Any idea?


Why the spots?


A lil background, moved this plant from normal pot soil to coco, i have 3 plants, 2 i left in the original soil, i started ading nutrients, just the plant that i moved to coco start showing this.....


ph is find,also the plant sit for 1 week in the new soil before reviving i dont think the coco is the problem...or maybe it is...anyone has any idea?


New Member
when using a soilless medium, you have to supplement food, and the soil should have a little bit lower of a ph (5.5-6)

i think spots like that mean a micronute deficiency, dont quote me though.

a feeding with a fertilizer should provide food, and lower ph.


Well-Known Member
Wow dude please stop giving out advice to people please.

Coco is a complete different ball game, it's soiless you treat as you would a hydropoinic setup, while it is better it is that much harder, Your girls are locked out big time. See the purple stems? You are having some serious nute problems.

You say your ph is fine but your ph needs to be lower in coco then in soil. in soil you want 6-6.5 and in coco you want 5.2-5.6.

Not sure why you yanked a plant out of soil and threw it into a new medium but oh well nothing you can do now. It's gonna be a new experience for you.


Well-Known Member
purple stems is phosphorus deficiency.. it could be from LACK of nutrients OR lockout..
Yep. I'm going to go with it being locked out as he put in from soil having ph of 6-6.5 and threw it in coco which is soiless medium at 5.2-5.6. Feeding that high of ph in coco you are guarenteed to lock P out


New Member
Yep. I'm going to go with it being locked out as he put in from soil having ph of 6-6.5 and threw it in coco which is soiless medium at 5.2-5.6. Feeding that high of ph in coco you are guarenteed to lock P out
It could have had purple stems the whole time and he thought nothing of it.. he was referring to the little burn spots in the pics.. If he just transplanted like 3 days ago then its not from the coco because it wouldnt turn the stems purple that fast.. but since we have no idea when he transplanted.. its just guessing on our part. and he never stated his PH level either...


It could have had purple stems the whole time and he thought nothing of it.. he was referring to the little burn spots in the pics.. If he just transplanted like 3 days ago then its not from the coco because it wouldnt turn the stems purple that fast.. but since we have no idea when he transplanted.. its just guessing on our part. and he never stated his PH level either...

it had purple stems from breaking out of the seeds,
I didnt yank the plant out of the pot, i transplanted it when roots started to come out of the holes of the pot, that was 1 week ago, i started feeding it 4 days ago and the spots started...
I belive he gets to much nutrients from the soil and me adding more nutes didnt make her well, will only feed her water to see what happends


New Member
as a baby purple stem is normal, older its a lockout of soil usually caused by cold temps or incorrect ph

my buddy watered his plant with cold water towards end of life to make a not purple phenotype purple


I always test my ph, it has been raging from 5.4-6, and no problems
here are some more pics maybe someone will notice something new, it doesnt look that bad and i dont see it advancing:



New Member
Yep. I'm going to go with it being locked out as he put in from soil having ph of 6-6.5 and threw it in coco which is soiless medium at 5.2-5.6. Feeding that high of ph in coco you are guarenteed to lock P out
yeah..its just gotta adjust. 5.5 is a fine ph for a plant in coco, but coming from soil its harsh. i want to switch to coco soon, think ima get sunshine mix #4


Active Member
The purple stems will take quite some time to go away (if at all).

It happened to my plants and i looked it up. It is caused by numerous things. overall, its due to stress. They may remain purple till you chop the plant or they may slowly recover but they will be fine regardless


New Member
giggles told us it was a p lockout..i looked more into it and purple stem is from p lockout..due to his abrupt change in ph by jumping from earth to coco..plant will adjust with time, it looks healthy enough.

some coco comes with some food, some doesnt. if you bought it as a brick, youll need to give it one good feeding at 1/2 strength with next watering.

im switching to coco soon

sunshine mix #4, black gold coco and mircale gro expand n gro have some food in them


giggles told us it was a p lockout..i looked more into it and purple stem is from p lockout..due to his abrupt change in ph by jumping from earth to coco..plant will adjust with time, it looks healthy enough.

some coco comes with some food, some doesnt. if you bought it as a brick, youll need to give it one good feeding at 1/2 strength with next watering.

im switching to coco soon

sunshine mix #4, black gold coco and mircale gro expand n gro have some food in them

It is soil with 25% coco fiber, not just coco...i believe it didint need nutrients as moving it from a smaller pot to a bigger one it started developing roots into the new soil and me adding nutrients just screwed it up, it didnt finish the nutrients in the soil and i over feed it, i just added water now i will see, hope it will be fine, i also transplanted today another one into a bigger pot, also 25% coco, i wont feed this one, will just give it water for 2 week, if i will have the same issues maybe it is something else, i just hope it wont :P

Also as i stated before it always had purple stem :) from seed:
