There is no real criteria for it; anyone can go to a certain "Dr." and say they feel better when smoking it and boom... you've got your rec. Every time I hear someone use the word "medicate" or "medicine" I want to punch them in their mouth. Most people feel better when they smoke, otherwise people wouldn't take all the risks and spend all the money to get it, but to call it medicine is just a cop out and an insult to the few people that could legitimately use it medicinally. Please just say you're getting stoned instead of "medicating".
Just because something makes you feel good doesn't make it medicine. I guess I could start referring to Johnny Walker Black as "medicine" cuz I feel better when I drink than when I don't. I'm sure that 95% of you people that "medicate" don't need it and if you argue that it helps with anxiety, etc. Well, they make pills for that. Marijuana is for people with AIDs, Cancer, Fibromyalgia and so on.
Ok, rant over. Thanks!