If they come for your guns, do you have a responsibility to fight?


Well-Known Member
You know after 27 pages of this
I have to tell you
Everyone I know that owns guns has the same answer if the goverment ever did come for them

"all our guns were lost in tragic boating accidents"


Well-Known Member
After they re-install the assault weapons ban, there will be a grace period for turning them in, & then they will slap a reward for information. Your hidden gun is then un-usable & a liability. It's worth about 10years in a Federal prison. You can't take it out & shoot it. Snitches don't care, they are in it for the money. The guy who sold you the gun will turn you in. All those pictures you put up on facebook with your AK47?lol! The biggest cost will be all the new federal prisons.


Well-Known Member
If Gabby Giffords would have had armed protection which was her right if she asked for it or if another person in the crowd was armed they would not have to wait for him to shoot more rounds.
Were there not people with guns in the crowd?

I could have sworn I heard that there were, and that they decided not to draw their weapons so that the police didn't mistake them for the shooter.


Well-Known Member
"Congress have no power to disarm the militia. Their swords, and every other terrible implement of the soldier, are the birth-right of an American ... the unlimited power of the sword is not in the hands of either the federal or state governments, but, where I trust in God it will ever remain, in the hands of the people." Tench Coxe Founding Father


Well-Known Member
Were there not people with guns in the crowd?

I could have sworn I heard that there were, and that they decided not to draw their weapons so that the police didn't mistake them for the shooter.
Which may very well have been a good idea. That would certainly be a decision to be made by each weapon holder.

For instance, if you are carrying concealed and watch a person being chased by the police. Unless your life was somehow endangered, pulling a weapon would be stupid.


Well-Known Member
After they re-install the assault weapons ban, there will be a grace period for turning them in, & then they will slap a reward for information. Your hidden gun is then un-usable & a liability. It's worth about 10years in a Federal prison. You can't take it out & shoot it. Snitches don't care, they are in it for the money. The guy who sold you the gun will turn you in. All those pictures you put up on facebook with your AK47?lol! The biggest cost will be all the new federal prisons.
No, that didn't happen the first time. The hidden gun is useable if it has ammo. The amount of pot in many homes today is worth 10 years in Club Fed. Think it through.

So, this ban will not be re-installed I don't think. But, even if, no one had to turn in guns. The ban is on the sale.

What do you think this is? Australia? We have a Constitution and we will never be forced to turn in guns.

That would become a Civil War, to protect the 2nd A.


Well-Known Member
Which may very well have been a good idea. That would certainly be a decision to be made by each weapon holder.

For instance, if you are carrying concealed and watch a person being chased by the police. Unless your life was somehow endangered, pulling a weapon would be stupid.
Yeah, I see your point, but this kinda renders the "give more good guys guns" argument invalid.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I see your point, but this kinda renders the "give more good guys guns" argument invalid.
Again, it depends.

I dont want to be armed so I can try and act like some kind of superhero. I want to be armed so I dont have to necessarily depend on the government to protect my life.


Ursus marijanus
Yeah, I see your point, but this kinda renders the "give more good guys guns" argument invalid.
It only renders invalid the argument that it'll make the difference every time. The folks who think gun ownership is about school massacres generally have a zero-tolerance attitude and won't countenance an incremental improvement.
Did having concealed carriers help Gabby? Unfortunately no. But I take heart from the wisdom of those same people who knew not to draw with the police at hand. Jmo. cn


Well-Known Member
Did having concealed carriers help Gabby? Unfortunately no.
There were no Concealed carriers around when Gifford was shot, the one guy didn't get there until Loughner was already subdued.

Don't listen to Buck's intentional lies, he just uses them to confuse the issues.


Well-Known Member
After they re-install the assault weapons ban, there will be a grace period for turning them in, & then they will slap a reward for information. Your hidden gun is then un-usable & a liability. It's worth about 10years in a Federal prison. You can't take it out & shoot it. Snitches don't care, they are in it for the money. The guy who sold you the gun will turn you in. All those pictures you put up on facebook with your AK47?lol! The biggest cost will be all the new federal prisons.
with 120,000 supporters of the succession of texas, id like to see that one get off the ground around here big brother needs to remember these are not hunting rifles, the only nation that lays them down and walks away is france no offense meant to any french out there just stating history, in a country built out of revolution the stupidest thing to do is try and suppress one , what the new generation fails to forget is we as a technology based as we are have only had this at are disposal for a blink of an eye how long has the car been around? computers? there have been multiple wars / uprisings/ revolutions that have lasted that long if not longer


Well-Known Member
As a Texan I will tell you it can never happen. 120,000 people is nothing for this petition. Here is our latest population figures. We have settled law about what the President will do about secessionists.

So, even if the petition had 25M signatures, it still will never happen. And even with Texas aligned with Mexico for military support in some bizarre future, they are not a devil to easily deal with. We would have to make a deal with Montezuma but the Marines have already been there.

25,674,681 - Jul 2011
Source: U.S. Census Bureau


No, because the US has motherfucking tanks and fighter jets to nate your hillbilly ass. People think that owning a gun will make them immune to corrupt government, but the truth us, you were fucked from the 1890's-onward on that front. Now gun ownership has more in common with Viagra than it does overthrowing corrupt leaders. Not that any sane non-military or police person should ever own an automatic weapon, for any reason ever.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
No, because the US has motherfucking tanks and fighter jets to nate your hillbilly ass. People think that owning a gun will make them immune to corrupt government, but the truth us, you were fucked from the 1890's-onward on that front. Now gun ownership has more in common with Viagra than it does overthrowing corrupt leaders. Not that any sane non-military or police person should ever own an automatic weapon, for any reason ever.
Then why can't we win against goat fuckers who live in caves?


Well-Known Member
Is anyone else watching Biden speak right now?

I can't wait to hear what the Savior has to say after him...