I'm getting extremely tired of this "medical" front people are using.


Well-Known Member
There is no real criteria for it; anyone can go to a certain "Dr." and say they feel better when smoking it and boom... you've got your rec. Every time I hear a dirty lazy no good stoner use the word "medicate" or "medicine" I want to punch them in their mouth. Most people feel better when they smoke, otherwise people wouldn't take all the risks and spend all the money to get it, but to call it medicine is just a cop out and an insult to the few people that could legitimately use it medicinally. Please just say you're getting stoned instead of "medicating".

Just because something makes you feel good doesn't make it medicine. I guess I could start referring to Johnny Walker Black as "medicine" cuz I feel better when I drink than when I don't. I'm sure that 95% of you people that "medicate" don't need it and if you argue that it helps with anxiety, etc. Well, they make pills for that. Marijuana is for people with AIDs, Cancer, Fibromyalgia and so on.

Ok, rant over. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
There is no real criteria for it; anyone can go to a certain "Dr." and say they feel better when smoking it and boom... you've got your rec. Every time I hear someone use the word "medicate" or "medicine" I want to punch them in their mouth. Most people feel better when they smoke, otherwise people wouldn't take all the risks and spend all the money to get it, but to call it medicine is just a cop out and an insult to the few people that could legitimately use it medicinally. Please just say you're getting stoned instead of "medicating".

Just because something makes you feel good doesn't make it medicine. I guess I could start referring to Johnny Walker Black as "medicine" cuz I feel better when I drink than when I don't. I'm sure that 95% of you people that "medicate" don't need it and if you argue that it helps with anxiety, etc. Well, they make pills for that. Marijuana is for people with AIDs, Cancer, Fibromyalgia and so on.

Ok, rant over. Thanks!
They make pills for AIDS too...


bud bootlegger
i wish you hadn't written that in micro text as i would have enjoyed reading it and agree with you... that is if i could have read the post, but i agree with the topic at large.. :D

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
My patients who without pot wouldn't be able to function in the real world, would beg to differ

one is in a wheel chair and has degenerative nerves and smokes to be able to cope with life without being on hardcore opiates

the other has rheumatoid arthritis and the list goes on, to five lol , the least of my patients with injury is myself with chronic nerve damage in my left hand, cant even pick coke can up without a debilitating pain that shoots from my wrist to my shoulder/neck

. . .ok truth over

talk to a MS patient like that about "medicine" and punching him/her in the face for needing to be able to sit up or walk or stand straight . . . . .come on . . . . .if your just a cartoon network stoner then keep it to yourself this drug helps many cope with life obviously your not a golfer so stick to bowling


Well-Known Member
Not talking about the people with degenerative nerves.... that's obviously lumped in with Aids wasting, and the others.


Active Member
There is no real criteria for it; anyone can go to a certain "Dr." and say they feel better when smoking it and boom... you've got your rec. Every time I hear someone use the word "medicate" or "medicine" I want to punch them in their mouth. Most people feel better when they smoke, otherwise people wouldn't take all the risks and spend all the money to get it, but to call it medicine is just a cop out and an insult to the few people that could legitimately use it medicinally. Please just say you're getting stoned instead of "medicating".

Just because something makes you feel good doesn't make it medicine. I guess I could start referring to Johnny Walker Black as "medicine" cuz I feel better when I drink than when I don't. I'm sure that 95% of you people that "medicate" don't need it and if you argue that it helps with anxiety, etc. Well, they make pills for that. Marijuana is for people with AIDs, Cancer, Fibromyalgia and so on.

Ok, rant over. Thanks!
Actually Johnny Walker brings no positive health value; ethanol is a poison the the body, and a strong one at that. (Why the body eradicates it within 24 hours instead of days or weeks). Marijuana on the other hand has many positive health benefits. If an individual is using pot for insomnia, or nausea, or chronic pain, are they not indeed medicating themselves, just as they would with Tylenol? Just because you view the organic plant cannabis as a drug, does not mean that it should carry that stigma. Pot should be viewed no differently than tea extract or any other plant product.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
People who drink beer everynight are self medicating. Maybe for depression, anxiety, or insomnia.

Marijuana can be used for those purposes as well.

It's not as if the people self medicating are hindering the severely ill from getting their medication. A person getting stoned because it helps them sleep will not hurt a cancer patients claim to medical marijuana.


Ursus marijanus
I have changed font and size on the OP for legibility.

I disagree with the basic premise. Anything that legitimizes weed use is of value in ultimately legalizing it. My own use is a combo of valid medicinal and discretionary intoxicant use. One is not morally better than the other imo. cn


Well-Known Member
disagree with op

My wife's uncle is an amputee, he gets phantom pains. He said marijuana is the only thing that can alienate them. I've seen his medicine cabinet. It looks like a mini pharmacy. Cannabis was a last ditch effort for him. Before he had his leg amputated he wouldn't touch it and thought everyone who did were stupid stoners.


Active Member
Furthermore, I have no problem with individuals paying their state tax to regain a liberty that should never have been taken from them in the first place, even if they don't meet the requirements of the body that took their rights. In this situation I side with people and human nature over government agenda...


Well-Known Member
Yes, Flaming Pie, people drink for that reason; I certainly do. But the thing is, if someone refers to alcohol as medicine they are 99% of the time they are either joking or frat boys.

Say for instance researchers find that drinking 4oz of alcohol relieved the symptoms of kidney failure. It would be prescribed by a doctor and you would pick it up from a pharmacy. You don't go to the secret membership liquor store and pick out some exotic premium liquor for $120 or even the stuff behind the counter for $3. Jack Daniels helps with agoraphobia, Seagram's helps with Epididymitus. The clerk doesn't ask you "what type of effect are you looking for"?

No, you need meds, you get your prescription and you have no say in it other than possibly generic or name brand. Look at the difference between medicine and weed.

Sigh... my thing is... if you want to get stoned... that's fine. But don't try to play it off like it's for your health i.e. don't be a frat boy.


Well-Known Member
Yes, Flaming Pie, people drink for that reason; I certainly do. But the thing is, if someone refers to alcohol as medicine they are 99% of the time they are either joking or frat boys.

Say for instance researchers find that drinking 4oz of alcohol relieved the symptoms of kidney failure. It would be prescribed by a doctor and you would pick it up from a pharmacy. You don't go to the secret membership liquor store and pick out some exotic premium liquor for $120 or even the stuff behind the counter for $3. Jack Daniels helps with agoraphobia, Seagram's helps with Epididymitus. The clerk doesn't ask you "what type of effect are you looking for"?

No, you need meds, you get your prescription and you have no say in it other than possibly generic or name brand. Look at the difference between medicine and weed.

Sigh... my thing is... if you want to get stoned... that's fine. But don't try to play it off like it's for your health i.e. don't be a frat boy.
Ok, Please tell me you aren't comparing alcohol to cannabis. Are you fucking serious? Alcohol is ethanol. Do you know what ethanol is? It's a fuel that can run a car. It's a known poison, hell it IS poison. That's why if you drink too much of it you DIE. Tell me how many joints it will take to kill you.


Active Member
Yes, Flaming Pie, people drink for that reason; I certainly do. But the thing is, if someone refers to alcohol as medicine they are 99% of the time they are either joking or frat boys.

Say for instance researchers find that drinking 4oz of alcohol relieved the symptoms of kidney failure. It would be prescribed by a doctor and you would pick it up from a pharmacy. You don't go to the secret membership liquor store and pick out some exotic premium liquor for $120 or even the stuff behind the counter for $3. Jack Daniels helps with agoraphobia, Seagram's helps with Epididymitus. The clerk doesn't ask you "what type of effect are you looking for"?

No, you need meds, you get your prescription and you have no say in it other than possibly generic or name brand. Look at the difference between medicine and weed.

Sigh... my thing is... if you want to get stoned... that's fine. But don't try to play it off like it's for your health i.e. don't be a frat boy.
Your logic is fundamentally flawed...

You cannot possibly use alcohol as medicine, as it doesn't function as so. When individuals say they are drinking the pain away, it is because their brain is taking a beating through the ingestion of ethanol; no positive health effects. When individuals say they are drinking because depression, they are stupid, because alcohol is a cause of depression.

Marijuana DOES have positive health effects; essentially "behind the counter" medicine.

I agree with the bold though. They are just lying to themselves.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Your logic is fundamentally flawed...

You cannot possibly use alcohol as medicine, as it doesn't function as so. When individuals say they are drinking the pain away, it is because their brain is taking a beating through the ingestion of ethanol; no positive health effects. When individuals say they are drinking because depression, they are stupid, because alcohol is a cause of depression.

Marijuana DOES have positive health effects. "behind the counter" medicine.
He was debating what i said.

People who self medicate aren't always medicating themselves right lol.

Back to weed/stone. IF an activity has health benifits and is enjoyable, why not do it?