bomb hills
Well-Known Member
Funny, jut listened to Danny Danko's podcast and it was a panel where one of the growers really liked this technique. I'm considering trying it....
his plants said " here comes Keebo, hide ya leaves"
She is English Mastiff. About six years now and 120 lb. People often confuse her with a Bernard, they are beautiful dogs toobomb hills what kind of dog is pictured in your avatar? i have a st benard female, same head diff. markings
View attachment 2478928
heres a pic of a friends dog, i think he's english mastive as well but i could be wrong. He's a sweetheart
what a crab... lol
heres my day 28 DE-leaf update watch this in HD [video=youtube_share;DwTkfRDLSfs][/video]
I based my evaluation on this video from last week.
Things I would address.
rez temps, dedicated intake & exhaust and moving the light closer.
what wattage is your lamp?