Camera Recommendation?

Can anyone suggest a decent camera for documenting grows, that would work while lights are on. I've tried using camera on my phone but get a bunch of lines, i assume is because of the intensity of the lights. Thanks! :peace:


Well-Known Member
i believe the lines are from the ballast actually, but not 100% sure on that. do you have a magnetic ballast? i know my camera dosent get them lines and i have a digital ballast or whatever you call it.


Sector 5 Moderator
I just bought a Nikon D3100; it was $512 with a 32gig pro card. It syncs at 1/4000th of a second so bright lights are nooooooo problem and it's 14.2 MP gives beautiful shots. It also shoots video in 1080p hi def. Oh, and the standard lens has a macro setting for close ups.


Well-Known Member
Yea whatever you choose make sure it has a macro feature for taking pics close up that will show every detail.


Well-Known Member
my Hitachi hunk of crap cam seams to be able to get just enough detail that you can make out all the plants but if there was anything with my address written on it in a reflection then the FBI would not be able to enhance to the point where they can see it as my cam was a cheap hunk of shit but who would want to start using their i-phone to take pics of weed that`s madness

Maybe apples but not weed

I think the Olympus SLR OM-50 is a fine camera and takes an auto focus lens with these new express company's you can also have the film developed in only 2 days it`s ok all the Indian people who run chemist develop the pictures smoke weed anyway because in India it`s legal

Indian people are mad stoners why do you think they talk so funny and have strange food and smell like hash oil`s ??? High all of the incense my ass !

An Elephant with 8 arms fucking stoners why do hippys go to India ? all Indians get high !
Thank you for all the advice!! In hind-sight I'm glad my camera phone didn't work. With these smart phone features like gps, and digital cameras with Geo-tagging. I think I'm going to look for a nice cheap digital without too many bells/whistles, or perhaps a film camera :peace:


Sector 5 Moderator
Thank you for all the advice!! In hind-sight I'm glad my camera phone didn't work. With these smart phone features like gps, and digital cameras with Geo-tagging. I think I'm going to look for a nice cheap digital without too many bells/whistles, or perhaps a film camera :peace:
Get a good camera and turn off the exfil data settings in preferences.


bud bootlegger
i just got a cannon rebel t3i with an 18 / 55 is lens, 18 mp's, blah blah blah blah.. about $599 or so from best buys.. :D


Sector 5 Moderator
i just got a cannon rebel t3i with an 18 / 55 is lens, 18 mp's, blah blah blah blah.. about $599 or so from best buys.. :D
Can't go wrong with that; I had a Canon Rebel XT and it lasted me for nearly 10 years and it made great pix. The 18-55 lens is super for bud shots.


Well-Known Member
i too use a nikon d3100. lastest shot taken for a sample.
i am not the best with a camera yet, still playing with it.


not bad either way IMO
still need a macro lens, but that will come eventually.

i would also say uploaded pics dont do most high quality cameras complete justice, as quality shows most when you zoom on the original image.


Well-Known Member
I found a cannon eos digital once like a top model one looked it up and it was well over £1k new

It was in the back of lane 1 and had been smack down there by a ball

but I found it while the people who it belonged to were still in the building they asked for it and I made them think it was broken for a while like totally smashed then I gave it back to them

What kind of idiot would let a camera like that end up down the back of a bowling lane ? Lucky it was in a bag

Saying that I once had a photographer drop a cam and a ball hit it and took it into the back of the lane but it was either a cannon or olympus and they hold up pretty well but like I said before there expensive.

@Vilify that bud looks pretty nice man what strain is that looks hazy ?
Thanks again for all the advice! I picked-up a Nikon Coolpix s9050 from BB today, figured id give it a try. They have a pretty solid return policy so i figure if it sucks ill just take it back. It was about $129.99 plus tax and SD card. Here are a few test shots so far: DSCN0019.jpgDSCN0021.jpg


Sector 5 Moderator
My wife has a Nikon coolpix and it makes fairly good pix as long as you use a tripod. It doesn't have image stabilization like the DSLRs do. Also the shutter doesn't trip as fast and it can let too much light in the lens but some of that can be corrected in the software.
Yea I defiantly notice both of those things, I will be investing in a tripod soon. How would you change the settings to let in less light, or perhaps increase shutter speed? I'm a complete camera noob so any advice is appreciated.