12/12 from seed or veg first?

Im just weighing up the pros and cons for either, i know that 12/12 from seed will yeild less than a plant that has been veged but by much? all help is appriciated thanks.


Well-Known Member
There is no reason to grow 12/12 from seed unless you trying to keep the plants tiny for stealth reasons. It will still take 10 weeks to grow and you will yield much much less. I like to veg my plants for exactly 1 week from seed then switch to 12/12, it keeps them nice and short but lets them mature a little bit before the bloom phase.


Well-Known Member
Google the strain you have I bet its a 45 day veg time. (I usually go 8-10 weeks) I do have a short-day plant that has no veg time "cum laude" a freebie from attitude seeds. But like that other dude said you won't get hardly any yield. It's not worth the time.


Active Member
u should look into autoflowering seeds if u want shortest finish time with decent yields. most are finished in 75-100 days from germination and usually feminized. they flower under 18/6 or 12/12 but do sum research as to which strain fits ur grow and needs.


Well-Known Member
Yea i'd have a veg period if you got time and space... the longer you veg though the more you will battle deficiency's and so on... Go with a 2-3 week veg and you're plants should be a nice small/medium size for switching the light, remember to keep the light as close as possible to prevent too much stretch.. Good luck


Well-Known Member
Bingo. Bingo bingo bingo. Do it big and do it right.
Agreed, but some people just don't have the light or space for 5ft tall monster plants, I'm one of them. It's all a matter of preference. The longer you veg will introduce more problems if you don't have experience.
The strain i have is 50-55 days, nothern light blues, thanks for all the advice to everyone who put an input into this thread, i think ill veg them for 2-3 weeks before putting them into flowering, my last grow went totally wrong so carnt afford to mess this one up, and need cash asap, what peoples opinions on feeding them in veg? on my last grow i over fed them in veg, i went of that table canna produced what a loads of bollocks that was! ha


Well-Known Member
It depends on the soil or medium you are using. Most soil mixes have plenty of nitrogen for seedlings and young plants for about a month. I like to start feeding grow nutes at about 2 weeks or when the side branches start to grow.


Well-Known Member
Simple method- Blood Meal or Dried blood and Triple phosphate. I take it your using soil. 10ml dried blood once a month in the veg. In the flower 5ml of dried blood once a month, and 5ml triple phosphate per foot of branch growth.
its cheap-
it's easy-
low Maintence/just add water.-
no flush required-
you can use what ever supplements you like-
the easier the grow the less problems you will have.


Well-Known Member
Agreed, but some people just don't have the light or space for 5ft tall monster plants, I'm one of them. It's all a matter of preference. The longer you veg will introduce more problems if you don't have experience.
Heard of SCROG?


New Member
Agreed, but some people just don't have the light or space for 5ft tall monster plants, I'm one of them. It's all a matter of preference. The longer you veg will introduce more problems if you don't have experience.
I have the preference of doing things right. So, if I can't do it big, I don't do it at all. Waiting for months for a oz or two just isn't worth my patience.


New Member
Heard of SCROG?
scrogging helps when space is limited. I faught the space war and got tired of the pain in the ass it caused. If I don't have the space, I'm not gonna mess around with it. Sometimes it's just not worth it to be so cramped up to where you have a hard time working or getting around in your area.


Active Member
make sure u use a good beneficial bacteria(micro madness or organism xl by aroura) to get things started and wait for the pant to ask for food. if u are only vegging 2-3 weeks in good soil like roots, fox farm or vermisoil u wont need to feed at all. in fact feeding will stunt the growth a bit. feeding small roots is a waste of time and $. wait for good roots and you'll get good fruits i promise.


Well-Known Member
I completely agree with you kron, thats why 12/12 from seed and auto strains are a complete waste of time for an ounce or two.
It really depends on the strain, if I veg my kushberry plants for 60 days they will branch out like crazy and become unmanagable, but my other plants would benifit from a longer veg time.


Well-Known Member
I have NEVER vegged my plants for 60 days. NO, I'm not saying it's a bad idea it's a great idea. I just don't do it. I don't have the space and I grow in hydro so the time I do veg is plenty. 12/12 from seed is stupid IMO unless you like tiny little plants.


Well-Known Member
Ya 12/12 from seed would probably end up being a nug on stick, though someone did a journal of 12/12 from seed and had some very cool, good results.


Well-Known Member
I have NEVER vegged my plants for 60 days. NO, I'm not saying it's a bad idea it's a great idea. I just don't do it. I don't have the space and I grow in hydro so the time I do veg is plenty. 12/12 from seed is stupid IMO unless you like tiny little plants.
No way my DWC can veg 2 months. But in soil I do veg 2 months. Plant some evry month. You wait only on your first chop. But it does take some space and some lights. No penetration = why the f veg so big anyway, right? But newbie growers can grow/learn and earn by vegging longer than 2-3 weeks. Much more yield weight-wise and in many cases quality-wise as well.