Well-Known Member
To go on with this design one has to master the techniques of making an Aluminium Circuit Carrier Heatsink ..
Thus has to know how (& be able) to :
-mix a thermal conductive epoxy formulation from low viscosity liquid ,2-part ,epoxy resin & a thermoconductive filler in small particle size .I.e BN
-Apply a thin layer of thermal conductive epoxy at heatsink and bond a copper layer over it .
-Etch a circuit onto copper surface .
More blah-blah about it here ....
For this example a heatsink surface of 200 x 160 mm is chosen .
35 pieces of Oslons SSL will be soldered .

30 x WW ....

5 x NW ..

The circuit ...
And then a new experimental passive cooling design ....
" Slug Direct Copper Cooling Circuit " ...or " CCC "
Since Slugs are electrically isolated ....
Then all slugs can be "circuited " into a large area of copper ,
which may act as a heat radiator ...
Conducting heat ,direct from soldered led thermal slugs and radiate it towards air from one side
and from the other side ,towards heatsink,conduct it(spread it more evenly ),in larger (epoxy thin -100um- layer covered) surface ...
If everything is done correctly , within the specs
(mainly regarding epoxy layer's thickness,consistence & thermal conductivity ),
this design probably will possess superior cooling characteristics
( No MCPCB,no pad/glue/paste in between pcb & heatsink ___"Copper Cooling Circuit" passive surface radiator )...
Moreover .....If an fan is added ,at back of heatsink .....
Cooling efficiency , is not going to be an issue ...
Not for this kind of panel ...
To go on with this design one has to master the techniques of making an Aluminium Circuit Carrier Heatsink ..
Thus has to know how (& be able) to :
-mix a thermal conductive epoxy formulation from low viscosity liquid ,2-part ,epoxy resin & a thermoconductive filler in small particle size .I.e BN
-Apply a thin layer of thermal conductive epoxy at heatsink and bond a copper layer over it .
-Etch a circuit onto copper surface .
More blah-blah about it here ....
For this example a heatsink surface of 200 x 160 mm is chosen .
35 pieces of Oslons SSL will be soldered .

30 x WW ....

5 x NW ..

The circuit ...

And then a new experimental passive cooling design ....
" Slug Direct Copper Cooling Circuit " ...or " CCC "
Since Slugs are electrically isolated ....
Then all slugs can be "circuited " into a large area of copper ,
which may act as a heat radiator ...
Conducting heat ,direct from soldered led thermal slugs and radiate it towards air from one side
and from the other side ,towards heatsink,conduct it(spread it more evenly ),in larger (epoxy thin -100um- layer covered) surface ...

If everything is done correctly , within the specs
(mainly regarding epoxy layer's thickness,consistence & thermal conductivity ),
this design probably will possess superior cooling characteristics
( No MCPCB,no pad/glue/paste in between pcb & heatsink ___"Copper Cooling Circuit" passive surface radiator )...
Moreover .....If an fan is added ,at back of heatsink .....
Cooling efficiency , is not going to be an issue ...
Not for this kind of panel ...