Sounds good. Iv been running my little ones (3 weeks from seed) at mid to high 80s, they look good to me.
Mixing is the deciding factor. GET THAT SHIT RIGHT! cross all you t's and dot your i's this is very important.... but very simple just make sure its done right, take it serious,, none of that well maybe a little this that, not for beginner.
Cooking is the second most important part, give it time and dont let it go anaerobic (without oxygen) ie: too much waster and or a lid on the container its in. I made that mistake the first time but no big deal, spread it out with some fans it got dry enough and started smelling better... That run came out GREAT!
OH my flying spaghetti monster its late. I''ll catch you guis tomorrow, flying spaghetti monster willing and the creek dont rise.
Jig my sig wasnt working either so thank you. lol