Is she stretching?


Hey guys

This little babe popped out of the soil 5 days ago and she looks like this:

My question is whether she is stretching for the light? Or is she looking okay?



Well-Known Member
Yep, sure is.
Nice growth for 5 days though.
Are you using CFL's?
Move them closer if you can (within an inch or two).
Regardless what kind of light, it wants more.
Add a fan too if you don't have already.


Active Member
Yep, sure is.
I agree with Bakatare, she's stretching. Just to be on the safe side I would also put something to help support the seedling in case it keeps stretching. If it does it could flop over, bend at the stem, and that could cause you more trouble then you want. Tooth pick should do with a very loose twist tie around the middle of the stem. Once the stem thickens up and can support the top of the plant this can be removed.

All in all, she does look good and healthy.

- SB -


I have got a 125 w cfl. I have now moved it aprox 2 inches close to the plant. And i already have a fan blowing 24/7 directly at it.
I will go buy some toothpicks tomorrow. When a toothpick is supporting will she automaticly thicken her stem?


Btw. What is more effective? to bury the stem like mcwippin suggest or to support it with a tootpick?

And thanks for the fast replies! :D


Active Member
Looks like you have room in the pot to add more soil.. I think mcwippin suggestion is better, bury it.

- SB -


I went through the same thing myself, burying is way easier. I'm finding my seedlings to be very resilient and trainable.
IMG_00000151.jpgIMG_00000150.jpg This was at day 9 *sorry just realized you can't see the stems. I have a question for anybody out there though, I read purple stems are bad because it's some kind of secondary nutrient lock out?? Can anybody confirm that please? And thank you in advance :D


Well-Known Member
Keep the fan blowing on your plants, so the leaves gently russel in the breeze... that makes the stem thicker...
If you have fan, then the growth will be solid... and not stringy...
You can always add a little soil at any time... today, tomorrow, in the future...
I'd never put tooth picks...well, there was this one time...Ha..
Good luck...