So you noobs are hooked on cannabis specific Bloom foods (aka snakeoil)..... eh?

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I just realize that the science is constantly moving forward.

The science of marketing products to people who don't know any better is constantly moving forward. There is a lot of money floating around this hobby, those execs want you to think they've reinvented the wheel but all they've done is sell you on the idea that you NEED their new shiny product.

If you listen carefully, your plants will talk to you and they're telling you that they don't need that crap.

My recipes are dynamic and strain specific and work extremely well. I am open minded to make the choices that produce the top shelf product that is my singular goal. The insight I take from him is to remain trapped in the 80's with a mediocre product while being dismissed at the same time. I gave him his dues but just get tired of the self serving "help'" that litters this forum. Without pictures these are just words....I put in my time, done my homework, my efforts speak for themself. Nice pic.

I'd love to see your efforts and the list of NPK-type products you're using.
I have pretty much come to the conclusion that if your grow method or nutes do not have a flashy name. Then your not getting the most out of your plants. Because gimmicks and force feeding will trump evolution and genetics. Seems to be the mind set of new growers of cannabis. POS is a very powerful thing, especially when combined with marketing. Legitimate methods have legitimate documentation and thats what UB brings to the table...
I just realize that the science is constantly moving forward. My recipes are dynamic and strain specific and work extremely well. I am open minded to make the choices that produce the top shelf product that is my singular goal. The insight I take from him is to remain trapped in the 80's with a mediocre product while being dismissed at the same time. I gave him his dues but just get tired of the self serving "help'" that litters this forum. Without pictures these are just words....I put in my time, done my homework, my efforts speak for themself. Nice pic.

If you don't like something, don't feel obligated to start some shit - especially with a proven growing legend like Uncle Ben. You've got 44 posts so your credibility is zip. Just a warning: do not troll in my forum.
@Potpimp, since when is this your forum and what now, are you going to attempt another fascist stunt like when you said you would delete any threads regarding Advanced Nutrients? You are the one that starts shit. BTW, post count has nothing to do with credibility. Look at your post count...
Legitimate methods have legitimate documentation and thats what UB brings to the table...

Yes but are tomatoes not grown differently and at different EC and N-P-K mixtures than say cukes? How did they come to these conclusions? By test grows and grant money because the plants are legal to grow. Complex marijuana cultivating methods and fertilizer regimens backed with concrete scientific evidence is lacking because it is mostly an illegal plant to grow in the majority of the world.
There should be some consideration before concluding that old school is the only way to go. Everything evolves gradually for the better.
Yes but are tomatoes not grown differently and at different EC and N-P-K mixtures than say cukes? How did they come to these conclusions? By test grows and grant money because the plants are legal to grow. Complex marijuana cultivating methods and fertilizer regimens backed with concrete scientific evidence is lacking because it is mostly an illegal plant to grow in the majority of the world.
There should be some consideration before concluding that old school is the only way to go. Everything evolves gradually for the better.

What is the ideal NPK mix for each of your aforementioned fruits and I'm curious to know where you're getting your information.
I am on board with many of UB's methods and I love HB's bud porn (which for the life of me I can't see it proving a thing about bloom boosters) but when you guys call people asses for not strictly adhering to your methods or ferts just rubs people the wrong way.

For instance HB's comment :
There is a science to this hobby and believe it or not, a little knowledge and a few different plant food products from your local nursery will give you better results than any high-priced, glossy labeled line of pixie dust that is currently offered at your hydro store. People like UB are just trying to give you some insight, but I doubt he honestly cares how you spend your hard earned money as you're free to travel down whatever path you *think* works best.

Slightly condescending by implying that Burgertyme does not have any knowledge in the art of MJ growing AND that what he *THINKS* is nothing but wrong. Never fails.
What is the ideal NPK mix for each of your aforementioned fruits and I'm curious to know where you're getting your information.

I don't know off the top of my penis but GH for one has specific PH ,NPK recommendations. Canna is another. My point is MJ is such a poorly researched plant so lets experiment and try all kinds of ways to improve yields and flavor for this unique plant instead of calling people stupid who try.
I just realize that the science is constantly moving forward. My recipes are dynamic and strain specific and work extremely well. I am open minded to make the choices that produce the top shelf product that is my singular goal. The insight I take from him is to remain trapped in the 80's with a mediocre product while being dismissed at the same time. I gave him his dues but just get tired of the self serving "help'" that litters this forum. Without pictures these are just words....I put in my time, done my homework, my efforts speak for themself. Nice pic.

If you don't like something, don't feel obligated to start some shit - especially with a proven growing legend like Uncle Ben. You've got 44 posts so your credibility is zip. Just a warning: do not troll in my forum.

I have issue with this.

First off I have been called a troll in this thread for simply questioning why UB would recommend a fert with so much urea. Pretty lame to not be able to make such a basic point without being attacked and then have the attack reinforced by a mod.

Secondly, I've seen UB troll it up quite a bit himself, often in a very attacking style. He even goes so far as to use profane insults when other growers wither question him or simply don't agree.

If you're going on a troll hunt, please make sure you are enforcing your rules uniformly, and not simply cock riding.
I don't know off the top of my penis but GH for one has specific PH ,NPK recommendations. Canna is another.

Yeah, and they suck. I exposed Canna back in the early 90's for touting C02 soil tablets as being beneficial. Fuckin' shysters knew or I guess they knew that C02 gas at the root zone is deadly. They don't care....they just kept on pushing their crap even more. Still going on too I see after doing a Google search - Seems to me that "the top of your penis" is a bit impotent.

My point is MJ is such a poorly researched plant so lets experiment....

Poorly researched? You need to BUY R.C. Clarke's MJ Botany. It'll make your head spin. Cannabis has been researched and written about so damn much I find it boring.

Stupid is as stupid does.

I have issue with this.

First off I have been called a troll in this thread for simply questioning why UB would recommend a fert with so much urea. Pretty lame to not be able to make such a basic point without being attacked and then have the attack reinforced by a mod.

I have found very few, if any, of your posts worthy of my rebuttal.


Having said that.... urea is one of the most ubiquitous sources of N in the industry. Get used to it.

I have issue with this.

First off I have been called a troll in this thread for simply questioning why UB would recommend a fert with so much urea. Pretty lame to not be able to make such a basic point without being attacked and then have the attack reinforced by a mod.

I have found very few, if any, of your posts worthy of my rebuttal.


Yet you've found it worthwhile to profanely insult me as your "rebuttal" in multiple posts instead. You are simply a negative person. Please keep your negative energy to yourself. No one appreciates it.
Yeah, and they suck.

Poorly researched? You need to BUY R.C. Clarke's MJ Botany. It'll make your head spin. Cannabis has been researched and written about so damn much I find it boring.


I think I'll do that UB. You are right too, GH and Canna do suck. I think Dyna-gro sucks too except maybe Foliage-pro. Cannabis has NOT been researched at the magnitude of other crops is what I'm stressing because of legal and political reasons. Also, England is finally taken the ball and conducting very interesting research in pain therapy with THC so botanically speaking, is it not a unique enough plant worthy of more research and experimentation or just treat it like a cucumber?
I think I'll do that UB. You are right too, GH and Canna do suck. I think Dyna-gro sucks too except maybe Foliage-pro. Cannabis has NOT been researched at the magnitude of other crops is what I'm stressing because of legal and political reasons. Also, England is finally taken the ball and conducting very interesting research in pain therapy with THC so botanically speaking, is it not a unique enough plant worthy of more research and experimentation or just treat it like a cucumber?

I think maybe as a drug they haven't research it enough.. but as a plant.. i think they know as much as other plants..
Having said that.... urea is one of the most ubiquitous sources of N in the industry. Get used to it.


I have yet to see how urea is so bad when the growing environment is conducive to metabolizing it. It does help feed 6 billion people too.

UB: I have researched ammoniacal Nitro and found it does not like cool weather. Although it is common knowledge and suggested that "cool" means under 60 f or so. I have observed that more like below 72 degrees this form of N has a hard time with MJ . That is my beef with Dyna. What % ammoniacal N in hydro do you find as too much in your experience?
I think I'll do that UB. You are right too, GH and Canna do suck. I think Dyna-gro sucks too except maybe Foliage-pro. Cannabis has NOT been researched at the magnitude of other crops is what I'm stressing because of legal and political reasons. Also, England is finally taken the ball and conducting very interesting research in pain therapy with THC so botanically speaking, is it not a unique enough plant worthy of more research and experimentation or just treat it like a cucumber?

If some of you guys treated "it" like a cucumber (although tomato would be mo' fittin'), you might have some success.

This plant and its effects have been researched to death by everyone but you. You have a lot to learn. Get to work.

Having said that.... urea is one of the most ubiquitous sources of N in the industry. Get used to it.


I have yet to see how urea is so bad when the growing environment is conducive to metabolizing it. It does help feed 6 billion people too.
The problem is that it's not immediately available to plants, and for some forms of hydro, that's a real issue.
Dyna Gro Foliage Pro is a high nitrate source of N if that's what you're after.

I do soil and need some acidifying effect which ammonicial and urea type N sources provide. Different strokes for different folks IF you know about plant nutrition, ion exchange, etc.
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