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How to Prune Marijuana, Pruning and Trimming Tips by

Marijuana Pruning Tips
Home > How to Grow Marijuana > Marijuana Pruning Tips

Each time a growing tip is clipped, the stem branches into two shoots, which begin to grow from the nearest leaf axils.
Pruning a growing marijuana plant is an easy way of controlling uneven growth without seriously harming the plant.
Don't prune the growing tip of a young seedling until after the first five-bladed leaves have formed, and the vegetative stage has begun.
Many growers prune the growing tips after four to five weeks growth to develop lower branches which will quickly fill all the horizontal space.
The greatest potency of the growing plant is found in the growing tips, and by three months, they should make a high quality smoke.
You can basically prune growing tips at any stage of the plant's development, but just don't overdo it.

Severe pruning can harm the growth of the plant.
It is always better to plan a pruning strategy for your developing plants, rather than haphazardly clipping off growing tips on an irregular basis.
Each time a growing tip is removed, the plant takes a few days to recover before new growth resumes on that branch.
The amount of new growth formed with continued pruning is limited by the genetic structure of the seed, and the conditions of the environment.
It is better to prune your plants at an early stage of their development, than towards the end of the vegetative stage or during flowering.
It is always better to prune growing tips in the morning than in the evening, as it gives the plant a full day to recover and heal the wounds.
It is not recommended that you prune every new node in a developing plant. Rather prune every second or third node to allow the plant time to recover.
Wait for the new node to start growing before clipping the young branch a few millimeters above the previous node's newly formed leaves.
It is always better to use a small scissors to prune your plants, than to simply pluck off the growing tips by hand.
Do not prune any growing tips if you notice that your plant's health is declining and it has started losing leaves. Although you should always smoke the pruned growing tips, plants should be pruned to develop their growth rather than for smoking purposes.
While it may be tempting to prune female buds during early flowering, your harvest will be severely reduced by doing so.
Cannabis Indica is a genetically smaller and more bushy plant than Cannabis Sativa and usually requires less pruning.
Never prune more than the single growing tip, or upper-most node, from any branch on the growing plant.
The upper-most growing tip of an unpruned marijuana plant will always be more potent that the top buds of a pruned plant grown in similar conditions.
Pruning the tallest branches ensures that the lower branches grow upwards, forming a larger surface area for the light to cover.
The clear fluid that often flows from the end of a newly pruned branch, contains substances which seal the wound and aid the healing process.
Although it is recommended that you remove all dying leaves from the plant, you should resist the temptation to prune too many healthy leaves.
To grow seedless marijuana, you should remove all the male plants as soon as they are discovered, by pruning the main stem right above the ground.
Although it may be better developed, a pruned marijuana plant does not always produce more buds than an unpruned plant.
Another good reason for pruning is to take cuttings from a strong growing, favourite plant for further hydroponic development.
Marijuana growers often prune their plants in an attempt to limit their height and prevent unwanted detection.
An alternative to pruning for developing growth, is to bend the tops of the branches over and tie the growing tips down with string or wire.
Remember that by pruning a growing tip, you are removing the most potent part of the plant, thereby spoiling it's chance of reaching full maturity.
By pruning all the buds at harvest time, rather than cutting the stem off above the ground, you could easily harvest your plant a second time.
By severely pruning your marijuana plants you are lowering their resistance to harmful natural enemies such as insects, fungus and frost.
You can make a great cup of tea, by chopping up some pruned growing tips and soaking them in boiled water for a few minutes.
Cannabis is a very hardy and adaptable plant, and will endure serious harm to it's leaves, branches and stem before it dies.​


Well-Known Member
Yeah...whoever wrote that i dont think they fully understand topping. its the same plant before topping, so how would it be diffrent after? Lol...look at my plant pics on my thread, does it look like i lost potency? You'll come to the conclusion that i didn't once pics are viewed


Active Member
I actually did it already.
Thats when they start BLOOMINNNNN lol. After I topped, hella new growth came. all the new growth photos, are after topping... did it about a week ago...


Well-Known Member
They could still be the same strain , one could have a greater percentage of sativa in it's genetics and the other more indica ,
this is really common.


Active Member

I dont mess with the other one though as far as topping and all that. It still is strugglin through its recovery. I feel it was further into flower (it actually had bud on it) before I flipped it back to 18/6 so I know its going to take longer to recover to full health. Thats why when I post photos with problems and issues, I only post one plant.. the other one i just dont mess with lol. water it every three days, and make sure it doesnt get worse basically.


Well-Known Member
I always put my regular seeds into 12/12to sex them ,
I hate doing it because when you flip back for a week or so they look like shit until veg growth re-starts, and it takes ages , like 3 weeks to fully recover,
i promised myself i would not do this again , but i still do,
I should just take clones and flower them to sex.


Active Member
Yea thats what I planned on doing.
I also noticed that today they finally sprung their first 3 bladed leaves since I brought them in :)


Active Member
Yea, recovery has been going on since january 6th. Then they got slapped with bugs n sprayed them two days actually they been on recovery since january 9th. Glad to see her turn around :D

Now I'll finally be posting two plants instead of one lol


Active Member
I always put my regular seeds into 12/12to sex them ,
I hate doing it because when you flip back for a week or so they look like shit until veg growth re-starts, and it takes ages , like 3 weeks to fully recover,
i promised myself i would not do this again , but i still do,
I should just take clones and flower them to sex.

Lol, "i still do it" lol.
I'll clone these, and hopefully, they are worth it.

How can I tell if its a type of some regiess??? Or mids?? Before I smoke it lol.


Active Member
Youve never heard of reggies? Mids? Zona? Reggies cost like 50 dollars for an ounce...but gotta smoke a quarter just to get a high lol.