Jorge Cervantes Marijuana Horticulture: Indoor Growers Bible for FREE?


Active Member
:leaf:I don't want to go through the trouble of figuring out how to get it on here if people don't want it. I just finally found it and thought the nice people of RiU may want it also.:bigjoint::leaf:

Look further down the post, I posted a link.:)


Active Member
okay i will figure out how. its not a link i bought it online for my pc. i have it in pdf. just hold with me and i will get it. but i guess not many people want it.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
i made my own grow referance book
copy and past a lot of good info from many differ site , and my referance book is up to date and contains all new grow advances and techniques its over 200 pages of diy shit - i think most people have done this


Active Member
alright i cant upload from here becuase my pdf files are to large and weird to make smaller. umm lemmie see hold on. god this is more work than i expected.


Active Member

Here it is go to the second download link the one with arrows saying bittorrent or torrent something and click it, you will be prompted to open or save choose save after saving you will be prombted to open then do so. you will need limewire for this the newest version would be best. free version is fine thats what i used. and it will open limewire for you and everything, let the file simply download then click it and if you have a pdf viewer you will be able to view such files:) it is the entire book chapter 1-17 :) with pictures. your welcome and i hope this will help you all sorry i couldnt just upload it and now you have to download something but i reassure you it does work and it good:)


Well-Known Member
I got Alot of grow guides an books off Bit torrent.
The police borrowed mine along time back..:cry:


just registered to say thanks for still keeping it up-downloading it now and i'll be seeding it when i get a chance- thanks for the seed i'll return the favor to anyone in the future whenever i get my internet back up


Well-Known Member
About time for a revised edition of the bible considering that it is on the verge of being outdated.


Well-Known Member
Just buy it. It is not expensive, it is one of the best grow books out there, and the author deserves to be paid for his work.


Active Member
I *had* a solid copy, and not too long ago bought the ebook version. I agree though with althor though, thing needs to be revised already.