Global Warming Swindle


Well-Known Member
hedmekanik , your statement " I've done the research, we're in deep shit!" Would indicate the opposite. If you have done thorough research your finding should be inconclusive. But I do agree that we as human beings can and should live a cleaner lest destructive existence on this planet.


Well-Known Member
Skunky, we are on the same page!

Silk....*lol*...good post hahaha, well said, welcome aboard!

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
I propose that WE tax our gas an additional $5 per gallon and price ourselves out of the equation

rather than others making the $$$.. what if we tax oursleves and pump the money back into the "system" ...using the money to look for alternatives methods to drive our fat asses to the liquor store for a box of cracker jacks...



New Member
We as little people really don't have much choice but to carry on as normal. We need to be shown a different way, not charged more for doing it the wrong way.

Whenever i try and imagine what it will be like in the distant future, I always imagine it to be clean. Not just the worlds we live on but our mental health too.

There are always going to be people that will try to make money out of any situation. This should still not distract us from the point. We all want a cleaner earth, and it looks like Gore is the only one to stand up for this. The whole of Europe, at least the U.K. and France, are already cleaning up it's act. We have separate recycle bins for cardboard and paper, plastic bottles, glass even old clothes. Like I said, it's not just about oil. It's also not just about the shit we put into our cars, but the oil used on an industrial level too.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
We as little people really don't have much choice but to carry on as normal. We need to be shown a different way, not charged more for doing it the wrong way.

Whenever i try and imagine what it will be like in the distant future, I always imagine it to be clean. Not just the worlds we live on but our mental health too.

There are always going to be people that will try to make money out of any situation. This should still not distract us from the point. We all want a cleaner earth, and it looks like Gore is the only one to stand up for this. The whole of Europe, at least the U.K. and France, are already cleaning up it's act. We have separate recycle bins for cardboard and paper, plastic bottles, glass even old clothes. Like I said, it's not just about oil. It's also not just about the shit we put into our cars, but the oil used on an industrial level too.
yeah.. what he said..



Well-Known Member
like i have said many times on this forum, the enviro-church is the reason we still rely on oil companies. the enviro-church is CAUSING us to still be reliant upon fossil fuels. you can bow to Gore SKH, but at least have the dignity to admit you are bowing to the source of your angst too.

Globalists Love Global Warming
Trilateral Commission, chairman of British Petroleum, CFR, Club of Rome fan hysteria to achieve world government

Prison Planet | March 28, 2007
Paul Joseph Watson

A common charge leveled against those who question the official orthodoxy of the global warming religion is that they are acting as stooges for the western establishment and big business interests. If this is the case, then why do the high priests of the elite and kingpin oil men continue to fan the flames of global warming hysteria?

The Trilateral Commission, one of the three pillars of the New World Order in alliance with Bilderberg and the CFR, met last week in near secrecy to formulate policy on how best they could exploit global warming fearmongering to ratchet up taxes and control over how westerners live their lives.

At the confab, European Chairman of the Trilateral Commission, Bilderberger and chairman of British Petroleum Peter Sutherland (pictured top), gave a speech to his elitist cohorts in which he issued a "Universal battle cry arose for the world to address “global warming” with a single voice."

Echoing this sentiment was General Lord Guthrie, director of N.M. Rothschild & Sons, member of the House of Lords and former chief of the Defense Staff in London, who urged the Trilateral power-brokers to "Address the global climate crisis with a single voice, and impose rules that apply worldwide."

Allegations that skeptics of the man-made explanation behind global warming are somehow doing the bidding of the elite are laughable in the face of the fact that Rothschild operatives and the very chairman of British Petroleum are the ones orchestrating an elitist plan to push global warming fears in order to achieve political objectives.

We have a similar situation to the Peak Oil scam , which was created by the oil industry as a profit boon to promote artificial scarcity, and yet is parroted by environmentalists who grandstand as if they are in opposition to the oil companies.

In his excellent article, Global warming hysteria serves as excuse for world government , Daniel Taylor outlines how the exploitation of the natural phenomenon of "global warming" was a pet project of the Club of Rome and the CFR.

"In a report titled "The First Global Revolution" (1991) published by the Club of Rome, a globalist think tank, we find the following statement: "In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill.... All these dangers are caused by human intervention... The real enemy, then, is humanity itself."
"Richard Haass, the current president of the Council on Foreign Relations, stated in his article "State sovereignty must be altered in globalized era," that a system of world government must be created and sovereignty eliminated in order to fight global warming, as well as terrorism. "Moreover, states must be prepared to cede some sovereignty to world bodies if the international system is to function," says Haass. "Globalization thus implies that sovereignty is not only becoming weaker in reality, but that it needs to become weaker. States would be wise to weaken sovereignty in order to protect themselves..."

Taylor also points out future British Prime Minister Gordon Brown's admonishment that only a "new world order" (world government) can help fight global warming.

Other attendees at the recent Trilateral meeting raised the specter of climate change as a tool to force through tax hikes.

Calling on the United States government to adopt a "carbon monoxide control policy," former CIA boss and long term champion of creating a domestic intelligence agency to spy on Americans John Deutch, argued that America should impose a $1-pergallon increase in the gasoline tax under the pretext of fighting pollution.

The lapdog media have proven adept in the past at taking their orders from the elitists in pushing higher taxes in the name of saving the environment.

"When the TC called on the United States to increase gas taxes by 10 cents at a meeting in Tokyo in 1991, The Washington Post, which is always represented at TC and Bilderberg meetings, called for such an increase in an editorial the following day," reports Jim Tucker .

Tucker writes that an essential means of achieving global government by consent over conquest, as has long been the ultimate goal of the elite, is by "fanning public hysteria" over climate change, encouraging further integration by forcing countries to adhere to international law on global warming. Such restrictions have prevented the development of third world nations and directly contributed to poverty, disease and squalor by essentially keeping them at a stone age level of progress, as is documented in The Great Global Warming Swindle documentary.

People who still trust the platitudes of politicians and elitists who implore us to change our way of life, cough up more tax money, and get on board with the global warming religion save being linked with Holocaust denial , are as deluded and enslaved as the tribes of Mesoamerica who, unaware of the natural phenomenon of a solar eclipse, thought their high priests could make the sky snake eat the Sun, and therefore obeyed their every demand.

Globalists love global warming! Oil industry kingpins, Bilderbergers and Rothschild minions have all put their weight behind it. This is a fraud conceived, nurtured and promulgated by elite, and to castigate individuals for merely questioning the motives behind climate change fearmongering by accusing them of being mouthpieces for the establishment is a complete reversal of the truth.

Globalists Love Global Warming


New Member
Wow 7x, that's heavy shit. Although far too deep for me to go along with. I hate conspiracy theories.

I'm not bowing to Gore, and I do not believe the above conspiracy. I mean what is the alternative to Gore anyway? Another George Bush?

You're right 7x, if you believe this too, all politicians are the same... they have to be or they wouldn't be in the job. I've never voted in my life, I just read the newspapers and watch the news to see who is going to get into power. the media usually do a good enough job of telling people who to vote for.

I just want a cleaner Earth, why can't Gore want that too?


New Member
As Thomas Jefferson so aptly said: "The tree of liberty must be watered from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."



Active Member
hedmekanik , your statement " I've done the research, we're in deep shit!" Would indicate the opposite. If you have done thorough research your finding should be inconclusive. But I do agree that we as human beings can and should live a cleaner lest destructive existence on this planet.
Inconclusive = not 100%...OK, I'll run with that. Furry muff.
I don't believe we should be twissing about percentages, we should be saving our hot air for politicians and industrialists.
We have to change our ways, and the sooner that Kyoto Protocol gets taken seriously the better. The fact is that we're feeling the heat now, WE need to do something - the sooner we stop being so damned selfish and putting our pleasure and leisure before the needs of the greater planet the better.
No one said it would be easy....then again, they never said it would be so hard...


Well-Known Member
Politicians and industrialists are not paying attention to our "hot air". And that is where the swindle is. If you are focused on the Kyoto protocol you are in their pocket already.


Well-Known Member
Wow 7x, that's heavy shit. Although far too deep for me to go along with. I hate conspiracy theories.

I'm not bowing to Gore, and I do not believe the above conspiracy. I mean what is the alternative to Gore anyway? Another George Bush?

You're right 7x, if you believe this too, all politicians are the same... they have to be or they wouldn't be in the job. I've never voted in my life, I just read the newspapers and watch the news to see who is going to get into power. the media usually do a good enough job of telling people who to vote for.

I just want a cleaner Earth, why can't Gore want that too?
this isn't a conspiracy theory, what i pasted is cause and effect.

you're a businessman, at least sort of.

you are the Herb Master, it's all in your hands. let's say you sell weedA but you have a finite number of very expensive seeds and it is not clonable. i make pipes for weedA. you have a strain called weedB but i do not make many pipes for that stuff and weedB requires expensive ferts, CO2, blah blah... some guy named BearPig is going around telling everyone that my pipes need to be more efficient; my pipes are wasting smoke. he's also telling everyone that weedB hits harder, with less! now, weedB is on the market but it's expensive, no one buys it except for a few fools who want to look cool at the parties. BearPig wants to force me to improve my pipes for burning weedA better. he also wants to tax buyers and then grant me incentives to dick around with new bowl designs for weedB all day. he also wants to subsidize your costs for putting weedB on the market, that can come from taxing the buyers also. are you going to be friends with BearPig? i certainly will.

as i've said, i want a cleaner planet also. i have always followed no trace ethics and have actually cleaned up camp sites used by self proclaimed "environmentalists". not all of them are like that but most people use that as a buzz word, they have no idea how to live in tune with nature. to them it's like a product you can buy off a shelf. it's really a mind set though. Gore doesn't have this mindset. he's a product guy, that's why he buys those carbon offsets or whatever he calls his rationale for over indulgence.

he needs to put up or shut up and i think he's had plenty of time to put up.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Wow 7x, that's heavy shit. Although far too deep for me to go along with. I hate conspiracy theories.

I'm not bowing to Gore, and I do not believe the above conspiracy. I mean what is the alternative to Gore anyway? Another George Bush?

You're right 7x, if you believe this too, all politicians are the same... they have to be or they wouldn't be in the job. I've never voted in my life, I just read the newspapers and watch the news to see who is going to get into power. the media usually do a good enough job of telling people who to vote for.

I just want a cleaner Earth, why can't Gore want that too?
You will be hard pressed to find anybody who dislikes Gore to admit to global warming or gores intentions as being valid or however you would like to put it...

Some people want to be right.. even if they are wrong..

Some people just want to win.. at any cost

I have never come across anybody who dislikes al gore but is ok with the global warming crew.....

I was out filming this movie (on starving children) last month in south america.. the $$$ for the movie is coming from a 3 billion dollar company..

the president of the company was with us on this trip (he makes more than 10 million a year)... after the 3rd day of filming... the guy turns to me and says... wow, this is the first time in 30 years i have gone an entire day without wonder what somebodies angle agenda is... WOW

I rarely.. rarely wonder what anybodies agenda is... when I ride my bike I often try top figure out what the cars are gonna DO.. what the drivers intentions are... that's about it...

people who look at life through the AGENDA glasses are missing life...



New Member
In all honesty, I'm a neutral on this subject. Al Gore means absolutely nothing to me, I'm from England. I've never even seen Al Gore on the T.V., haven't a clue what the guy looks like even. The first I heard about the guy was when I first joined this site and knowm was talking about his film inconvenient truth.

To me, quite literally, Gore means nothing. I would barely bat an eyelid if the guy were to drop dead tomorrow. It seems you Americans have turned global warming into a political battle arena. The point is being missed because a politician is making a stand for a cause he may or may not wholly believe in.

We want a cleaner Earth, of this we are all positive. Now, we need to work together to find the best way of achieving our targets.

Knowm, you're right about agendas. If you look for agendas you are missing out on life. If someone has an agenda it will be revealed to you anyway. Also, if you spend a lot of time looking for agendas it's because you usually have one yourself (figuratively speaking, of course).


Well-Known Member
You may want to check and find out what algore has been doing since he left office. the companies he is invested in etc. This may give you an idea of what he wants.
Its real hard for me to take listen to anyone claim to be an enviromentalist that is not pushing the legalization of industrial hemp.


Active Member
Silk, Silk, Silk....which way to turn, eh? So if I'm focused on Kyoto and I actually think it's worth taking the time to consider the opinion of a vast tranch of experts as valid, I'm in the pockets of those who refuse to stop the wanton depletion of the planet's resources, and by default, am in support warming the planet? That's do i put this...some cyclical diametric logic.
I don't get that, but then perhaps you're privy to info that sheds light on the topic. If so you're hardly forthcoming.
I'll state my case - I'm for stopping the trend of fossil fuel consumption. I'm for greening the earth. I'll support anyone who aims in the right direction. I know who the enemy are, and I don't see any around here. That is, of course, unless you're in support of nobody, in which case you're dead wood. In war, you are forced to take sides. This is a war and it will make for strange bedfellows. Conspiracy which keeps the good preoccupied by bickering amongst themselves when the enemy is out there raping and pillaging is simply shortsighted, and does the job of an army. So I'll say it again, I don't have time to sit around and split hairs. I'd rather be doing something constructive.


Well-Known Member
i do have an agenda.

the agenda i have in this thread is to point out the obvious inconsistency, hypocrisy and stupidity of this guy who gets in the way of the real people who actually DO something to help the environment.

because it is so obvious that he is just a pandering politician, his bio shows that he studied government and law - not any sort of science at all - ever, i guess my agenda to bring people out of an apparent coma and helping them see ANY of this is futile.

enjoy the squalor of Goreism.

and GK, yeah, i have a box for myself. it's kind of like the box you live in except i have doors and windows to let fresh air in whereas your box only has speakers which deliver the propaganda and day to day orders of your leaders.


New Member
I see where you are coming from 7x. You really want to help the environment, you just feel that we are maybe going about it the wrong way? Also, that Gore is out for personal reasons rather than any true desire to help the Earth.

i'm afraid I don't know enough about Mr Gore to make judgements on his character. It seems that Gore is getting in the way of environmentalists if it is the case that he is out for himself. I think his job has been done, and he's trying to overdo it... which could destroy all the GOOD work he has achieved.