Ursus marijanus
Incorrect. cnAssault rifles are rifles specifically engineered to kill people
You are not doing us gun owners any favors by trying to muddy the waters with bullshit
Incorrect. cnAssault rifles are rifles specifically engineered to kill people
You are not doing us gun owners any favors by trying to muddy the waters with bullshit
you seriously go hunting with an AR15?You led me on thinking you wanted to have a serious debate. Fooled me.
Do you have trouble comprehending what is written? I don't hunt, I said if I did I would hunt with an AR. I even gave you a link to a website where people post pictures of their game that they shot with an seriously go hunting with an AR15?
i was thinking you were joking or making with the funny funny. i really did. hence the JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA.
sure it isn't, bear.The Bushmaster or any civilian AR derivative is not an assault rifle. That's why the antis ginned up the snarl term "assault weapon". cn
oh, so it wasn't you being funny, it was you being funny in the conditional.Do you have trouble comprehending what is written? I don't hunt, I said if I did I would hunt with an AR. I even gave you a link to a website where people post pictures of their game that they shot with an AR.
You ever planning on answering my question?sure it isn't, bear.
and my penis isn't just a glorified pimple that flings yogurt.
Correct. Not an assault rifle. cnsure it isn't, bear.
and my penis isn't just a glorified pimple that flings yogurt.
totally self defense and hunting. i am forever having to defend myself from hoards of mongols...Correct. Not an assault rifle. cn
My girlfriend's hunting rifle
Take it from her, I dare ya.
Bunch of crazy shits clinging on to their rifle that is cosmetically just like an M4 but functions like any other semi auto rifle. That's just batshit crazy.Just making us gun owners look like nutballs
The only argument that has merit isBunch of crazy shits clinging on to their rifle that is cosmetically just like an M4 but functions like any other semi auto rifle. That's just batshit crazy.
I bet if I was a thug and wanted that rifleHey Buck? why do you get to decide how that 22 year old 100 lb nurse can defend herself doing homehealth in Detroit? I bet an AR across the back is a better deterrent than a sign saying I don't carry drugs, leave me alone.
Yes, because since when does the public ever give a shit about facts. Fear mongering sells, facts not so much.The only argument that has merit is
It is my right to own this rifle
When you start trying to define what an assault rifle is other than what the public defines it as
You make us look like desperate clueless nuts
[youtube]w_DZ970BvKI[/youtube]totally self defense and hunting. i am forever having to defend myself from hoards of mongols...
geez, guess what? it's not actually my girlfriend either, just like that wasn't actually Buck's hunting rifle.It's not her gun
I actaully know the guy who made it
Only if wicken (wiccan) translates into retard...geez, guess what? it's not actually my girlfriend either, just like that wasn't actually Buck's hunting rifle.
There are websites with 1000's of pink ARs for sale, how do you know he made THIS one? I suspect you are a wicken.