How long after flip should flowers appear


Active Member
Been about 4 weeks from flip and I don't see anything? Jock horror strain vegged for about 2 months. Seems weird but I don't know all that much about it. It's under 2 175 hps lamps


Well-Known Member
If you have been running 12/12 for 4 weeks and dont see any signs of either male or female, then I bet you have a light leak.

Can you post a pic by chance?


Well-Known Member
Light leaks? Your lights aren't worth shit for larger plants. Get real lights, put them immediately on 12/12 and come back 2 weeks after to report they are budding. Your two 175-watts do not add up to 350 watts - trust me. Your light penetration is sorely lacking.


Active Member
Just looked at them today and it looks like overnight they gre what looks like little oval balls. Very saddening what are the odds that there gonna shoot out some hairs? Wishful thinking at most


Well-Known Member
Light leaks? Your lights aren't worth shit for larger plants. Get real lights, put them immediately on 12/12 and come back 2 weeks after to report they are budding. Your two 175-watts do not add up to 350 watts - trust me. Your light penetration is sorely lacking.
I usually agree with you hotrodharley but he has to be hitting 250w with those two lights. Should be well enough.


Well-Known Member
Yeah you should start to see flowering/balls in 1-2 weeks after the 12/12 flip. Sorry to say that it sounds like you have a bunch of male plants, pull them and start over they will not become female if they are male plants.


Well-Known Member
I usually see the first flowers at around 2 weeks at 12/12. You are suffering from lack-of-lititis.
You really need more light on the subject, eh?



Active Member
For the record I had 1 metal halide light and one hps . I took the MH light out and bam 1 week later the other strain started flowering.


Well-Known Member
Been about 4 weeks from flip and I don't see anything? Jock horror strain vegged for about 2 months. Seems weird but I don't know all that much about it. It's under 2 175 hps lamps
Maybe they’re not turning into flower because you don’t have enough light to flower them