600W C99 Organic Scrog

Adam & Cola

Well-Known Member
Nice to see things are moving along for you mechanical. Your girls are filling in the scrog nicely. Shit, with you and Puff having a journal on C99 i almost don't need one.

But here is a lil update on my C99. Tonight is day 30 in Veg. last night I burned the midnight oil and perked up the brightness in my tent by getting a new hood and ballast in there. Purchased a dimmable Hypotek 400 watt ballast, a Grow1 6 inch air cooled hood and a Mh bulb. Waited till the girlfriend left for the weekend to Sac. to get it outa my car and install it. Didn't feel like hearing her nag about me purchasing more shit. lmao.
Ok so the reason, it wasn't until after midnight that i did the light swap is this.

The Ballast Box says 400watt. but after taking it out, first thing I noticed was that it was a 600 watt ballast.. :) SWEEET.. only problem. was my bulb was only 400 watts. So i run to HD, OSH trying to find a 600watt bulb.. no such luck. And i'm not about to go to the hydro shop and purchase a 600watt bulb when they just sold me a 400 watt system.. Me no dumby! So I did a bunch of research and found that I could run the 400watt bulb on the 600 watt ballast.. So right now. I'm running my 600 watt ballast with a 400 watt bulb on 50% (200 watts) reason for running it 200 watts.. the damn thing puts out a ton of heat. 13" away from the top of the plant and it's at 82 degrees. I need to get some ducting now and blow the hot air out. As with DWC I can't have the water above 80 as it will just be begging for crap to go wrong.

Also did a Rez change last.. ditched the Mag pro and went with old faithfull Cal-Mag. As the Mag-pro didn't help my plant problem.

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So in all i'm happy. Out the door $208 for 600 watt ballast a hood and a bulb. price tag on the box for the dimmable ballast $168

Here is a pic of the goof up.. hope you can see the model it says 600 watt HPS/Mh ..not sure if it's the hydro stores fault or the manufacture.. oh well i aint bitchin.
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I agree with you but unfortunately this is true for most strains. Female Seeds supposedly has Grimm in them but who knows how much.
yea i agree as well, i would be susipicous of ANY company claiming they have c99 f2's even, i got c99 when it was sold only by grimm bros, then i took a male and female c99 and made seeds, which would make what i have f2, and i honestly beleive im one of the few people that have the true lineage. seed companies just want to make $$$$$

ps. i would NEVER cut a plant, esp c99 at 50 days, she needs at least 60, more like 70,i have been growing cinderella since 04-05.. alot of these companies saying they chop at 50 days and shit just want your money and say that so people think their plants flower quickly, i have been growing for over 10 years, I HAVE NEVER SEEN A PLANT READY AT 50 DAYS (photo-flower)..even those plants that are ''mosca c99'' at 40 days need AT LEAST 2 more weeks before they are done, to each his own i guess, whatever, good luck to anyone searching for the true cinderella, its a once in a lifetime experience, if you smoke THE REAL THING you will know it. immediatley.


Well-Known Member
yea i agree as well, i would be susipicous of ANY company claiming they have c99 f2's even, i got c99 when it was sold only by grimm bros, then i took a male and female c99 and made seeds, which would make what i have f2, and i honestly beleive im one of the few people that have the true lineage. seed companies just want to make $$$$$

ps. i would NEVER cut a plant, esp c99 at 50 days, she needs at least 60, more like 70,i have been growing cinderella since 04-05.. alot of these companies saying they chop at 50 days and shit just want your money and say that so people think their plants flower quickly, i have been growing for over 10 years, I HAVE NEVER SEEN A PLANT READY AT 50 DAYS (photo-flower)..even those plants that are ''mosca c99'' at 40 days need AT LEAST 2 more weeks before they are done, to each his own i guess, whatever, good luck to anyone searching for the true cinderella, its a once in a lifetime experience, if you smoke THE REAL THING you will know it. immediatley.
Seed Companys are known to be full of crap. However with the Mosca version the consensus is indeed ~50 days. By consensus I mean if you do research on google ask people who have grown it etc etc. They all say to chop at ~50 and letting it go longer doesnt do the plant justice. Here is a pic some guy at another website took of Mosca C99 at 42 days



Well-Known Member
We have pre flowers.. Not sure when they came up but just thought to look. Little bit of burn on the first pic is from a little bit of nutrients getting on the leaf. No biggie but I hate anything making them not look good.. Little OCD for ya:) Kinda hard to water when they are so bushy lol. Wish I would have filled up the smart pots to the top but that would have meant buying a new bag of Roots Organic for like 2'' of soil. It will be a little easier when I clear out some of the under shit before I flip 12/12. Big difference today. Looks like they are eating up the 600 watts. Will water tomorrow before I leave for work.
2013-01-20 12.55.25.jpg2013-01-20 12.53.25.jpg

2013-01-20 12.50.08.jpg

2013-01-20 12.49.18.jpg

Yesterday2013-01-19 13.36.30.jpg Today2013-01-20 12.48.11.jpg


Well-Known Member
Lookin great mechanical! They really looks happy and congrats on the preflowers.

As far as seed companies screwing everyone thats a matter of opinion. I've met so many people on forums and a few in real life that don't ever believe what they are smoking matters if its good weed. I personally don't get all hung up on names, unless I konw the grower, and the genetics are legit. Personally I've never had any reason to believe a seed company was tricking me or full of shit. Now I don't doubt that they may exagerate yields or flowering times, but perhaps in the grows these guys have, those are the results they get. I would assume most seed production companies have ellaborate well ran grows with close to ideal conditions.

So AKnight as far as nothing finishing in 50 days, the white widow I've been growing for 4 years always gets chopped at about 50-55 days. I've ran it close to 70 days with little effect on yield, I've ran it out to 65, 60, and as early as about 45. The only one that seemed to be much different was the 45day which I only pulled because of an emergency at the time. I've been running the same pheno and I've never had anything but complements on its quality.

Its possible that the pheno of cindy that you are growing after cross breeding who knows what phenos to start with, may not flower as fast as Cindy is supposed to. I personally don't really believe in judging by days, I always look to the plant to tell me. That being said I've read from countless growers online, that it is supposed to be a really fast flowerer. You are the only person I've ever read about growing cindy to 60-70 days, so unless your the only one growing it right, I'd say its the pheno you have.


Well-Known Member
So I popped another C99 bean, and it actually came up in about 36 hours. I was thrilled, I thought I had figured out what had been wrong the first time. Even cooler, is the new little seedling has a siemese twin. From the one seed and one tap root have sprouted 2 seedlings. They are connected, at the tap root, but otherwise seem to be 2 full growths. One is just ever so slightly larger then the other, but both look healthy. I'm gonna try to grow it out this way. Thought you guys might find it interesting.


Well-Known Member
So I popped another C99 bean, and it actually came up in about 36 hours. I was thrilled, I thought I had figured out what had been wrong the first time. Even cooler, is the new little seedling has a siemese twin. From the one seed and one tap root have sprouted 2 seedlings. They are connected, at the tap root, but otherwise seem to be 2 full growths. One is just ever so slightly larger then the other, but both look healthy. I'm gonna try to grow it out this way. Thought you guys might find it interesting.
I gotta see a picture of that.. I'm sure one will die off though. I don't think one root system could support 2 normal sized plants but it would be cool to see how it turns out.


Well-Known Member
I gotta see a picture of that.. I'm sure one will die off though. I don't think one root system could support 2 normal sized plants but it would be cool to see how it turns out.
It will work out well. Give it plenty of root space and train it so they arent fighting for light. There are guys on here that actually plant more than one plant in a pot

Kite High

Well-Known Member
Female Seeds c99 is the real deal...I still have original Bros Grimm Seeds and have grown those out many times and this experience allows me to vouch for Female Seeds c99...love them I do and all the plants thus far have been excellent


Well-Known Member
Female Seeds c99 is the real deal...I still have original Bros Grimm Seeds and have grown those out many times and this experience allows me to vouch for Female Seeds c99...love them I do and all the plants thus far have been excellent
Apprecitate that Kite.. Makes me feel hopefull.