Pot size

When the seeds are ready to be transplanted, do they go straight into the 5 gallon pot to live out their life, or do you have to put them into a small pot first? I guess what I want to know is how many times do you have to transplant the plants to get to the final product. Can't you just keep them in the same pot?

thank you great growers


bud bootlegger
yes, you can germ them right into whatever sized container you're going to grow them in for the rest of their lives..

i for one usually put germed seeds into 20 oz solo cups for a few weeks, month or so, then move them into 3 gallons or so for the rest of time, mainly due to space restrictions then any other reasons.. :D


Well-Known Member
When the seeds are ready to be transplanted, do they go straight into the 5 gallon pot to live out their life, or do you have to put them into a small pot first? I guess what I want to know is how many times do you have to transplant the plants to get to the final product. Can't you just keep them in the same pot?

thank you great growers
You CAN put the seeds directly into your final container, but how well it works depends on your skill level, and how well you pay attention to what your plants tell you.
When I start a seed, I do it directly in the Solo cup, then a 2 1/2 gal., and lastly into a 5 gal.

Po boy

Well-Known Member
i use the five gallon pots and as racer says, sow the seed in the finishing pots. less handling means less stress and less chance of a fuckup. GL


Well-Known Member
I start in one gallon then transfer my plants to my raised beds. However sometimes the beds aren't ready and I'll put them in ten gallon containers. But if I wait to long to transfer I notice a big drop in yield. When using containers my goal is to always have a two inch space between the root tips and the sides of the containers. If in doubt go with a bigger container.