400w HPS Fruity Chronic Juice & Critical Kush SCRog Grow


Well-Known Member
Do I need to turn off my exhaust for any period of time? no, as long as your exaust is high enough CO2 is heavier than air and should stay near the bottom of the tent/room. you will lose some to the exaust but the heat issues arent worth turning it off is my 2¢. And is it best to keep it in there when the lights are on or off? I keep mine in there 24/7, from what i understand cananbis is a C3 plant so it dosent take in O2 during night hours but dont quote me on that..look it up. Does it run out? Yes it will run out, like acid said shake it daily and every 7 days dump out the mixture and mix a new batch, the fermentation creates alcohol and i believe that kills your yeast. and if you want you can just add a little bit of sugar after 7 days then after 14 days swap it if you dont want to do it weekly. How long does that take? Do I keep it all the time? I do. Will it produce enough to fuck me up in my little room? I doubt it man, its producing minimal levels of CO2 , its not a efficient method of producing CO2 but it does produce some and a little more is better than a little less.. When is it best to start? now :)
hope that answers your question. theres lots of info on this method on the net.


Well-Known Member
So I got my co2 "reactor" setup, now all I need to do is mix the shit out of this mixture and put inside the box.

Matt I was also thinking about adding an air pump with maybe an air stone or just a tube from the pump to the bottle with the mixture, and run it like maybe once a day for 15 min to mix that shit in there what do you think buddy?


Well-Known Member
So I got my co2 "reactor" setup, now all I need to do is mix the shit out of this mixture and put inside the box.

Matt I was also thinking about adding an air pump with maybe an air stone or just a tube from the pump to the bottle with the mixture, and run it like maybe once a day for 15 min to mix that shit in there what do you think buddy?
cant hurt i guess. should work, dont see why it wouldnt. would keep you from having to shake it yourself.


Well-Known Member
Bumps buddy here you go hope it helps a bit.

"Small and simple

For those of you running smaller systems such as cupboard, closet or ?box? systems, there is a simple CO2 system that is easy to make and use. This system uses water, sugar and yeast mixed together in a jug, bottle or jar. I like to use one-gallon plastic jugs due to their size and availability.

Put about five or six cups of sugar in a clean one-gallon plastic jug. To this add about a half gallon of water. Mix until the sugar is dissolved and add a little bit of active yeast. Poke a small hole in the lid and replace it on top of the jug. Once a day, or as often as possible, shake the jug to thoroughly mix the contents. In a day or two the yeast will begin to grow and CO2 gas will be a by-product in the jug.

Once the yeast begins to grow, the shaking of the contents will produce a gaseous eruption through the hole in the lid. On its own, the device will slowly produce CO2 as long as there is enough sugar in the mix and the yeast stays active. The daily shaking stimulates the mix to produce a surge of CO2 gas. Therefore, the more times the jug is shaken, the more surges of CO2 that will erupt into the room. The mix will need to be changed or refreshed every two to three weeks. I have found this system to be more than adequate and perfectly safe for smaller grow spaces (twenty square feet or less). It is also very inexpensive to configure and maintain."

Here's the whole article about it CO2 for you


Well-Known Member
cant hurt i guess. should work, dont see why it wouldnt. would keep you from having to shake it yourself.
Exactly Matt, that's the only reason for using that air pump in there so I don't have to shake the bottle every day lol.
But yeah got my yeast in the morning, and now just waiting for the caulk to dry out (I used caulk instead of hot glue) and when that dry out it off to the box.


Well-Known Member
nice, im sure you will notice results within 36 hours. might not be anything to write to high times about but it will be better than before and for the cost of a pack of yeast 60¢ and a cup of sugar roughly 50¢ you cant go wrong.


Well-Known Member
nice, im sure you will notice results within 36 hours. might not be anything to write to high times about but it will be better than before and for the cost of a pack of yeast 60¢ and a cup of sugar roughly 50¢ you cant go wrong.
Exactly! and I was reading up on this last night it works perfectly on smaller scale grows, and like you said you can't beat the price, I paid for my yeast like $2.15 lol but there are 3 packets, and it's the quick rise one "rises 50% faster" buuhaha

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Great idea Ms. Flame, but my grow is a stealth grow inside my walk in closet plus I got an 8y/o running around the house ;) so you know how it is, or you will find out soon ;)
lol, I won't have to worry about the kid running around until 2yrs. Grows are out of the way, and I would only check in on them during nap time or during morning cartoons.


Well-Known Member
Yeah but shit can be expensive lol
yeah im looking at dumping close to another $1000 into my grow soon.

Co2 is gonna be around 400 bucks
meter is gonna be 260
600w ballast will run me 100 bucks
nutes 100 bucks
more seeds 100 bucks..

ugg and i might be switching to full blown aeroponics soon too which im going to DIY but still looking at dropping 200 bucks in equipment.


Well-Known Member
yeah im looking at dumping close to another $1000 into my grow soon.

Co2 is gonna be around 400 bucks
meter is gonna be 260
600w ballast will run me 100 bucks
nutes 100 bucks
more seeds 100 bucks..

ugg and i might be switching to full blown aeroponics soon too which im going to DIY but still looking at dropping 200 bucks in equipment.
WooooHaaaa!!! Buddy Buddy!! Shit a "grand" can afford that right now lol but shit Matt you go man!


Well-Known Member
Matt I totally forgot to ask, how's the project going with your friend? Did you get him set up?
yep he just transplanted a clone into a 10 gal tote and got them bulbs going. he will start training soon and will be doing the ScROG. ill get some pics next time im over there.