
you do know this forum is for 18+ right? You look like a 12 year old Harry Potter.
Wolf hybrids can act just like dogs though. They can also act just like wolves. Depends on their "phenotype".

Its still unknown if german shepherd have wolf blood in them from the late 1800's and the early 1900's. Still though, A shepherd nowadays would only have like 1-3 % wolf blood compared to many other dogs that have 0.0004%. But in certain states like maine you can get wolf hybrid dogs. low content hybrid= 25% wolf 75%dog. mid content =50%wolf 50% dog. high content= 75%+ wolf <25% dog

I still kinda want to breed my shepherd to a low-mid content hybrid that has the characteristics of a dog.
Wolf hybrids can act just like dogs though. They can also act just like wolves. Depends on their "phenotype".

Wolf hybrids were recently outlawed here in Alaska, too many people being (viciously) injured by them.
And we just had a school teacher killed by a wild one (or more) while she was jogging.

I have had the experience of looking into a live, 100% wild wolves eyes & I saw that there was no possibility of domesticating one.
They do not have "dog" eyes and definitely look at humans as equals (and are not subservient).
Wolf hybrids were recently outlawed here in Alaska, too many people being (viciously) injured by them.
And we just had a school teacher killed by a wild one (or more) while she was jogging.

I have had the experience of looking into a live, 100% wild wolves eyes & I saw that there was no possibility of domesticating one.
They do not have "dog" eyes and definitely look at humans as equals (and are not subservient).

I disagree.I pet one before we killed her.After that I don't trap them anymore,I stick to beavers and such
stop talking about dogs. Make a new fucking thread if you love dogs so fucking much. For fuck sake.

i mean would you just look at that!
I disagree.I pet one before we killed her.After that I don't trap them anymore,I stick to beavers and such

The only thing that gave me the willies more than knocking & choking out a wolf is trying it with a frisky wolverine.
I've done enough of each to make sure I always had my buckmark with me from then on.

BTW, sorry for the edit on your post - all I have to do is hit one wrong button & it all goes to shit.
So what did I do ? You guessed it.