Light creeping in grow room


Active Member
Nebie here have a question concerning light.Iin the OFF light cycle of a grow room, is it a must for complete total darkness ,because I know that i can see light creeping through the bottom of my grow room door when my MH is on so that tells me that in the off cycle light is creeping in , the grow setup is 16'' off the floor , So my question is how will this effect the grow , Ive thought about it outside grows get light to an extent from man made situations and also the moon when it in full cresent, So how big of a problem do you think I might have, Yes my light creep can be fixed,but would like some real growers opion on this subject.Thanks
Any light leaks will create possible Hermaphros result and no matter your yields will be significantly reduced by having a light leak .. Best to at least roll up a towel and cover this up .. I put weather flaps on the inside of my door to eliminate this issue .. Most newer fabricated homes have a gap below the doors for proper air circulation
Thank so much for then reply , Yea like I said can fix and will ,have the fix already designed, just that this is a new room and have been testing for a few days now and got it dialed in perfectly , but all is good will rectify light creep and start testing temps again. Thanks again
suggest you go sit in the dark to really know what you have. the towel suggestion is great. Maybe some paint tarp you can buy a roll of it at wally world for 10 bucks and tape it to the bottom of the door and leave length on the floor. something like that.
suggest you go sit in the dark to really know what you have. the towel suggestion is great. Maybe some paint tarp you can buy a roll of it at wally world for 10 bucks and tape it to the bottom of the door and leave length on the floor. something like that.

Nebie here have a question concerning light.Iin the OFF light cycle of a grow room, is it a must for complete total darkness ,because I know that i can see light creeping through the bottom of my grow room door when my MH is on so that tells me that in the off cycle light is creeping in , the grow setup is 16'' off the floor , So my question is how will this effect the grow , Ive thought about it outside grows get light to an extent from man made situations and also the moon when it in full cresent, So how big of a problem do you think I might have, Yes my light creep can be fixed,but would like some real growers opion on this subject.Thanks

Bro, if the leak is small and not reflecting directly on your plants, it's not going to affect anything.
If you are that worried about it, fix your light leak by installing a door sweep on the bottom of your door, $2.99 Home Depot.
i had my room up and running for about 13 or 15 weeks and my plants near this 1 wall had started seriously stretching and acting almost reveggy...

turns out i had sealed the room so well that over time my exhaust fan had warped a board and was pulling it enough to allow just the slightest hint of light into that area of the room

so little light tha i could barely discern the shape of my hand more than a foot or so away

a little spray foam and the strtch stopped and tight budding began anew

edit - i say all that to say that

yes, it matters
Thanks for all the response , already had the fix at hand if need just had to add the same 2''x1/4'' duct gasket that I already sealed the top and sides of the door001.jpg006.jpg ,so all is Dark,the lite creep was a easy fix it was that I was using the bottom door gap as make up air, and I new by sealing it it would create a temp rise in my already tested tweeked room ,So had to find a good way to add more air to the room ,glad I did though I have much better control over the temps now , before I could only get a 4 deg differental from the house ambient temp now I can dial it rite down to the same ambient inside and out, and while I was at it I added a way to pull some outside air in if needed for further lowering of temps ,again thanks
so little light tha i could barely discern the shape of my hand more than a foot or so away

a little spray foam and the strtch stopped and tight budding began anew

edit - i say all that to say that

yes, it matters

Bro, not trying to start any shit but the small amount of light you are talking about is far less than the light coming from a full moon, hell some people can even read a book under a full moon!
In fact, many people grow outdoors in cities and have no problem with the lights effecting their flowers.

IMO, your stretching was caused by other factors or the light leak was much more than you described.