Need Help! is it a male!?!?

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
Yeah man, looks like it :/ If there is a few cluster of balls then it's a dude, dude. Save some pollen if you like, just make sure you don't contaminate any others accidentally.


Plants typically don't show signs of sex until week 5 or later. It could just be more leaves growing.

thats what i thought but this is my 5th plant and ive never seen that before, so thats why im tryin to fish for some input. You could be right though! should i chance it and let it grow out a bit or just scrap it.


Yeah man, looks like it :/ If there is a few cluster of balls then it's a dude, dude. Save some pollen if you like, just make sure you don't contaminate any others accidentally.

What would i be able to do with them? I just like to grow the females not really into breeding or anything like that. If its a male i rather just get rid of it LOL