FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

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Well-Known Member
Yeah they are doing fine. :D They are going to be amazing :D Early April is expected harvest time.
I will have harvested 3 times by then. Perpetual harvesting is where it's at, I thought you were all about saving money but you are doing the exact opposite.
Nice ninja turtle pajamas btw.


Well-Known Member
Yeah they are doing fine. :D They are going to be amazing :D Early April is expected harvest time.
in the time it will have taken you to get these from seed to harvest, i will have done two full 24 plant harvests, taken over 200 clones, and be in position to lap you all over again. you sure you don't want some real advice?


Well-Known Member
UB and Majek are right dude...enough is enough...My seeds i planted 5 days ago are gonna be bigger than your sprouts next week...the ones I planted 2 weeks before you started this are 2 1/2 ft tall and are ready for flower, I literally have to slow growth...Start something new and grow it out normal...Then maybe you can catch a break...


Well-Known Member
Thinbaggy is my favorite, funnny becuz true.
At least you had a complete sentence, and something to back up the statement at the BEGINNING of your sentence, instead of just a random statement with no sentence like the other guy.


Well-Known Member
I don't need advice. I need $
if you followed some of our advice, you'd have plenty of money coming in soon enough. you need to spend money to make money though, and i know how you hate shopping lists.

have you been stealing beers again tonight? i'm getting the 'spammy is beer buzzed' vibe again tonight.


Well-Known Member
I don't need advice. I need $
It's not about money or materials, we all know great bud can be grown with very few supplies but it takes the willingness to make mistakes and learn from them.
I've made plenty of mistakes and killed a few plants along the way but I'm always open-minded to advice and critisism because it helps me learn.


Well-Known Member
image.jpgHey spammy, some floweres dropped this off at my door. Said it was for you, i didnt get it but i figured maybe you would...any idea?


Well-Known Member
Did anyone else see Breaking Bad? That is a bad ass show. I never watched it because I thought it was just going to be about a bunch of people smoking meth. But someone told me that's not what it was, then I watched it on Netflix and it was AMAZING. Love that show.
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