Flowering week 5 - yellowing of leaves - How r my plants doing?


Hey everyone, this is my first post on rollitup! I just wanted to post some pictures of my grow so far (1st grow) and see what you all think and also im looking for any helpful suggestions to make my plants healthier!

My grow:
3 plants
Lights: 1 400W Phillips metal halide bulb + 1 4' fluor. tube full spectrum...
Nutes: Plant Prod All Purpose 20-20-20... (use 1 time every two weeks putting half water/half nutes)
Water: ~400-500ml every day or whenever looking dry.
Grow room: white painted closet, 5'long by 7'tall by 3' wide
Temp: ~85-87 w/lights on...~60-65 with lights off
Air: just 1 regular fan running 24 hr. ...open my window every once in a while for some fresh air but its about -25celsius where i am in Canada so i cant give too much fresh air.
Not sure about strain.

Vegged for about 9weeks, and have been flowering (changed cycle to 12-12) for exactly 5 weeks today.

Thanks Alot and please post your thoughts!

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Well-Known Member
The yellowing of your leafs in flower is called senescence. Literally means "to grow old." Senescence is often highlighted by striking color changes in the floral clusters. Leaves, calyxes, and stems display auxiliary pigments ranging in color from yellow through red to deep purple. Eventually a brown shade pre-dominates and death is near.


thanks Jesus! topfuel is it possible i vegged too long and they will die b4 flowering is done? that would suck lol


Well-Known Member
yellowing is ok, the plant is focusing more energy on bud production and nitrogen is being sucked from these fan leaves. Some guys try to add a little nitrogen to improve green while flowering and I did myself after researching this method. I had over 30 plants and they were severely yellowing at week 4 ( I think) But what your doing is quite small scale so I wouldn't worry. Should finish fine. ~BCbuddy420 :leaf:


Well-Known Member
thanks Jesus! topfuel is it possible i vegged too long and they will die b4 flowering is done? that would suck lol
It's just a stage the plant goes into when it flowers. Everything is cool. It's like you getting grey hair, the plants getting old its flowering doing its thing. That's what they do. breed the next generation and die. Just like a salmon does after it spawns. Everything's cool bro :)


Well-Known Member
You should buy a better light for a start. Don't mean any offence but they are really not in a great state. Follow a grow diary on here, should be vegging for around 4 weeks unless you won't monsters! Which yours certainly ain't! Keep it simple 4 weeks then switch them.. Maybe look into rethinking nutes medium etc can still keep costs low but to be honest with that current setup I would say its almost a waste of time/electricity my friend


Well-Known Member
lol vegging for 4 weeks? wanted bigger plants man and they aint that small (2 are over 5feet)
That's a decent height. I've got a 3 foot veg rule in my grow room. 3' plants go to flower I end up usually with a 4'-5' plant. If I'm growing a sativa strain I'll add bush master first week of flower to stop elongation. Yah I don't know about the 4 week veg time.. 8-10 weeks are the veg times I usually hit.


Well-Known Member
Not to bust your balls but, the first couple pics look like overwatering and too much N. She seems awful green for 5 weeks in. I would pull back on the nutes and water for a week and see how she looks. Not bad for your first grow. Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
How high up from the plant have you kept the light? Your plant looks like it was stretching in veg big time to try to reach the light. You want to keep the light about 10-12 inches from the plant or as close as you can go without burning the plant. I would also get a better light 750w HPS would be much better than the 400w MH. Yellowing in flower in normal as said you can feed a little N and it will help with the yellowing but it wont hurt.


hmmm how often should i be watering because ive been putting a little bit less than a water bottle(500ml) everyday and my nutes (20-20-20) i put once every 2 weeks and only do half water half nutes (less than the package says)? should i not water for a couple days?


intenseneal i was down for the hps but i couldnt afford and a buddy lent me the MH. for vegging i used 2 cfls and a fluro tube 4' full spectrum (24hr a day) and kept the tube very close to the plants the whole time they grew but they just wouldnt stop growing up haha! could it be the strain?


why over fert tho i only put once every two weeks and dont even put that much? maybe its just the wrong fert? (20-20-20)


Active Member
Plant is heat stressed can see that from the first pik, would also cut back on the nutes especially n, that rust will start appearing everywhere if you dont, why not get a hps bulb?


cant afford someone lent me this one...how does that look heat stressed? lots of white hairs with some turning reddish brown...isnt that normal?


Active Member
Yep its normal for pistils(hairs) to change colour, this has nothing to do with heat stress, your leaves look over dry to the touch, correct me if im wrong just what it looks like from piks, also your temps are pretty high and have found that my own plants (sativa dominant)seem to go under heat stress during temps over 80-85f, where as the indicas seem to be more resilient, well my strains anyway, That plant looks as if it will easily go another 6 weeks from where you are now. Your lower leaves going yellow is purely from ageing of older leaves and not because your N deficient. 1 thing your plant is not is N deficient.