American Education System


Well-Known Member
every time I read one of your post it gives me an unquestionable urge to play golf. I hate not being able to in this weather. Do you have one of those things for inside where it's like a tiny mini green for you to putt into, at home? In the office? You're giving me such a terrible urge to play I almost want to go out and buy one of those stupid things to curve the craving.

edit: a cup will probably suffice but how to recreate the tiny hill they have? hmmm..maybe some well placed lincoln logs for the ball to roll up or something, I'm about to get all creative with some books and shit
You can always go out to the lake and drive a ball 1000 yards


Well-Known Member
Ironic that someone with the online handle of ANALBUTTSEX1 would make such a post...
The handle means Northern Lights crossed with Skunk #1.. But I wouldnt expect you to figure that out... ON A POT GROWING WEBSITE!!!



Well-Known Member
i've got to get some pruning and reorganizing done tonight if i am to go out and play golf tomorrow.

not that i have to justify my life to you. you guys don't even have any idea what i'm capable of.


Well-Known Member
who me? Lol nah, sometimes I'll work out and they swing all over the place. No control over those free thinkers. I could very well drive balls in my back yard though. I'll have to clear a spot of snow haha, maybe mark some spots in the fields to aim for. Just bought a couple cans of silly string yesterday. Why? Why not? I'll find a use for em other than scaring the shit out of friends when they turn the corner and I spray em.

back to the topic on hand, the problem is PSSA's or whatever the abbreviation would be in your state. They teach strictly to what is on those test because the scores are what determine a large amount of funding. We used to spend the majority of our time teaching ONLY for those, with material provided, practice questions etc. Whole months wasted, veering off of the normal curriculum (which was shit any way) in order to study for the PSSA's, in return, we would learn nothing during that time. Then kids would just fill in random answers to get the test over with as soon as possible anyway. It was a novel idea, the schools with higher scores meaning they were teaching better, would be rewarded with more funding. But #1, it backfired completely and totally fucked up a lot of schools. And #2, it obviously wasn't thought out for more than a couple minutes because wouldn't you want to fund the schools with lower scores, to help them improve? Rather than increasing the gap between the high-tec classroom, AAA schools and the A schools using 20 year old text books? Not to mention in my state, we just got a new governor in the last year or something, who cut education funding ridiculously (because that's exactly what we need, less money for our education system...) and our local hs is now over 1 million in debt, after firing multiple EXCELLENT teachers in an attempt to cut cost. Oh, and they just bought a shit ton of iPads. People are so idiotic with money it makes me sick.

edit: how do you know I live on a lake cheesus?:o