Best Smoking device Ever!!The Persei

sounds raw, i live in that nazi state of illinois. im lucky to get good cali buds on the regular but don't have access to oils hashes or waxes. i love my magic flight box though. that shit is raw
im just gonna say it again....

when it comes to replicating a dab on the go....there is nothing on the market currently that even compares to a persei...

if you want the same smack you in the face feeling a dab gives you on your rig at home, nothing, i repeat nothing (ie. g-pen, atmos, trippy stick, etc)...remotely compares to the vapor clouds you will get on a persei...

if you dont dab on the regular, if you even touch dry meds, (volcano, etc), this conversation isn't for you. thanks :)
im just gonna say it again....

when it comes to replicating a dab on the go....there is nothing on the market currently that even compares to a persei...

if you want the same smack you in the face feeling a dab gives you on your rig at home, nothing, i repeat nothing (ie. g-pen, atmos, trippy stick, etc)...remotely compares to the vapor clouds you will get on a persei...

if you dont dab on the regular, if you even touch dry meds, (volcano, etc), this conversation isn't for you. thanks :)

I only smoke oil! I grow a lot, I have a lot of oil! I've used all of the pens! The only reason I can think you would keep saying it is way better than the others is that you work for them or sell them! I'm 99.9% sure I smoke more oil than you do, I'm at home all day smoking! I know the washington area, I'm from there, was just on vacation there, got back last night! I was one of the first to get a medical permit in wa! I know how much oil/wax/budder there is going around there! Shit is like unicorns, heard of but never seen!
My tubes are huge, I can spray 2lbs at a time! I buy master cases (96 cans) of butane for personal use, not just a couple cans or a 12 pack!!!
I have my own vacuum purge kit!
I have no intestines so I'm home sick all day! What help when you're sick? FAT DABS! I have a bong just for taking dabs and I've made a couple bubblers since I blow glass. So I really have 4 pieces just for oil. You can also see my pen standing next to my black bong.
I grow huge legal plants outdoor and have a lot of trim to use for oil!
If I run out of outdoor, I have plenty of indoor to use as well!

I make at least an ounce of oil at a time just for myself! I've used all the pens, the persei is a good pen but is in no way better than the vaped pen, g-pen or trippy stick (which is pretty much the same as all the others)! I have used them all with the same batch of oil, so there is no thinking it works better from smoking better oil out of it. they all get you just as high, all of them can give you fat ass rips! Have you tried the Vaped pen with the skillet attachment??? You load a fat dab on there and it burns it up fast. The heating element gets hotter faster. Even the crappiest of them all the Hayz-e hits, the thing just falls apart (maybe that's why they come in a 2 pack for the price of one regular pen).


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I own a persei, it's nothing special. uses modified e-carts with proprietary threads. odd enough they offer standard thread converters for their unit - why not just make it the standard e-cig thread and save people money. was never impressed with how often persei/omicron carts clogged. seems to be every other cart clogs after a few days of use. very very pricey for what you get. their attachments are overpriced for what you get. there customer service rep "g" can be very condescending at time as well. overall unimpressed. many better options for a fraction of the cost. just my two cents.
NoGutsGrower, that extraction tube is huge!!! how many cans do you run through that at a time? I buy master cases too, the savings is too much to pass up especially when you're purging one case every week, am i right?

I noticed in your pics of the outdoor grow that you have a nieghbor not more than 10 feet away. how have your nieghbors not called the cops on you?? you must have some real cool cats living next doors. I've got renters as nieghbors and no way I would let them know I grow.
NoGutsGrower, that extraction tube is huge!!! how many cans do you run through that at a time? I buy master cases too, the savings is too much to pass up especially when you're purging one case every week, am i right?

I noticed in your pics of the outdoor grow that you have a nieghbor not more than 10 feet away. how have your nieghbors not called the cops on you?? you must have some real cool cats living next doors. I've got renters as nieghbors and no way I would let them know I grow.

I use 7-9 cans at a time. When I buy a master case the cans are about $2 each instead of about $5... Less than half the price. It's all older people by me and they do call the cops... A LOT... LOL!!! I'm fully state compliant! I've had swat team at my house multiple times they have never touched me or my plants! Thanks for giving an honest opinion of the pen! No need to talk one up over the other to get some one to spend a bunch of money when they can have the same thing much cheaper, I though these forums were to help each other... and to troll sometimes...

First off ....I have a tamesium extractor... standard blasting with tane is 2010s work....hope ur at least using vector or gross imho

Lol at thinking any of ur mentioned pens gives u clouds u can ghost like a persei ....again just lol at comparing a g pen to the persei...

I don't work for anyone but myself...I just know a good product

First off ....I have a tamesium extractor... standard blasting with tane is 2010s work....hope ur at least using vector or gross imho

Lol at thinking any of ur mentioned pens gives u clouds u can ghost like a persei ....again just lol at comparing a g pen to the persei...

I don't work for anyone but myself...I just know a good product

Pics or it didn't happen... even if you do have one so what, you spent a bunch of money on some thing you hardly use... I still make and smoke more oil than you, if you do anything besides sit and home and smoke... I smoke more than you.... If you go sell sacks or sell oil like you should be if you really have a Tamisium (not tamesium, seems if you had one you would know how to spell it) extractor, have a job or leave for any amount of time longer than a trip to the grocery store... I smoke more than you... I am medically disabled and smoke constantly. Clouds you can ghost..... That doesn't make since.... How is there a cloud if you ghosted it.... You must not be getting very big hits from your pen if you're "ghosting" them... LOL! It's also funny how you skip right over the the growery's comment about the pen you love so much, he does own one...

  • I own a persei, it's nothing special. uses modified e-carts with proprietary threads. odd enough they offer standard thread converters for their unit - why not just make it the standard e-cig thread and save people money. was never impressed with how often persei/omicron carts clogged.​

your user name is 425 but your location says seattle (206)... another mismatch...
Pfft. you want a real vape and not some shitty vape pen, use this and never waste your money on those shit pens again. They drop tested these off 30 foot buildings and they never smashed, they also work fucking amazing. They heat up 3-5X faster than the Vapir N02, the battery lasts longer, it has a brush, stash spot and the taste is pure. I have tried the iolite, vape daddy, vapir n02, the shit glass dome ones, extreme x and I find the davinci is the best one HANDS DOWN! All the vape pens we sell at work look weak and chincy just like the one from OP, stick with a real product.
Whats the best smoking device or vaporizor for smoking only hash and bud, not oil, wax, or anything else. Just hash and dried bud. I'm new to this. And just harvested my first ever crop I'm low on money and am taking everything step by step. So right now all I am working on is making bubble hash, and drying trimming then curing bud. That's it. So what's the best affordable one for those two things to smoke. And for a newbie?
Bump. I was thinking either the vap or hookah or bong, I don't want waste of any kind so I don't like the idea of joints or blunts and really not into pipes.
I'll stick to my trusty glass piece. It's all a matter of personal preference.

the magic flight launch box with the power adapter and the oil and wax trenches that they now sell do the same thing and then some. not to mention the life to warranty on they vaporizer but also on their attachments.
By far my favorite way to smoke tasty buds is in an old fashioned authentic corn cob pipe. Cooler and better tasting than glass.
Vapes are not for me...tried a thanks.
Not interested in "smoking experience" interested in how high it gets me. Yes the volcano comes with liquid pads to do BHO. Volacano has been the top rated vape for years so I have no interest in buying another one.

Did you know that the pad that comes in the volcano can also be used to vaporize your favorite alcohol...:)

$50 pen came prefilled with oil.... so $25 for the oil $25 for the pen

easy to refill.... gives 50-60 hits easily per refill...takes 1/2 gram oil