opinions on grow set up? Cons-pros? lots of pics.


Well-Known Member
So this is my second grow, first grow was one plant and this one is 2, the set up i use isnt the best i know, but its what i got lol. The pics will explain most of it, but the soil is mg(next time getting ffof), the 2 ghetto rigged lights on the box are 45 watt warm spectrums, and the 2 above the plants are 23 or 24 watt colds. Planning on using the super bloom starting at quarter strength once i induce flowering in a few more weeks because i know mg can be screwey, then ill work my way up. So any ideas where im going right and where im going wrong?

Also, the smaller plant is a blue widow, and the larger one is a mystery seed, the blue widow is sick after an mg transfer, and the bigger one just started growing again after shock from the transfer, the blue widow isnt taking it well.

All opinions and help are appreciated.



Well-Known Member
also i wanna incorporate the stationary fan because it moves alot of air, but i have no where to put it except on the floor shooting straight up, and i didnt think that would do jack.


Well-Known Member
no they went screwey when i transfered into mg from jiffy seedling starter. The bag even said flush soil before any transfers, but my thinking was (i didnt do it last time, why do it this time) so i didnt. So i flushed them while they were potted, and the larger one stopped being droopy and started growing again, but the blue widow stopped. Whats a good product thats easy to obtain to correct nitrogen? Really only home depots and wally worlds around here.


Well-Known Member
tipical mg soil nut burn. any newbe will kill em with it. Only an experienced grower usually can grow with that stuff. Get into the game or not. Get some ffof to learn with the stuff made for em or dont bother with the hobby imo. you may learn with the first grow using it but getting final results will almost be a mirical for a newbe. I suggest you read a bunch in the newbe section and play ball or wait till you have some bucks to do so. think this way. learning this hobby pays dearly vs. buying finished product.


Active Member
no they went screwey when i transfered into mg from jiffy seedling starter. The bag even said flush soil before any transfers, but my thinking was (i didnt do it last time, why do it this time) so i didnt. So i flushed them while they were potted, and the larger one stopped being droopy and started growing again, but the blue widow stopped. Whats a good product thats easy to obtain to correct nitrogen? Really only home depots and wally worlds around here.
look at the roots organic website and check out their player packs. delivered very discretely to ur door will be a full line of nutes and just enough for your grow for less than 60$ shipped. if home depot is ur only outlet for soil then try their super soil brand of potting soil and add a shit load of perlite. or kellog soil if u wanna go organic but still add a shit load of perlite. these are far eaiser to work with than mg and cheaper. i would not wait another day before ordering the nutes bro. tryn to do this with half ass stuff will be a waste of time.


Well-Known Member
advice taken, im about to go to home depot tonight, so my goal here is to increase the nitrogen correct? Also to get them out of the mg and into different potting soil. What is a good npk for plants that are being taken out of mg? Only reason i ask is to avoid a huge flux in the nutes, just what i need to correct the problem.


Well-Known Member
You are over watering them. Buy a moisture meter at Lowes $5. I grow with MG DO NOT OVER WATER. I use MG liquid house plant food for veg. Than I use Fox Farms Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom. MG is easy to grow in just dont over water them.