Clinton testifying on Bengazi


Well-Known Member
Does anyone actually think they are going to learn shit?

Remember when she got brought before congress about the healthcare mess when Clinton was in office? Remember how many times she didnt recall?

Now she has a concussion, blood clot, etc. to excuse any memory losses...



Well-Known Member
Have you ever thought about how 9/11 was an inside job? Osama isn't even dead. They just trick us all the time. They always be taking us for vantage!


Well-Known Member
Does anyone actually think they are going to learn shit?

Remember when she got brought before congress about the healthcare mess when Clinton was in office? Remember how many times she didnt recall?

Now she has a concussion, blood clot, etc. to excuse any memory losses...



Well-Known Member
She is faking brain clots AKA a stroke. These fucking liberal, god damn douche bags will stop at nothing! My Grandma died from a darn stroke and now they use it as a fake thing so they don'ts got talk about a bunch of people being murdered? Who do they think they is? At least Cheney and his sidekick bush could at least declare war legal like and kill millions under gods word. FUCK! FUCK! These fucking liberals are killing the world.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
I guess BarryO ran out of money.........

So when hillary and barry went fishing for muslim friends, they ended up using innocent americans for bait.............

The report established that the attack on the US mission on 11 September 2012 involved "arson, small arms and machine gun fire, and the use of RPGs, grenades, and mortars." State department budget shortfalls were one obstacle to reinforcing security at diplomatic outposts worldwide, the report said.

Maybe BarryO spent to much on solar power pipe dreams.........nitro..



Well-Known Member
LOL Yeah, they always try to hide behind it! We should really increase out defense budget by at least double so this wont not happen again! Fuck! I just feel like karate chopping something were on such a roll


Well-Known Member
I guess BarryO ran out of money.........

So when hillary and barry went fishing for muslim friends, they ended up using innocent americans for bait.............

The report established that the attack on the US mission on 11 September 2012 involved "arson, small arms and machine gun fire, and the use of RPGs, grenades, and mortars." State department budget shortfalls were one obstacle to reinforcing security at diplomatic outposts worldwide, the report said.

Maybe BarryO spent to much on solar power pipe dreams.........nitro..

OR it could be down to the GOP blocking funding for embassy security or would that be a stretch?


Well-Known Member
GUY! One time they tricked us going to war with Japan and German because they said that there was Nazis. History has proven over, and over again theier was know Hitler... They just keep making stuff up to ruin us. I always try to tell people this, but they always act like Im and idiot.


Well-Known Member
Hilarious when people like my idiotic posts that are intended to be so fucking stupid nobody could believe it, but still do. Speaks volumes about some of the people in the world...


Well-Known Member
GUY! One time they tricked us going to war with Japan and German because they said that there was Nazis. History has proven over, and over again theier was know Hitler... They just keep making stuff up to ruin us. I always try to tell people this, but they always act like Im and idiot.
they made up hitler?

i've only just met you and i can see theres a good reason why people act like your an idiot

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
OR it could be down to the GOP blocking funding for embassy security or would that be a stretch?
I can't dummy down that much...sorry............................The last time I looked.... BarryO was still spending money like a kid in a candy store....IMO.....Weather the GOP liked it or not...........The GOP excuse didn't work two years ago.............nitro..


Well-Known Member
I can't dummy down that much...sorry............................The last time I looked.... BarryO was still spending money like a kid in a candy store....IMO.....Weather the GOP liked it or not...........The GOP excuse didn't work two years ago.............nitro..
On this note I'm out. I see the sort of people I was talking to were exactly what I thought they were.............................................................................. lol. Generally the dumbest people are the most vocal. This happens to be the case wherever you go in the world. Just like work I see all the right wing lunatics preaching all day at work, and think "hmmm that guy has about 2 months before they fire him", and what do you know? It happens every time. Had a moron try to tell me out of the blue why slavery was a good idea, but was just a little flawed. He happened to be a adamant Rush Limbaugh listener as well. Congrats, everyone thinks you're a fucking idiot. Have a nice life.


Well-Known Member
I can't dummy down that much...sorry............................The last time I looked.... BarryO was still spending money like a kid in a candy store....IMO.....Weather the GOP liked it or not...........The GOP excuse didn't work two years ago.............nitro..
i think you have "dummy down" too much for your own good already

"House Republicans cut the administration's request for embassy security funding by $128 million in fiscal 2011 and $331 million in fiscal 2012."

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
i think you have "dummy down" too much for your own good already

"House Republicans cut the administration's request for embassy security funding by $128 million in fiscal 2011 and $331 million in fiscal 2012."
I look at it this way.....If we have marines that are on the payroll 365 days a year,.......Why does it cost more when we are paying them already.....Do you think we pay them twice?...just because we send them somewhere?................nitro...


Well-Known Member
I look at it this way.....If we have marines that are on the payroll 365 days a year,.......Why does it cost more when we are paying them already.....Do you think we pay them twice?...just because we send them somewhere?................nitro...
you dont think maintaining a military presence costs more on the other side of the world than it does in your own back yard?

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
you dont think maintaining a military presence costs more on the other side of the world than it does in your own back yard?
We are talking about an embassy ...........That is already there, not starting another war..........When it comes to employee's in my business, there safety allways comes first.....If it wasn't that way I would be considered a piece of shit......And that's what it looks like here......these's innocent people got used for political bait....and that is just the way I see it.........No big can blame the GOP,.. but only in politics,... because in the real world safety does come first , or you get sued and lose everything..............nitro..


Well-Known Member
We are talking about an embassy ...........That is already there, not starting another war..........When it comes to employee's in my business, there safety allways comes first.....If it wasn't that way I would be considered a piece of shit......And that's what it looks like here......these's innocent people got used for political bait....and that is just the way I see it.........No big can blame the GOP,.. but only in politics,... because in the real world safety does come first , or you get sued and lose everything..............nitro..

i wasnt asking to start another war i was wondering if you thought it cost the same to operate on the other side of the world compared to your back yard?

facts are the republicans blocked money that would have gone to maintaining security at embassies around the world