Flushing Problem simple question


This is my first time flushing, There are 4 days into 12/12. In 3 gallon pots. I flushed them with 5 gallons water ph 6.2.

ph'd the run of was about 5.5. Now They look extremely overwatered......is this normal for flushing? This is my first grow and first flush. So not sure if that is ok.


Rancho Cucamonga

Active Member
You want higher pH in flower. Your runoff should be at 6.4-6.8. Runoff is pretty accurate, about a .2 error rate from a good meter. But 5.5 is way low.
Yes plants can look over-watered after you flush but being you are just starting flower I'd be much more concerned with the low pH.

What are you using for soil?



promix soiless, so i have ph water to 6.2...i flushed all the water through...and run off is still 5.5. What should I do to get the ph up?

i am not using a meter. I am using ph drop test


Well-Known Member
what nutrients are you using ? Also you will fail with the drop test. Stop being cheap and get a real ph meter, a hanna. They are like 50. Order off amazon. That is your problem right there !


what nutrients are you using ? Also you will fail with the drop test. Stop being cheap and get a real ph meter, a hanna. They are like 50. Order off amazon. That is your problem right there !
i am pretty sure the drop test is better then a digital meter that can break....tons of the best growers only use drop test


Well-Known Member
liquid karma is great stuff, i don't care for their other products. Im pretty sure a drop test is a general range from 6 to 7 where as a digital meters are accurate to 1/10th when calibrated and stored correctly.


Well-Known Member
i am pretty sure the drop test is better then a digital meter that can break....tons of the best growers only use drop test
I use drops even when I have a meter... I like drops. If your not blind its accurate enough to get ±0.1, and if you want it really accurate use aquarium pH test kit goes from like 6-8.


Active Member
I use drops even when I have a meter... I like drops. If your not blind its accurate enough to get ±0.1, and if you want it really accurate use aquarium pH test kit goes from like 6-8.
drops are easy cheap an they never fail, thats the way to go


k......so it's been a few hours they don't look droopy anymore...they look good....just the new growth looks very very pale.....any thoughts?