Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

Genetically Engineered Cannabis yes or no?

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^Another fine example^

You mistakenly believe that being long-winded equates to having something important to say. I see it more as scattered, unorganized thought. Canabinear is one of the brightest individuals on this forum imo, and he rarely feels it necessary to ramble on like you. You lack the ability to be precise, and succinct.

Maybe you could find something productive to do while laying awake at night. Surely you would agree that the hours/days/weeks/months you've spent hunched over your keyboard posting away in the political forum of a marijuana web site is kind of pointless, right? Maybe you could try your hand at growing weed? I'm sure you'd find it fun, therapeutic, and maybe even profitable. Time well spent.

PM me if you need any pointers.

pardon me, while i stifle my chortles of amusement.

my interest in politics, and my interest in dope simply coincide here. you assume im like cheesie, who holds dope growers in contempt and merely comes here because shouting at the Fox news message boards is "boring".
if THREE PARAGRAPHS is what you call long winded then you have serious problems.

your characterization of my statement above as "scattered, unorganized thought" then perhaps you didnt understand the point.

ill make it clear using the pithy comments that you seem to prefer.

YOU are a post-modernist dilettante.
you believe that any person who holds an opinion contrary to your own is evil.
you respond to disagreement with bile and venom rather than discourse.
you turn to ad hominem as the first line of offense.
you disparage the person rather than their argument, make thinly veiled imprecations and then take offense at every response
youre just a cut rate Uncle Buck without the cleverness and wit.

i grow my dope just fine thank you.
and since you spend so little time actually discussing dope and the growing thereof, why would i ask your opinion on that matter, when Uncle Buck (your superior in every way) has a proven track record of success in that area?

i enjoy my non-political discussions of gardening with buck, i doubt i would enjoy any discussion with you, as you seem to be little more than the asshole who throws spitballs from the cheap seats at the local community threatre.

but i guess thats too long winded.

im saying youre a PUTZ!

a heckler who brings nothing to the table beyond your whoopi cushion and a foul odour.
Put the keyboard down and just walk away....

tread softly bro, when people who are so tighly wound up in ideology start to unravel, you dont want to get caught in the inevitable crash.

my discussions on gun control with Steve Kangas went kinda like this before he just snapped, bought a .45 at a vegas pawnshop, flew out to philly and shot himself in a toilet stall when his plan to assassinate Richard Mellon Scaithe went pear-shaped.

dude, i aint even kidding.

this is my serious face.

dude shot himself in a public toilet.

dont push the nutters too far, they'll crack, and it's not a good feeling.
tread softly bro, when people who are so tighly wound up in ideology start to unravel, you dont want to get caught in the inevitable crash.

my discussions on gun control with Steve Kangas went kinda like this before he just snapped, bought a .45 at a vegas pawnshop, flew out to philly and shot himself in a toilet stall when his plan to assassinate Richard Mellon Scaithe went pear-shaped.

dude, i aint even kidding.

this is my serious face.

dude shot himself in a public toilet.

dont push the nutters too far, they'll crack, and it's not a good feeling.

If you can get Uncle Buck to do that I will worship you forever :P
If you can get Uncle Buck to do that I will worship you forever :P

it funny to say shit like that, but really, when you start winding up somebody who turns out to be as frooty as toucan sam, and they snap, then end up on the floor of a public toilet with a half empty whiskey bottle a 45 and a wisp of smoke curling out of their mouths you get a new perspective on shit.

for years i worried i might have pushed him too hard on his wacky gun control schemes, but now, being older and wiser i realize he was just a liberal. liberals always want to control others, while preserving their own right to resist control, because they think they are BETTER than everybody else,

liberals believe they are the only ones who can be trusted with anything that might be dangerous, even thought. thats why the left fights so hard to preserve their monopoly of the media.

In Liberal World, the bizarre dystopian universe the left lives in, dissent against "The Right" "Capitalism" and "The Bourgeois _____________" is the god given right of every leftist blogger and disgruntled radical marxist, but disagreement with THEIR opinions is tantamount to violence. Liberals believe everyone has a right to hold any opinion they want, and say anything they like, as long as it all agrees with their party line. In Liberal World there is no liberty unless you are one of the Party Faithful, and then the world is your oyster, but if you are one of the Evil Reactionary Counter-Revolutionary Bourgeois _____________ists, then you must be put against the wall and shot. But dont worry, the guns used to shoot you will be safely controlled by the state, and the price of the bullet will be billed to your next of kin.

Once you understand how Liberal Wolrd works, youll never be surprised by the left's hypocrisy again.

of course there is also aa corresponding Neo-Con World too, and it's every bit as dirty and shabby as Liberal World. the two are polar opposites, but when you get down to it, they are indistinguishable in how they deal with dissent. both these freakish distortions of reality are equally dangerous to the believers, and both are just as poisonous to civil discourse, political thought, and our Constitutional Representative Republic.
pardon me, while i stifle my chortles of amusement.

my interest in politics, and my interest in dope simply coincide here. you assume im like cheesie, who holds dope growers in contempt and merely comes here because shouting at the Fox news message boards is "boring".
if THREE PARAGRAPHS is what you call long winded then you have serious problems.

your characterization of my statement above as "scattered, unorganized thought" then perhaps you didnt understand the point.

ill make it clear using the pithy comments that you seem to prefer.

YOU are a post-modernist dilettante.
you believe that any person who holds an opinion contrary to your own is evil.
you respond to disagreement with bile and venom rather than discourse.
you turn to ad hominem as the first line of offense.
you disparage the person rather than their argument, make thinly veiled imprecations and then take offense at every response
youre just a cut rate Uncle Buck without the cleverness and wit.

i grow my dope just fine thank you.
and since you spend so little time actually discussing dope and the growing thereof, why would i ask your opinion on that matter, when Uncle Buck (your superior in every way) has a proven track record of success in that area?

i enjoy my non-political discussions of gardening with buck, i doubt i would enjoy any discussion with you, as you seem to be little more than the asshole who throws spitballs from the cheap seats at the local community threatre.

but i guess thats too long winded.

im saying youre a PUTZ!

a heckler who brings nothing to the table beyond your whoopi cushion and a foul odour.

Ouch! Scathing response! If you weren't just a farm hand pontificating on a weed forum, I might actually take offense to that! :-)

I hope you get some sleep tonight.
I believe people are responsible for their own actions...

really bro, crazy people who are already on the ledge need help, not a crowd shouting their chant of "JUMP JUMP JUMP JUMP!"

i try not to prod too hard, cuz from personal experience, indulging in schadenfreude is fun, hillarious and sometimes deserved, more often than not it leaves you feeling hollow inside.

dont get me wrong i dont weep for nutbars who think gun control is groovy, as long as they get to lurk outside the offices of those they despise with a 1911.

but deliberately pushing a nutter to the breaking point is cruel, like kicking a cowering dog.
really bro, crazy people who are already on the ledge need help, not a crowd shouting their chant of "JUMP JUMP JUMP JUMP!"

i try not to prod too hard, cuz from personal experience, indulging in schadenfreude is fun, hillarious and sometimes deserved, more often than not it leaves you feeling hollow inside.

dont get me wrong i dont weep for nutbars who think gun control is groovy, as long as they get to lurk outside the offices of those they despise with a 1911.

but deliberately pushing a nutter to the breaking point is cruel, like kicking a cowering dog.

That is an interesting point but I didnt do that.

I simply pointed out that

1. Disclosing RL info on here is dangerous.

2. You cannot delete your profile.

3. There is no compulsion to log onto this site and post regardless of how it appears when observing Uncle Buck...
really bro, crazy people who are already on the ledge need help, not a crowd shouting their chant of "JUMP JUMP JUMP JUMP!"

i try not to prod too hard, cuz from personal experience, indulging in schadenfreude is fun, hillarious and sometimes deserved, more often than not it leaves you feeling hollow inside.

dont get me wrong i dont weep for nutbars who think gun control is groovy, as long as they get to lurk outside the offices of those they despise with a 1911.

but deliberately pushing a nutter to the breaking point is cruel, like kicking a cowering dog.
I must agree, there is a line.
oh and as far as my personal info being out there... i have my local press and law enforcement to thank for that they make a game of it so it isn't like any of it matters the point was was for everyone to carry on about the real discussion as if i were never here. not like i ever really was i am such a liar and crazy right?
really bro, crazy people who are already on the ledge need help, not a crowd shouting their chant of "JUMP JUMP JUMP JUMP!"

You mean like throwing out mostly untested GM crops into the wild when we barely understand what it is we're doing? Jump indeed.
You mean like throwing out mostly untested GM crops into the wild when we barely understand what it is we're doing? Jump indeed.
Just because we don't know exactly what ever single gene combination does (yet), sections that have an identifiable purpose can be predictably inserted into a new organism with relatively predictable result.

Is the world still flat where you are?
You mean like throwing out mostly untested GM crops into the wild when we barely understand what it is we're doing? Jump indeed.

and what will GM corn or soya do when planted in a farmer's field?

hatch a plot with al quaeda to destroy the delicate balance of nature between the barn and the fenceline?


mutate blackbirds into nefarious Super Avians with the ability to speak, plan mischief and devise their escape route?


or destroy the world by speaking the name of god in reverse?


crazy fearmongering is the last resort of those who have no evidence to support their lunacy.
is there a "Scientific Consensus" on genetic research? why yes, there is.

it's the same as the "Scientific Consensus" on global warming. MORE RESEARCH!

not mad spasms of terror, kneejerk political reaction or ludicrous prohibitions on more research.

the left's rush to condemnation of everything they despise as soon as they catch the faintest whiff of an excuse to call out their rabblerouser is displayed on this issue the same as it is on "global warming", gun control, and demanding punitive taxation on those they already hate with a burning marxist passion.

it's just too easy.