Do you ever imagine things?


Well-Known Member
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Well-Known Member
I am trying to imagine what watching all ten hours of that on acid would do to me
lmfao I'm at 7 minutes now, it keeps drowning out as background noise while reading RIU, but I notice I've been nodding my head to it, pretty decent beat to it lol


Well-Known Member
I watched it 4 times today. My wife was like what the fuck, then I saw her swaying to it lol


Well-Known Member
lmfao I'm at 7 minutes now, it keeps drowning out as background noise while reading RIU, but I notice I've been nodding my head to it, pretty decent beat to it lol
brave soul indeed
I made it to 5:52
if it wasnt close to bedtime I would try to best your time


[video=youtube;Zce-QT7MGSE][/video]this shit seriously made me laugh for like 20 mins straight.

watch the refs lips talking about the beanbags....lmfao