Everything MMA Thread


cain brutalized jds, surprised it didnt get stopped in the 1st. jds was really outfought on every level, think the 3rd fight will go the same i cant reli see jds coming back and beating cain after that (although i thought the same thing after the 1st fight).
on a side note the judge that scored 30-27 for guillard needs a guide dog

Marla 420

Well-Known Member
Damn Cain thrashed JDS hard. JDS/Cain 3 will be EPIC. I still wanna see JDS/Reem but I think after Reem/Bigfoot Reem will face Cain. I think Reem would beat JDS but I don't know if he can stop the TD from Cain. Will be a great fight to watch. If Jones moves up to face Reem/JDS/Cain he would get killed. I hope he moves up sooner rather than later.

Marla 420

Well-Known Member
Good way to take a loss, use it as motivation. I bet Browne comes back with fireworks
How is that a good way to take a loss? He was making excuses, also saying BF made his name off him. Like REally? BF is more known than Browne for sure if anything Browne was trying to make his name off BF. Browne is a decent HW though, I like him I just didn't like his excuses after he lost.


Well-Known Member
lol excuses?? Dude tore his hamstring! I wouldn't really call that an excuse..

I meant how he said he's going to take the loss and use it as motivation to get better. That's exactly what a fighter should do with a loss

Marla 420

Well-Known Member
That happens all the time. People fight with Broken bones and to a lesser extent mcl/acl tears/damage all the time. On every card fighters have those types of injuries and still fight on to get the win or get the lose. They don't make it seem like that's the only reason they lost. I didn't hear him say BF was a better fighter that night (which he was) he was basically saying If I didn't get injured I would have won. I like Browne I just didn't like the way he handled that loss.

Marla 420

Well-Known Member
Vitor/Bisping sat night, If Bisping wins they wanna feed him to Anderson (Easy win, as always in the MW divison) If Vitor KO's Bisping (Which will probably happen) Anderson has said he doesn't want to fight Vitor again. So this match is very important for what will happen with Anderson's next fight. If Bisping loses I don't know what Anderson will do, maybe sit out awhile. Weidman is pretty much the only legitimate contender if Bisping loses and Anderson doesn't wanna fight Vitor. Problem is Anderson already stated that he doesn't wanna fight Weidman either. So I will be very curious to see what happens. I hope Bisping loses so Anderson will HAVE to take on Weidman and quit ducking him. I also just dislike Bisping anyway.


Well-Known Member
I thought he called out Jones?
He did, and disrespected Chael in the process; calling him a clown!

IMHO, Sonnen vs Belfor will be a better fight then Jones vs Belfor 2

Vitor Belfor said:
"Take that punk Chael Sonnen, I don't even know what your name is, and get out," Belfort said right after the fight. "Dana, Lorenzo, kick him out. Let me fight Jon Jones. I need that rematch. Take that clown away. Go home. You did a reality show, go home. Let me fight the real champion. A champion against a champion - not that clown."
For those who think C.Weidman is a legitimate contender think again; he has no wins against top opponents. His last wins were Damien Maia, Mark Munuoz, and Tom Lawlor.

M.Bisping would have been a cake walk for A.Silva but he has more than put in his time and deserved a chance, only losses in the UFC have been to top contenders (W.Silva, C.Sonnen, R.Evans, D.Henderson).

Bisping may have inherited the K.Jardine syptom of only fighting previous champions, and never getting a title bout.



Well-Known Member
He called out Jones but that is not going to happen, he has not earned it yet....I want him to break Chael jaw...shut that big mouth up...if Jones don't kill him in the ring first that is....Dana is a turd with this lame ass ultimate. Fighter garbage...chael has no buisness fighting bones Jones...give the people what we want ...Silva vs Jones.


Well-Known Member
He called out Jones but that is not going to happen, he has not earned it yet....I want him to break Chael jaw...shut that big mouth up...if Jones don't kill him in the ring first that is....Dana is a turd with this lame ass ultimate. Fighter garbage...chael has no buisness fighting bones Jones...give the people what we want ...Silva vs Jones.
IMHO you do not get to call out someone who has already beaten you. Chael vs Vitor will be a better match than most would think.



Well-Known Member
Agree, Jones vs vigor will always end the same way...but chael will get embarrassed against Jones and belfort..