shit. and Robfather is 100% right, people will kill you for your stash its THAT addictive, people do just about anything to get thier hands on just one more hit....and its always just one more hit....just one more hit....just one more hit....just one more hit....just one more hit....just one more hit....just one more hit....just one more hit....just one more hit....just one more hit....just one more hit....just one more hit....just one more hit....just one more hit....just one more hit....just one more hit....just one more hit....just one more hit....just one more hit....just one more hit....just one more hit....just one more hit....just one more hit....just one more hit....just one more hit....just one more hit....just one more hit....just one more hit....just one more hit....just one more hit....just one more hit....just one more hit....just one more hit....just one more hit....just one more hit....just one more hit....just one more hit....just one more hit....just one more hit....just one more hit....just one more hit....just one more hit....just one more hit itslike the hit that goes on and on my friend, some people started smoking it not knowing what it was and now continue smoking it forever just because its the hit that never ends......get my point man...

leave it alone. this world has enough usless drug addicts it dosent need anymore. go get educated and contribute to society instead of become a leech on society.
Shake and bake does not make meth worth doing. Shake and bake is to cooking drugs what shake and bake is to cooking food. Only instead of making something that's just sort of unpleasant to eat you get an extra toxic version of meth.
well if you cant tell from the resonses that Meth shake n bake is not a good idea look at the community your talking to. most of these guys will tell you how to grow or make just about anything but heroine and crytal meth lol that says something right there. would you try heroine? meth is just as addictive if not more addictive than heroine.
I'll tell you how to make heroin and meth, but I will tell you how to do it in a manner that produces a reasonably pure and reasonably safe product.
Jesus, this is roll it up, not twist a meth pipe till you wake up....nobody just smokes. 3 or. 4 now and again...nice try tweeker
First, thats CRANK not METH (clean meth is still the alien devil but crank is far more contaminated). If you find "easy" recipes for complicated chemistry you're just gonna end up some kind of fucked. Pick one.

Clean meth? That's laughable man
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