400w HPS Fruity Chronic Juice & Critical Kush SCRog Grow


Well-Known Member
As you guys wish ;) sorry for the pictures but the hps is going at full power.
FCJ is almost touching the screen so I think within next few days I think I'll have to start training her under the screen. Both of the plants just look so healthy nice broad green leaves and shit, it might be the soil that I'm using this time around, plus I don't know if it my imagination or my plant's really picked up after adding those two bottles of yeast mixture.

So here we go first up is the FCJ she on day 23 since breaking the ground:IMAG0642.jpgIMAG0643.jpgIMAG0644.jpgIMAG0645.jpgIMAG0646.jpg

And here we got CK on day 18IMAG0640.jpgIMAG0641.jpg

Hope you guys like it :weed:

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
:mad: I can't see FCJ!

Btw my seed sprouted her taproot today and is now in soil. I will post a pic of her the first day she pops above ground.


Well-Known Member
So just little update upon closer inspection I found that FCJ has it's pre-flowers and white pistils coing out. I thought this shouldn't happen well into 4th week of veg.? and also the main stock is a bit above the screen, she's now about 9in tall so like I said before within next few days the training will begin :P

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
So just little update upon closer inspection I found that FCJ has it's pre-flowers and white pistils coing out. I thought this shouldn't happen well into 4th week of veg.? and also the main stock is a bit above the screen, she's now about 9in tall so like I said before within next few days the training will begin :P
Dang, maybe you overloaded her with light? lol
Pic of the pistils?


Well-Known Member
Sorry Ms. Flame, I tried to get a close up shot of pistols but with no luck, but they are there lol , all I have for light is 400hps and 125 blue CFL.


Well-Known Member
FCJ in my experience has shown preflowers relativly quick man, never had a issue with knowing the sex of the plant.

hope this helps :)
Matt I didn't think that I'll have issues with telling the sex apart, these were fem. seeds, but yeah I was surprised that she showed sex so quick, last night I was reading well into late hours and everywhere I read, it said that this should happen well into 4th-5th week of veg. I mean I'm not complaining lol just saying it's pretty quick.
And one more thing buddy I think I'll not be topping the plants this time around, I would like to get a feel for photoperiod plants first before I start chopping my plants lol.

But here comes my question, you think my screen would fill out faster if I would top the plants? I mean there's not a lot of filling to be done lol because my space is not big at all so I think within next two weeks maybe three I should be ready to flip.