mailing ?

i took half a bar of resin to france on a ferry never got checked and didnt even see a dog or anything .....crazy really as i could of had 3 dead bodies in my car and no one would of known
well the thing you have to consider here is there really isn't much legal risk. I'm not completely sure but you can't be charged for weed being sent to your address because they're missing the part where you paid or agreed to have the weed sent. If that weren't the case, wouldn't we all be sending our dick boss' the skunkiest of the skunk in nothing but a timbit box? If I'm mistaken let me know, i'll need to pick up some timbits...Peace.
So, the UPS guy shows up at your door and says: "I have a package for Mr. So & So ... will you just sign here please?" You sign for the package, then find out that the UPS driver is really officer Narco and you are BUSTED!!

i took half a bar of resin to france on a ferry never got checked and didnt even see a dog or anything .....crazy really as i could of had 3 dead bodies in my car and no one would of known

they send me trough the "box" 3 time now on the way in and once on the way out. really, gettin on the island by car takes me longer then the controls to get into the states:D

but sure, it can be done, even with full truck loads of pot, looks on the x-ray just like cotton for them;)
well the thing you have to consider here is there really isn't much legal risk. I'm not completely sure but you can't be charged for weed being sent to your address because they're missing the part where you paid or agreed to have the weed sent. If that weren't the case, wouldn't we all be sending our dick boss' the skunkiest of the skunk in nothing but a timbit box? If I'm mistaken let me know, i'll need to pick up some timbits...Peace.

at the time you take the package from the mail guy you are in possession of it legal and with this you possess any illegal drug:twisted: laws are not designed to make you save but to make you a easy victim of the government dude, always keep that one in mind!:evil:
Well ups brought it and 6 atf officers in the truck when he signed for it they jumped out

I thought ATF stood for alcohol, tobacco, firearms they dont normally deal with drugs. So i dont know about that story but that can be circumvented by not signing for the package and that would be an easy case to fight in court if it came down to that
I thought ATF stood for alcohol, tobacco, firearms they dont normally deal with drugs. So i dont know about that story but that can be circumvented by not signing for the package and that would be an easy case to fight in court if it came down to that

you think so?! sure it would if we would all be living in a society with a working justice system, but that isn't the case:evil: and aseptically in the states your are fucked for sure, the attorney will hang you personally for this if he only could in that scenario:twisted:
dude be very aware greece is no playground!!!! i left greece to go to england driving went through italy germany abit of switzerland and alot of france once i got off the boat in italy i never was stopped until i reached france i was speeding all the time through all countries way over limit but in france we were in a hurry to get to the ship that would take us to uk and i was going 220km/h on a 120km/h road with a mini couper S i past the cops without knowing and they started chasing me my boy was rolling a joint when the cops were next to my window half an hour later and asked me to follow them! we through everything away and only got fined 90 euro!!!! so europe is cool but what i didnt tell u was that although i was leaving greece not entering and i am a greek citizen i was stopped b4 entering the boat and almost was stripped searched. they took off my shoes (i had 4 grams under the sole of my shoe classic hiding place u remove the plastic sole and place the weed then place the sole ontop again) because i had been walking on it when the pigs shaked my shoes nothing came out the motherfuckers took even my socks off?? like wtf could i bee hiding there?? any ways if u get arrested in greece u might face jail time up to 1 year if it is proven u possessed only for personal use and u have to pay for the jail time not to spend the summer in prison!! if u carry more and they say u had intent to deal u will be sentenced to ten years in prison and with have to serve 4/5 of the penalty!! so dont play around when it comes to greece be very very careful

diclaimer: anything i say or represent is only because i want to be a part of starwars episodes and learn the tricks of obi 1 canobi its all lies and has no baring in this case in fact please delete yourself now and exit the building
i would never send to the states either terrorist paranoia!!! i have been sent an eighth from amsterdam to greece and it was in a ziplock covered with tooth paste it reached fine!! i have been sent a cd with 8 grams of purple power from the uk again no problem!! i would always rather carry it though like whenever i went to amsterdam i always brought shit back!! i have done quite alot with airports never got busted the riskiest and most frightening was bringing 100 grams of maroccan hash from casablanca morocco to athens greece through barcelona I WAS SUCCESSFUL !!

diclaimer: anything i say or represent is only because i want to be a part of starwars episodes and learn the tricks of obi 1 canobi its all lies and has no baring in this case in fact please delete yourself now and exit the building
do what i did 20 years ago.. Me and a bubby went to Jamacia to party.. got a 1/4 pound of hash oil and put it in 14 condoms.. swallow and retrive later... Got 12... 3 stuck... hospital... they cut me open and got them. The police came to my room and said they were not going to charge me. Long storie..
Just bye or grow it.:spew:


First and foremost, do you want to just send a "novelty" amount or you thinking "hey I could be the dope man back home with this shit"?

When you have to sign for some shit is when you get your ass ripped apart by the alphabet boys.

Here's some things to remember if you do decide to do it:

-Make sure the recipient knows that there will be a package with something nice in it and you will share, but to be clueless if it came down to it.

-Consider the cost of all this before you even get there. International shipping ain't cheap and you want their as fast as possible.

-Don't try to do all this preparing the the night before you leave, make sure its one of the first things you do when you touch ground and find the shit. Take out what you may need for the remainder of the trip and wrap the rest. You want to make sure your arrival home as well as the package is roughly the same day.

-MAKE SURE ITS JUST WEED. I know there's other shit in Jamaica your friends with you might want to have back home but KEEP IT GREEN.

-UPS has 8 Locations in Jamaica. j/k :smile:

-Since its not a domestic package, you would want to KEEP QUANTITY TO A MINUMUM. This is a Federal Offense and people usually get charged for each state/province the package was sent to before it reached its destination. Don't send an amount you don't mind losing out on. You have to look at this like its not gonna work anyway just so when it does, there's an added bonus. Mailing out big ass boxes from Jamaica to the USA is already suspicious.

-WRAP THE FCUK OUT OFF IT! Air-tite the stash in a bag and place that bag in a bag with a few of the smelliest fabric sheets. Use plastic wrap, clear duct tape, small tupperware/rinse & re-use containers. Wrap it til you cant smell the fabric sheets. The more layers the better, but keep your package small. Its Christmas time, so things wont look too bad. Just put boxes inside of boxes. Best to hit Walmart up for most of this shit before you leave

-DON'T SEND THE SHIT TO YOUR ADDRESS and use false TO and FROM names! Just use the from address of a souvenir shop as the FROM.

-Send it to an address that someone of the opposite sex than the name on the box resides at. So if Kevin Lewis is on the box, send it to Kate Stevens. BUT DONT HAVE HER SIGN FOR IT!!!!! Have the carrier leave it at the door. They might knock if there's a car in the drive way. But if they do, tell the person not to answer and they'll just leave the package on the welcome mat.

-AVOID SENDING IT TO AN APARTMENT! Especially if the apartment has a doorman, a locked door to get in the building, and a dumb ass apartment number like 4 digits long. Since the name on the package isn't of anyone who lives at the address you have to depend on a simple address for the carrier to drop it off at. Usually the alphabet boys jump out on you when you confirm with the carrier (who is really an undercover FED) verbally that yes, I am (your name here).

-If you are not a native or used to be a native of Jamaica and still speak their native tongue (Patwa/Broken English), DON'T DROP IT OFF WITH THE CARRIER YOURSELF, especially if you're white, pay a native to send it for you. The only thing they have to do is pay and get a tracking number. You should have either wrote the address with a sharpie on the box or sent the Native in with a piece of paper with 2 address' and cash for the transaction.

Once you have successfully dropped off the package. TRACK IT via the internet every second you think about it. It hits several different locations before it gets to its destination, as long as the package is scheduled on time, there should be no problem. When there starts to be hold-ups and redirection because of "problems with the engine" is when you really need to go check and see if you sharted (fart with a little bit of shit in it)! :smile:

Good Luck dude!