Whats your lowest ever yield?


Can't imagine anyone's asked this one :P

What was the lowest yield you've ever had? from how many plants, and where do you think it went wrong?

People could learn from your mistakes :D



Well-Known Member
I had a single Sensi Hash Plant finish (well done) at 42 days that yield 1/2 oz............great smoke though. Other pheno's yield much better.


Well-Known Member
i had a white widow that grew alongside a whole bunch of other plants which each harvested 1-1.5 ounces, the white widow yielded about a half an oz. just a funky pheno, i suppose.


Well-Known Member
2 pounds 3 ounces off 4k watts. shh dont tell anyone. no fresh air. no co2.. grew in beds full of dirt with no way for roots to breathe. i had a great teacher. as soon as i stopped listening to him and started going on roll it up... i do a whole lot better now haha


Active Member
I did a mix of white widow, Grand daddy purps, La cofidentila for a total of 12 plants out side. They got real fricken big too...Just bout harvest time,Then all of a sudden they were gone. Thats the lowest yeild I ever had...Yupp, either they grew fucking legs and ran off or I got ripped...You decide!


Well-Known Member
My very first attempt was back in HS in the early 80's and I yeilded about 2 grams( pulled a couple of micro buds to have something to smoke) before the plant was ripped out of the ground by someone or something..lol




Well-Known Member
6.3grams off of my Cannalope Kush. It hermied and the total weight was around 22grams but only 6.3grams was salvaged =[ Smoked alright though, even if it did have a dead grass taste :D Lol.


Active Member
first plant, bag seed 25 grams... grew in miracle grow, 150 watt hps only (1 plant, but still lower PAR) and I vegged to long for a 3 gallon container. I will be chopping 4 plants in little over a month to 2 months and will get total of each plant to get a plant to plant ratio. Hope to beat the 25 grams per plant...


Well-Known Member
Very first real grow 1/2 oz, first grow back when I was like 16, maybe 3 grams if I was lucky lol. Might of been a lot of leaf to who knows. Ah the good ol days

mr wrong

Well-Known Member
My first ever grow. 250w hps, bagseed, they hermied had about 30g smokable bud. me and the misses counted the seeds, from the two plants we got 1600 seeds. Should have chucked them on my prick neighbours lawn. Faaarrrk that would have been awsome

Mr Roboto

Well-Known Member
Dude I think you won this thread....that sucks man
I did a mix of white widow, Grand daddy purps, La cofidentila for a total of 12 plants out side. They got real fricken big too...Just bout harvest time,Then all of a sudden they were gone. Thats the lowest yeild I ever had...Yupp, either they grew fucking legs and ran off or I got ripped...You decide!