Vert Scrog Flooded Tube Banana OG, Dog Kush 1000w

Soil is tricky at first when its dry, you gotta water it well to get it saturated. I usually stir it up. Ive found many times that a pot can give the water a path to the drain and although it seems like its good its actually funneling the water through that path and the rest is staying dry, poke it, stir it, do something to it. If I dont have time to bother with it Ill put them in a tray and whatever flows through eventually soaks back up. But yeah, its like dry soil is waterproof LOL. I also find clones done in rockwool seem to not do as well going into soil than a clone thats been in a dirt party cup while it got its legs.
My family is in the church biz, they have a church in atlantic city, nice size too. But oddly enough im not religous at all. Both my great grand, and grandfather are bishops. Its just not my thing. I'm sure my mom wouldnt mind selling to me. Just im not sure if i want to be back home forever. i'm trying to get away lol.

I was trying to get away too. From 20-27 or so all I wanted to do was get away from home and my old neighborhood. Be 'free'. Now that I'm 33 and my parents are aging 65, 67... I just want to be around them. I have good parents so that helps... and I'm an only child, so no dumb fuck siblings to drive me away. In my head it just makes life so much easier when you are with family. It's like we (meaning me and people like me) leave to do things on our own, but it's more work than needs to be. I mean if me and the wife lived with my parents, we could have my dad grocery shop for everyone. And whoever cooked would do it for everyone. We would all be splitting bills. You always have someone to babysit. Someone to watch the house while you are on vacation. Someone to drive you to the airport. Someone to take care of you when you are sick.

Sure it comes with a lot of responsibilities, like taking care of them when they are sick, doing stuff around the house for them, putting up with their bullshit, sharing things like the TV or the nice bathtub. But overall I feel that the way so many people strike out on their own just doesn't make a lot of sense.

I always used to think peeps that lived 15-20 deep in a house had a terrible fucking life. Not saying I'd trade mine for that... but I can see the advantages.

Also, last point, my grandma was my most favorite person on this planet, and probably will be forever (my grandchild might compete). Anyways, it would have been so awesome to have spent more time with her. If I would have taken the chance to live there I have no doubt my life would be much richer than it is today.
Believe me, if i'm still here next year. It because i will feel bad leaving my fam here. My great grandmother and grandma just came down from NJ to visit n that made it worse. that family feeling. I have a close knit fam. My mom won;t mind me leavng, nor my Gma. It'll be me feeling bad. aww hell, im feeling emotional. im one of three kids My emo sister and her autisticly amazing son. My gay brother, and myself "the bad seed" . we have the oddest relationship but i love em and would hate phonecalls being all i get. plus my lady is even tighter with her fam, n i love her nieces n nephews id prolly take them with me, lol. im gettin soft.
It's actually a lot of fun trying to figure this out. I don't have a lot of pressure, so it's cool. Hopefully I don't kill $80 worth of clones though... that would be the only really bad thing.

Hey T. I'd love to visit your families church sometime. I bet they have a pretty good time there. Just looked on a map. Didn't realize where atlantic city was. About 2.5 hours drive from wife's place in PA. Good ole Wally Nutter lives out by there. I still talk to him on facebutt, and yeah... he's still nutty. :)
very inviting fam i have, they wouldnt mind. Its not your usual fam as far as black families go. we've been pretty mixed up the last few decades. i know most white people wouldn't think of visiting a real pentecostal church(its wild). But my sisters sons dad and her current boyfriend are white and very well received. id much rather you come eat with the fam, now thats a good time.
im gettin soft.

Nah man... you are just realizing what's good in life.

Are you the middle kid? I skype with my mom almost every day lately. Since dad had his cancer scare I decided I'd talk to them everyday. We were talking on the phone, but the skype thing is cool. I just turn it on and do my thing, and so does she. We look at stuff when necessary, or look at eachother sometimes, but mostly it's like being in the same room together. It's a nice tool, but makes me with we were just in the same room lol.

I guess another reason I'd like to get closer to my parents is because I am an only child. It's gutting to think about but when they are gone there will be no one I know that knew me before I was like 12. Not a soul. Shit has me feeling empty right now. Wife's an only child too. And we've both never been close to cousins or ants/ uncles. So holding onto family while we can is special. Definitely the one giant trade off for getting all the attention and all the love. At their funerals I'm going to be so alone. At least I got a good wife to hug me. :)

Wife is up. She said there was no blood today. None at all. Fingers crossed.
I've got family that I live like 4 hours from that I wish I was closer to, and thats one of the things that makes moving out west more intimidating. I get to see them a couple times a year for the most part right now. If I got out west, that prolly won't happen cus no one in my family has much money.

Also very glad the wife continues to feel better and better man. Thats the best thing to ask for right now!

With regards the girls drooping maybe just need another day or to to get comfy in the soil?
very inviting fam i have, they wouldnt mind. Its not your usual fam as far as black families go. we've been pretty mixed up the last few decades. i know most white people wouldn't think of visiting a real pentecostal church(its wild). But my sisters sons dad and her current boyfriend are white and very well received. id much rather you come eat with the fam, now thats a good time.

I've always dreamed of going to a real pentecostal church (if that's what you call it lol). Seriously, that to me is what worshiping God is about. It's a celebration, and a community lifting it's voice and spirit up. It's overwhelming joy and pain and sadness and happiness. It's uncontrollable urges to shout out and give praise or agreeance. (which according to my wife is not a word, it's a legal term that mean...... this is where I stopped listening) It's amazing how little fun white people know how to have lol.

Shit bro, if I came over for dinner I'd probably never want to leave. Until there was a fight haha. One day. :)
Nah man... you are just realizing what's good in life.

Are you the middle kid? I skype with my mom almost every day lately. Since dad had his cancer scare I decided I'd talk to them everyday. We were talking on the phone, but the skype thing is cool. I just turn it on and do my thing, and so does she. We look at stuff when necessary, or look at eachother sometimes, but mostly it's like being in the same room together. It's a nice tool, but makes me with we were just in the same room lol.

I guess another reason I'd like to get closer to my parents is because I am an only child. It's gutting to think about but when they are gone there will be no one I know that knew me before I was like 12. Not a soul. Shit has me feeling empty right now. Wife's an only child too. And we've both never been close to cousins or ants/ uncles. So holding onto family while we can is special. Definitely the one giant trade off for getting all the attention and all the love. At their funerals I'm going to be so alone. At least I got a good wife to hug me. :)

Wife is up. She said there was no blood today. None at all. Fingers crossed.

Middle Child all day!! Hopefully after Jig#2 there will be more on the way, you have opened the fertility door you know ;) i try to call my mom once a week or so. she's still on the move daily her bday is in two days she'll be 46 or 7 lol. My father is deceased and i have all my grandparents and 1 great. My great grandfather died in 03. My great grand mother is like 95.
I've always dreamed of going to a real pentecostal church (if that's what you call it lol). Seriously, that to me is what worshiping God is about. It's a celebration, and a community lifting it's voice and spirit up. It's overwhelming joy and pain and sadness and happiness. It's uncontrollable urges to shout out and give praise or agreeance. (which according to my wife is not a word, it's a legal term that mean...... this is where I stopped listening) It's amazing how little fun white people know how to have lol.

Shit bro, if I came over for dinner I'd probably never want to leave. Until there was a fight haha. One day. :)

Its either going to scare the shit outta you. Or make you laugh, unless it jumps into you. ive never seen my fam argue, ever. But if you want to see a fight or argument come to my girls grandmas house for dinner, lol. there are no drugs or drinkers at my fams dinner. My girls people are the opposite.
I've got family that I live like 4 hours from that I wish I was closer to, and thats one of the things that makes moving out west more intimidating. I get to see them a couple times a year for the most part right now. If I got out west, that prolly won't happen cus no one in my family has much money.

Also very glad the wife continues to feel better and better man. Thats the best thing to ask for right now!

With regards the girls drooping maybe just need another day or to to get comfy in the soil?

Thanks for the words about my wife.

That's a tough decision about the family. It's though following your dreams sometimes.

I'm thinking the plants just need to get settled too. Or something like that. They still look happy even as they lean over.
I figured you were the middle kid. You guys are always problems. ;) It's cool you got your grandparents around, they are usually pretty great cuz they love you, but you aren't their responsibility so they can say some crazy shit. lol I got to meet my great grandpa a while back. He was 94 when we met. I'm not sure I want to live that long if I'm like my G.Grampa... he was barely there. Just kinda sat and called everyone the same name. It was really neat though to meet my grandma's dad.

I'm out of things to say finally. Probably time to do some chores.
Hey bruddah! All this family talk is making me all emo'ed out feeling too. Oh, and my family unit just texted me from the bedroom. Gonna go get some morning love :)

Glad wifey is doing better. Keeping the good vibes going.

When my clones droop like that I throw a little water right on the rockwool. Also, if you are having trouble with the water penetrating and don't like using a wetting agent you can take a spray bottle and wet the topsoil a bit... this will help break the water tension down a little more, and allow the water to soak down into the soil.

Gotta run! Have a good one my friend. :peace:
Dude... just found out the Banana OG has been lost. No more cuts, mothers, flowering plants, nothing. I didn't know. I would have revegged, or let the nanners pop and pollinate something. Pretty sad about it really. It's such an epic smoke.

I'm beyond bummed. I kinda can't believe no one mentioned it to me. I would have kept a mother. I could have just let those damn nanners pop. Dog X banana and Banana x banana sound alright to me.

I did get one individual seed from the Dog directly beneath the banana that was developing nanners. It doesn't look fully mature, so may not even be viable. It's the last hope.